Chapter 686 Beheading!

"Good, good, good!"

"What a Chenxuan city, it doesn't even take me seriously!"

Hu Wutian saw Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Bai Qi, Tong Tian and other martial arts standing proudly, even without the slightest respect in their eyes.
Hu Wutian felt provoked, and the anger in his body rose rapidly, and the surrounding space was trembling and cracking, he said angrily.

Thunder and lightning flashed around, and the whole world seemed to be shattered. Hu Wutian was furious, as if the world was ending.

"Kneel down for me!"

The spear in Hu Wutian's hand exuded a bright light, and a huge force emanated from it, suppressing Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Bai Qi, Tong Tian and others.

"Kneel down! I will spare you!"

Qin Feng had a majestic face, looked at Hu Wutian with cold eyes, and said majesticly and domineeringly.

"you wanna die!"

Hu Wutian was taken aback for a moment, and after a while he roared, and swung the spear in his hand towards the bottom.

"Is this person a fool? How dare he be so arrogant and domineering!"

"The commander of Huwei is the most holy and fifteenth heavenly powerhouse in the way of heaven, who can sweep everything!"

"This person is looking for death, what a strong commander Huwei is, he dares to provoke!"

"General Huwei's combat strength is outstanding, even in the fifteenth heaven of the most holy heaven, he is the best in the fifteenth heaven of the most holy heaven, and the fourteenth heaven of the most holy heaven jumps into the line of General Huwei, I simply don't know how to write the word dead!"

Wang Guanqi, Chen Hewen, Wang Hao, Long Hongwei, and Emperor Xingyao looked at Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Bai Qi, Tong Tian and other martial artists with a sneer.

"Your Majesty told you to kneel down, didn't you hear?"

The violent aura on Xing Tian's body instantly burst out, and he slashed at the spear with an axe, screaming angrily.


The Xing Tian ax struck the spear, and a violent force was transmitted to Hu Wutian's hands, knocking him back.



Hu Wutian's body was shaken back and hit a planet, directly crushing the planet.

"The Daqin Sacred Court has the most holy and fifteenth heaven powerhouse in the way of heaven!"

Wang Guanqi, Chen Hewen, Wang Hao, Long Hongwei, and Xingyao Emperor saw Hu Wutian being blown away, their faces became dull, full of inconceivable, unbelievable.

When they looked at Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Yu and other martial artists again, the ridicule, sneer, and contempt in their eyes quickly disappeared, leaving only awe and terror.

They were glad that Hu Wutian came to test the true strength of the Daqin Holy Court, otherwise they would be the next ones to die.

Liu Wangbei, Liu Mingqiang felt very lucky, fortunately, he surrendered to the Great Qin Sacred Court at the beginning, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"You turned out to be the most holy fifteenth heavenly powerhouse!"

Hu Wutian held the spear tightly in his palm, his palm, his arm, and the spear were shaking violently, and the force on it had not been completely released.

"Kneel down, Your Majesty will spare your life!"

Holding the Xingtian ax and the Xingtian shield, Xingtian stood above the void, looking down at Hu Wutian, and said loudly.

"Ha ha!"

"If you want me to kneel down, do you deserve it too?"

Hu Wutian said sharply, his body burst into battle, his eyes were red, and he stabbed Xing Tian fiercely with his spear.

"The speed is good, but your strength is far behind!"

The Xingtian shield in Xingtian's hand resisted the attack, and quickly struck Hu Wutian with an axe.

When Hu Wutian saw Xing Tian attacking, he shook the spear in his palm and blocked Xing Tian's ax with the handle of the gun.




Xing Tian's ax carries infinite power, and it can open up the world with one axe. It bombards the spear and blasts it away.


Hu Wutian let out a cry of pain, the spear was bombarded and trembled violently in his palm, infinite force came out from the spear, making his palm bloody and bloody.


