Chapter 679 Hunyuan Fruit!
"Report to Your Majesty, the last general has found some news!"

In the evening, Bai Qi, Ran Deng came from outside, walked into the inn, and Bai Qi said quickly.


Qin Feng stopped the exercise in his body, stopped practicing, opened his eyes, looked at Bai Qi and Ran Deng, and said majesticly.

After Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, and Tong Tian heard the movement, they also came in a hurry, and they also wanted to know the surrounding situation.

"This sea of ​​star domains is composed of tens of thousands of star domains, and its territory is so vast that it is unimaginable!"

"Even in the Xuanhuang Great World, it is ranked among the top three powerful seas of star fields!"

"There are three supernatural forces in this sea of ​​stars! One is the Purple Flame Sect, the other is the All Saints Alliance of the Sanxiu Alliance, and the third is the Ten Fang Tianzong!"

"The three supernatural forces have profound backgrounds, and they all have the most holy 36 heaven-level powerhouses!"

"As for the supreme power of the Dao, it is already a legend in this sea of ​​stars, even in the Xuanhuang Great World, it is almost a legend!"

"Almost all the major forces that survive in this star field are subordinated to the three extraordinary forces!"

"The Chenxuan City where we are now is an inconspicuous city under the All Saints Alliance!"

Bai Qi's eyes flickered from time to time, he felt the power of this star field, and a fighting spirit rose in his heart.

Finally, one day he will stand at the peak of this sea of ​​stars and make His Majesty the king of the sea of ​​stars!

Let thousands of forces pay homage to His Majesty!Surrender at Your Majesty's feet!

Ran Deng, Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, and Tong Tian all had a fighting spirit in their hearts, and they must all submit to His Majesty's feet.

"Purple Flame Sect, All Saints Alliance, Ten Directions Heavenly Sect!"

Qin Feng murmured softly.

The entire Sea of ​​Stars is ruled by the Purple Flame Sect, All Saints Alliance, and Shifang Tianzong. If he wants to establish power in the Sea of ​​Stars, he has to choose three major forces to join.

Otherwise, if you build up a force rashly, you may be attacked by the three major forces, and you will suffer heavy losses, or even die.

Qin Feng's eyes were shining brightly, and finally he chose to temporarily join the Halloween League.

The Halloween League is united as a casual cultivator force, and the rules are loose!fit him into it.

"Senior Qin actually came to Chenxuan City!"

When Liu Chenglang heard the report from his subordinates and learned that Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng and others had also come to Chenxuan City, his face showed excitement.

"Go, follow me to meet Senior Qin!"

Liu Chenglang led a thirteenth heavenly powerhouse who is the most holy of heaven, and quickly walked towards Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng and other inns.

All the strong men he recruited before have left, leaving only one strong man from the most holy thirteenth heaven.

The remaining strong man came from his mother's family, and he was as prosperous as he was, and as he was, he was ashamed as he was!
Liu Chenglang was unwilling to be suppressed by Liu Yiquan!He wants to resist, and he must resist. Now Liu Weiquan is afraid of the elders and dare not kill him, but after Liu Weiquan becomes the head of the family, he will definitely die.

But his strength is too weak to resist Liu Weiquan at all, so he can only rely on external force.

He has a Hunyuan Fruit in his hand, and if he swallows it, there is a [-]% chance of breaking through to the fourteenth heaven, the most holy of heavens!

Only his confidants knew about this matter, and there was no suitable candidate for his subordinates who he trusted completely, so it was delayed all the time.

For the other martial arts who followed him, he was worried that it was the eyeliner of other princes who had a conspiracy, so he never showed it.

As for the strong man from his mother's family, he was severely injured before, and his injuries have not yet healed, so he is not suitable for taking it.

Now he is going to take out the Hunyuan Fruit and invite Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng and other generals to help him win the position of Patriarch.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Liu Chenghuang is here to visit!"

Xing Tian walked outside Qin Feng's room and said in a deep voice.

"Liu Chenghuang? Why did this person come here!"

"Let him in!"

Qin Feng opened his eyes, showing doubts, and finally said in a deep voice.

