Chapter 682 Dangerous!

"The last will obey!"

Ran Deng said loudly.

"Wait, stop!"

The top of the burning lamp evolves into 24 heavens, the body soars into the sky, and the huge majesty is released, majestic Chenxuan City.



Liu Wangbei, the First Elder of the Liu Family, Liu Mingqiang, the Second Elder, and others felt that another strong man was coming, and retreated towards each other.

Xing Tian's figure was in a mess, his body was covered with large and small injuries, but his aura was even stronger, and his fighting spirit was overwhelming.

Xing Tian flew to the side of Ran Deng, and stood side by side with Ran Deng, looking at Liu Wangbei and Liu Mingqiang full of fighting spirit.

"His Majesty Qin Huang, the general of the Great Qin Sacred Court, has seen you all by burning the lamp!"

Ran Deng cupped his fists and said loudly.

"Great Qin Holy Court?"

Liu Wangbei and Liu Mingqiang frowned when they saw Xing Tian and Ran Deng standing together, showing a little dignified expression.

As for the Daqin Holy Court mentioned by Ran Deng, they have never heard of it.

"Your Majesty has an order that Chenxuan City should submit to the Great Qin Sacred Court! Are you willing to submit?"

Ran Deng held up the 24 heavens, exuding a tyrannical, majestic, vast, and huge momentum from his body, and said loudly.


"Does this person not know how to write the word dead? How dare he be so arrogant and domineering!"

"Two martial cultivators from the most holy and fourteenth heavens dare to conquer Chenxuan City. They simply don't know how to write the word dead!"

Many Wuxiu onlookers looked at each other, all of them were facing the lamp, and Xing Tian showed a mocking and sneering expression.

"Domineering, really domineering!"

"But do you know that domineering requires strength!"

"Without strength, even if you are domineering, you are nothing but an ant!"

Liu Wangbei said in a cold voice.

"I'm not strong, but it's easy to suppress you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ran Deng's mouth, and he said loudly.


"Destroy him!"

"Two of the most holy fourteenth heaven martial cultivators in the district want to subdue Chenxuan City. They are whimsical, and they are looking for death!"

Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and other seven elders of the Liu family were completely enraged, their momentum swept away everything, and the entire void was shattered under the momentum.


Ran Deng was high above, and said majesticly and vastly in his mouth.




There are 24 heavens on the top of the lamp, and there are dazzling lights emitting from the 24 heavens. There are also three thousand laws surging, which generate a huge suppressing force, and suppress Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and other martial arts.




Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and the other seven elders felt a huge force hit the void, blood sprayed from their mouths, and their bodies were thrown away.

Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and other seven elders fell into the city and were suppressed on the ground, unable to move.

"You can take it?"

Ran Deng said loudly.

This time, none of the martial arts practitioners questioned the lamp, and the lamp used its own tyrannical strength to block the mouths of many martial arts practitioners.

Wu Xiu, who was watching around, looked at Ran Deng with nothing but shock and awe!

Liu Wangbei snorted coldly, he is a strong man of the most holy fourteenth heaven, he has the dignity of a strong man, he is unwilling to bow his head,
Liu Mingqiang and other six martial artists worked hard to run their internal exercises to resist the huge majesty of the lamp, and remained silent.

The cold eyes of Ran Deng flashed by, and the aura of his body increased sharply, and the 24 heavens were suspended on Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and others.



Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and others were forcefully suppressed by the 24-party world, and blood was sprayed from their mouths.

Their bodies and primordial spirits are on the verge of collapse.

"You can take it?"

Ran Deng said lightly.

"I'm taking it!"

Facing death, Liu Wangbei finally gave in, said in a deep voice.

"I'm waiting!"

Liu Wangbei's surrender became the last straw that crushed Liu Mingqiang and other martial artists, and they all spoke.

"Very good! Quickly follow me to meet His Majesty!"

Ran Deng nodded in satisfaction, and restrained the power of the 24 heavens, but did not put it away. If Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and other martial arts had any abnormalities, he could suppress them instantly.

"Your Majesty, they have agreed to submit to the Great Qin Sacred Court for His Majesty's command!"

Ran Deng walked up to Qin Feng, clasped his fists in both hands, and said in a deep voice.


When Ran Deng saw Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang did not salute Qin Feng, his brows frowned, and his eyes turned cold.

"Liu Wangbei pays homage to His Majesty Qin Huang, and is willing to serve His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Liu Mingqiang pays homage to His Majesty Qin Huang, and is willing to be driven by His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang and other elders felt cold when they saw Ran Deng's cold expression. They cupped their fists and bowed deeply to Qin Feng.

"Get up!"

Qin Feng said flatly.

Soon the whole Chenxuan City calmed down, but it was not peaceful outside Chenxuan City. The surrounding forces and cities were all alarmed by the battle just now, and they sent strong men one after another.

When many strong men arrived at Chenxuan City, the fighting had stopped. Instead of leaving directly, they entered into Chenxuan City to find out why the fierce battle broke out just now.

Inquire about the final solution, if both sides suffer, they should enjoy the benefits of fishing.
The spies of other forces hidden in Chenxuan City also sent news to the forces behind them.

Although the major forces, Chengchi and Chenxuan City are affiliated forces of the All Saints Alliance, they will not live in peace.

They have their own conflicts, and they all want to destroy each other, plunder each other's territory, and strengthen their own power.

"One person at the same level suppresses the seven elders of the Liu family!"

After hearing the news, Wang Guanqi, the lord of Stargazing City, showed shock on his face, and quickly summoned his strong men.

Share the intelligence with them!

"City Master, is this news true or false?"

Wang Guanqi sat down and asked quickly, Chen Hewen, the first fierce player, with a face full of disbelief.

To suppress seven martial artists of the same level with one's own strength, what a tyrannical combat power, it is simply invincible at the same level.

"I have sent someone to confirm that the news is true!"

"When they were fighting back then, the entire Chenxuan City was shocked, and all the martial artists in the city could see it clearly!"

Wang Guanqi said in a deep voice.


Chen Hewen and the other six Heavenly Dao Most Holy Fourteenth Layer experts gasped. After learning that the news was true, they were completely shocked.

"There is such a strong man in the world, one person can suppress seven martial artists of the same level!"

Wang Hao gasped and said in shock.

"Everyone, don't be surprised. According to the news I found out, this person's ability to overwhelm seven heavenly holy fourteenth heaven powerhouses is based on a spirit treasure!"

Wang Guanqi said in a deep voice.


"City Lord, are you serious?"

Chen Hewen and Wang Hao's eyes lit up suddenly, their expressions showed excitement, and they said loudly.

"It should be true!"

Wang Guanqi nodded.

The eyes of Chen Hewen, Wang Hao and other powerhouses flickered, with greedy eyes in their eyes.

Similar things happened in the surrounding sects, dynasties, and cities, and a large number of heavenly, most holy, and fourteenth-layer powerhouses rushed to Chenxuan City quietly.

Treasures touch people's hearts, let alone a treasure!
Whoever gets it can beat the same realm! "

(End of this chapter)

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