Xing Tian blasted away the spear with one axe, quickly changed direction, and slashed at Hu Wutian's waist, directly splitting his body and spirit in half.

"Your Majesty tells you to kneel down! Do you dare not obey?"

Xing Tian stepped on Hu Wutian's head, put Xing Tian's ax on Hu Wutian's head, and said angrily.

"Go away!"

Hu Wutian's eyes were red, filled with deep anger, and he began to struggle hard.

But his strength was far behind that of Xing Tian, ​​and he couldn't break free at all. He was firmly suppressed by Xing Tian and fell to the ground.

"I kneel!"

Hu Wutian clenched his fists tightly, and finally said aggrievedly.

"General Huwei, the master of Illusory Dragon City, pays his respects to Your Excellency!"

Hu Wutian said in a deep voice.

"Tell me about the strength of Illusory Dragon City!"

"Remember what you're going to hide!"

"Once I find out that you have lied to me, I will make you die a miserable death!"

Qin Feng said coldly.

"Don't worry, I will never lie to you!"

Hu Wutian said quickly.

He also counted on the strength of Magic Dragon City, so that Qin Feng would not dare to be an enemy of Magic Dragon City, so he let him go.

"The lord of Illusory Dragon City is the most holy sixteenth heavenly powerhouse. There are six most holy fifteenth heavenly powerhouses under the command of the city lord! There are countless other powerhouses!"

"You let me go quickly, I can pretend I don't know anything about the past, nothing happened!"

Hu Wutian said in a deep voice, telling the strength of Magic Dragon City.


Qin Feng's eyes were shining brightly, and he said lightly.

Those who violate the Great Qin Court will be punished even if they are far away!

Even if it offends Illusory Dragon City, it doesn't matter, Daqin Sacred Court is not afraid of anything!
"The last will obey!"

Xingtian swung the Xingtian ax in Xingtian's hand instantly, and before Hu Wutian could react, he smashed his body and soul into pieces.




The evil spirit surged from Xing Tian's body, covering the sky and covering the earth, turning it into an attack method, destroying Hu Wutian's vitality.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Dao's Most Sacred Fourteenth Heaven Generals card! (Lantern exclusive package card!)"


"Go quickly!"

Wang Guanqi, Chen Hewen, Wang Hao, Long Hongwei, Xingyao Emperor and other powerhouses saw that Qin Feng was not afraid of the forces behind Hu Wutian, and killed Hu Wutian,

They were afraid in their hearts, afraid that Qin Fengqiu would settle accounts, and quickly fled towards the distance.




Ran Deng, Xiang Yu, Bai Qi, Tong Tian, ​​Liu Wangbei and others quickly broke through the air and surrounded Wang Guanqi, Chen Hewen, Wang Hao and others.

"Back off, let me wait quickly!"

Wang Guanqi said angrily.

"No one is allowed to leave without His Majesty's order, and those who violate it will be killed!"

Holding the Overlord Spear in his hand, Xiang Yu shocked all the heroes, and said sonorously.

"Offenders will be killed!"

"Offenders will be killed!"

"Offenders will be killed!"

Ran Deng, Bai Qi, Tong Tian, ​​Liu Wang Bei and others let out a long whistle, and their hearts were extremely excited.

"Surrender to the Great Qin Sacred Court, I can spare you a way out!"

Qin Feng walked towards the void slowly, the imperial aura exuding from his body became more and more intense, and he said loudly.

"If you don't submit, you die!"

"The Holy Court of Great Qin will never let us go! Only surrender!"

Wang Guanqi, Chen Hewen, Wang Hao and other martial artists said in a cold voice.

"Stargazing City greets His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Sacred Emperor Qingtian pays homage to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Sacred Heavenly Star pays homage to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Wang Guanqi, Chen Hewen, Long Hongwei, Xingyao the Great, all in awe of the Great Qin's power, chose to surrender to the Great Qin Sacred Court in the face of death.

(End of this chapter)

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