"Liu Chenglang pays respects to Senior Qin!"

Liu Chenghong entered the room alone, while Xu Ronggao waited outside.
"Why did Mr. Liu come here?"

Qin Feng said lightly.

He was not at all surprised that Liu Chenglang knew that he had entered Chenxuan City,
Chenxuan City is dominated by the Liu family, Liu Chenghuang, as the third young master of the Liu family, is full of Liu Chenghuang's eyeliner in Chenxuan City.

"Senior Qin, I want to ask you to help me fight against Liu Yiquan and ascend to the position of Patriarch!"

Liu Chenghuang bowed deeply to Qin Feng and said in a deep voice.

"I have just come to Starfield Sea, and I don't want to cause trouble, Mr. Liu, please come back!"

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Senior Qin, as long as you promise to help me! I am willing to dedicate this thing to senior!"

With a movement of his arm, Liu Chenghuang took out the Hunyuan fruit from the space ring, and said to Qin Feng.

"Mixed fruit!"

Qin Feng said in surprise when he saw the gray fruit on Liu Chenghuang's palm.

"Senior Qin has good eyesight, this thing is the Hunyuan fruit, and I got it by chance!"

Liu Chenglang said in a deep voice.

He wants to live, to live at all costs, even if he fails, he has worked hard!

"Okay! I promise you, but I still need to break through to the treasures of heaven and earth, the most holy thirteen heavens!"

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Senior Qin, do you think this thing is suitable?"

Liu Chenglang didn't ask any further questions, and directly took out a stalk of spiritual grass. This spiritual grass was unusual, and what he bore were not fruits, but stars, called Star Picking Grass!


With a palm move, Qin Feng picked up the star picking grass and nodded.

"Senior Qin, I used up my savings by recruiting other strong people before, but as long as Senior Qin helps me become the head of the Liu family, I will control the property of the Liu family, and I will thank you very much!"

Liu Chenglang said quickly.

"Don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will definitely help you ascend to the position of Patriarch!"

Qin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Senior Qin, you refine the Hunyuan Fruit first, and after you break through the Fourteenth Heaven's Most Holy Heaven, you can come to the Liu family to find me!"

"At that time, I will discuss the big plan with the senior!"

There was a thick smile on Liu Chenghuang's face. Seeing hope, he quickly backed away and returned to Liu's house.

"Xing Tian, ​​you are the first to break through the Twelve Heavens, the Most Holy Heaven, and your cultivation base is stable. The chances of breaking through the Thirteenth Heavens, the Most Holy Heaven, are higher. This is up to you!"

Qin Feng summoned Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng, and Xiang Yu, handed Xing Tian the Grass Picking Stars, and said in his mouth.

"Sir, my subordinates have detected the power hidden in the hands of the third young master!"

Lang Quankun hurried to Liu Weiquan's room and said quickly to Liu Weiquan.


Liu Yiquan's mind was concentrated, his eyes looked at Lang Quankun for an instant, and he said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to Eldest Young Master, the power hidden in the hands of the third young master has entered Chenxuan City, and is now living in seclusion in the inn!"

"They are looking for news about Chenxuan City!"

Lang Quankun said quickly.

"it is good!"

Liu Yiquan laughed loudly.

"Have you ever found out their cultivation?"

Liu Yiquan said quickly.

"The subordinates didn't detect it. The strength revealed by the other party is just the most holy twelve heavens. They may kill Liu Hainan, Jin Liuhuang, and Wu Hongchun. They are by no means weak, they must be hiding their strength!"

Lang Quankun said in a low voice.


"You monitor them closely. Tomorrow morning, I will invite my third brother to the inn, and let him see his last hope is shattered!"

"You step back!"

Liu Yiquan said coldly.

After waiting for Lang Quankun to retreat, Liu Yiquan got up and went to Xuan Qingtian's room. He invited Xuan Qingtian to go with him tomorrow.

With Senior Xuan's Heavenly Dao, the most holy and fourteenth heavenly powerhouse in the formation, it can be sure that nothing will go wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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