Chapter 695 Abyss Grand Canyon!
"Brother Sheng's combat awareness is simply astonishing. In just a short time, he wants to quickly defeat Tai Yi!"

Leng Huan said with a light smile.

"Brother Sheng's twin swords contain the power of thunder, who among the powerhouses of the same level dares to take it head-on! Defeat Taiyi with one blow! So that Emperor Qin, Taiyi can recognize the reality!"

"The Great Qin Sacred Court is very powerful, but there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people! There are many people who are stronger than the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

Le Haiying said loudly.


"Good method, but you are too weak to hurt me! Open it!"

Tai Yi saw Sheng Senxu's thunderous attack, with a chuckle on his face, the confidence between his brows did not change at all, and he said loudly.


Tai Yi slammed the Chaos Clock, the body of the Chaos Clock trembled, and there was a deafening sound, and an invisible wave of air immediately bombarded away in all directions.


When the air wave bombarded the two swords, there was an even louder bang.


Sheng Senxu felt the huge force coming from the two swords in his palm, he let out a muffled groan, and his body backed away uncontrollably.


Sheng Senxu withdrew from Baili, stomped on the void behind him, shattered the void directly, and stopped his figure.

"What a powerful force!"

Sheng Senxu's hands trembled uncontrollably, and he said in a deep voice.

"You can't do it alone!"

Holding the Chaos Clock in his hand, Taiyi exuded a monstrous aura, and said loudly, his eyes defying all directions.

"Humph! Come again!"

Sheng Senxu said angrily.

How can he defeat a strong player at the same level with one move!


Sheng Senxu swung his two swords and launched his martial arts. The two swords continued to attack and cut off Taiyi.



Tai's face was stern, his brows were full of confidence, he was calm and composed, and with the chaotic clock in his hand, he easily blocked Sheng Senxu's attack.



Sheng Senxu was constantly sent flying, his body and soul were covered with injuries!
"Let's go up together!"

Tai Yi looked at Leng Huan, Le Haiying said loudly.



Leng Huan and Le Haiying looked at each other, and then a powerful aura erupted from their bodies, charging towards the void.

They saw Taiyi's powerful fighting power and knew that Sheng Senxu could not win alone!

Taiyi holds the Chaos Clock high, which can suppress time and space, exuding a huge suppressing force, and suppressing Leng Huan, Le Haiying, and Sheng Senxu.




Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying felt the huge force of suppression, and retreated quickly, groaning.




Tai Yi kept ringing the Chaos Bell, one after another ferocious and majestic attack power came out from the Chaos Bell, facing Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying in all directions, almost pressing Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying.

Taiyi even used the real fire of the sun, which already made Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying into a mess.

"How is this person so powerful?"

Leng Huan was shocked.

"Qin Huang, I'm afraid Taiyi didn't lie before, the strength of the Daqin Sacred Court is really the strongest among the four major forces!"

Le Haiying said in a deep voice.

"The Daqin Sacred Court has a total of two heavenly most holy seventeenth-level powerhouses! If the other one also has the combat power of Taiyi!"

"Then the Great Qin Sacred Court can rule the roost among the four major forces and become the leader of the four major forces!"

"Hiss, Emperor Qin didn't lie at all, it's because of my shallow knowledge!"

Sheng Senxu said loudly.


Tai Yi let out a roar, and poured his whole body of mana into the Chaos Clock, and a larger, vast force emanated from the Chaos Clock.




Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying only felt a tightness in their chests, and a huge, vast force surged.

The huge force directly retreated Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying, and threw them into the distance.

"I can fight three against one, and win the battle! Are you convinced?"

Tai said loudly.

"I am convinced!"

"Be convinced!
Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying lowered their heads and said loudly.

"In the future, we will wait for the four major forces to be headed by the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

"In the future, we will wait for the four major forces to be headed by the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

"In the future, we will wait for the four major forces to be headed by the Great Qin Sacred Court!"

Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying flew up from the void, walked to the middle of the banquet, clasped their fists, and said in awe.

In the following time, Xuantian Divine Sect, Tianwu Sacred Sect, Zhenyu Sect, and Daqin Sacred Court formally formed an alliance.

Three days later, Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying bid farewell to generals like Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​and Tai Yi, and returned to the sect.

"Your Majesty, I have found the news of Tiandi Xuanhuangguo from the records in the collection of books in Illusory Dragon City!"

Bai Qi hurriedly walked outside the Lingxiao Palace, with a thick smile on his face, excited, and said loudly to Qin Feng.

Tiandi Xuanhuang Fruit is an extremely precious treasure of heaven and earth, which can be used to break through the realm of the seventeenth heaven, the most sacred of heaven and earth.

"Find out the specific location for me, I am determined to get it!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said loudly.

"Your Majesty! This is an invitation from Tianwu Shengzong!"

Three years later, Li Kui walked into Lingxiao Palace holding an invitation card, clasped his fists, and said in awe.

"An invitation from the Heavenly Martial Sect?"

With a swipe of the palm of his hand, Qin Feng took the invitation card from Tianwu Sacred Sect, and saw the huge happy word in his eyes!
When I opened the invitation, I found that Tianwu Shengzong and Lei Wuzong were both in-laws, and Qin Feng was invited to attend the wedding.

The eldest son of Tianwu Shengzong's patriarch is going to marry the eighth daughter of Lei Wuzong's great elder, and the two major forces will become in-laws!

Lei Wuzong is not an ordinary force. The strength of Lei Wuzong is extremely powerful. It can crush Xuansheng Shenzong, Tianwu Shengzong, and Suppressing Prison Sect, because Lei Wuzong has the power of the most holy eighteenth heaven to sit in the town!
"Li Kui, send a message to Tianwu Shengzong, and tell me that I will definitely go there when the time comes!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth. The marriage between Tianwu Sacred Sect and Lei Wuzong is not only beneficial to Tianwu Sacred Sect, but also very beneficial to Xuanwu Sacred Sect, Suppressing Prison Sect, and Great Qin Sacred Court.

"The last will obey!"

Li Kui quickly walked towards the outside of Lingxiao Palace to convey Qin Feng's order.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have found out the specific location, and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Fruit is within the Grand Canyon of the Abyss!"

After a lapse of three years, Bai Qi strode out of the Lingxiao Palace, with an excited face, clasped his fists, and said quickly.

"Abyss Grand Canyon?"

"The Grand Canyon of the Abyss was caused by the battle of the powerful men above the twentieth heaven, the most sacred of the heavens. At that time, a large number of strong men fell, and it is very possible that there are heaven and earth Xuanhuang fruits!"

"Bai Qi ordered Xing Tian, ​​Guan Yu, Ran Deng, Tathagata, Tong Tian, ​​and Xiang Yu to follow me to the abyss Grand Canyon!"

Qin Feng's eyes were shining brightly, and he said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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