Chapter 701 Lei Wuzong's strength!

"You deceive people too much!"

Wu Jiuyao, the master of Tianwu Shengzong, looked angry, his eyes were also full of raging anger, and said angrily.

The First Elder and Second Elder of the Tianwu Sacred Sect also showed anger on their faces, and an aura as deep as the sea erupted from their bodies.

The second elder of the Xuantian Divine Sect and the fourth elder of the Zhenyu Sect were sitting beside them, both with gloomy and terrifying expressions.

In the center of the hall stood a young martial artist with a haughty face. He stood with his hands behind his back, exuding a domineering aura.
Wuxiu's name is Qian Yuntan, and he is the most holy fifteenth level of heaven. He is the envoy sent by Lei Wuzong.

"Sect Master Wu is serious. The master of my sect is only eager to love his daughter, and wants to see if the young master of your sect treats Miss sincerely!"

Qian Yuntan stood with his hands behind his back, with a haughty face, looking at Wu Jiuyao and other Heavenly Martial Sacred Sect, Suppressing Prison Sect, and Xuansheng Sect's many martial artists, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"The lord of your sect loves his daughter dearly, and this sect can understand his feelings, but please forgive me for not being able to fulfill your request!"

Wu Jiuyao said gloomyly.

Lei Wuzong's envoy Qian Yuntan came to inform him that for the wedding after March, the young master of Tianwu Sacred Sect had to kneel down to welcome Miss Lei Wuzong.

"I'll ask you one last time if you can do it?"

Qian Yun said in a cold voice.

Standing behind him were giants like Lei Wuzong, who looked at Xuansheng Shenzong, Tianwu Shengzong, and Zhenyuzong without the slightest fear.



Wu Jiuyao's complexion changed, and he finally swallowed his breath, nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice.

"Very well, you made a wise choice!"

"Being in-laws with Lei Wuzong means that the Tianwu Sacred Sect has been promoted, and the Tianwu Sacred Sect will receive innumerable benefits in the future!"

Qian Yuntan nodded approvingly, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you!"

Wu Jiuyao's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, and spit out two words.


Qian Yuntan clasped his fists in both hands, turned around and left, acting recklessly and aloofly.

"Too much deception, simply too much deception!"

After waiting for Qian Yuntan to leave, Wu Jiuyao's suppressed aura broke out and he said angrily.

Xuantian Divine Sect, Tianwu Sacred Sect, and the other powerhouses of Suppressing Prison Sect also had gloomy and terrifying faces, all of them were silent,
Lei Wuzong's power is powerful because he has the strength of the most holy eighteen heavenly powers in the sky, and it is easy to kill them.


After a while, Wu Jiuyao took a deep breath and suppressed all the anger in his heart.

"Hasn't the Great Qin Sacred Court sent Wuxiu here?"

Wu Jiuyao asked the other martial artists below.

The Daqin Sacred Court is the head of the Quartet, and he wants to ask the opinion of the powerful Daqin Sacred Court.

"No, the Holy Court of Great Qin hasn't sent any strong men here yet!"

Le Haiying, Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu and other strong men shook their heads and said in a deep voice.

"Do the work of the young master well, and wait until the day of the big wedding, and follow Lei Wuzong's request!"

Wu Jiuyao said in a deep voice.


"As ordered!"

Wu Xiu below said in a deep voice.


After learning that Qian Yuntan had returned to the sect, Yang Hengtian, the leader of the Leiwu Sect, summoned Qian Yuntan and asked in a deep voice.

"Report to suzerain, Tianwu Shengzong has agreed!"

Qian Yuntan said in a deep voice.

"very good!"

"Qing'er has wronged Qing'er to marry Tianwu Shengzong, I want Qing'er to marry in a good manner!"

"Let the entire Tianwu Sacred Sect surrender at Qing'er's feet, and the entire Tianwu Sacred Sect needs Qing'er to have the final say!"

A gleam of doting flashed across Yang Hengtian's eyes, and he said lightly.

Yang Qingshui's face and qualifications are all very ordinary, but he is loved by Yang Hengtian,

"This sect also heard that Tianwu Shengzong and Xuansheng Shenzong, Daqing Shentong, Zhenyuzong formed an alliance? Is there such a thing?"

Yang Hengtian suddenly thought of something, looked at Qian Yuntan, and asked.

"Sect Master, there is indeed such a thing. The Tianwu Sect, the Xuansheng Sect, the Suppressing Prison Sect, and the Great Qin Sacred Court form an alliance. With the Great Qin Sacred Court as the leader, the four forces will advance and retreat together!"

Qian Yun said flatteringly.

"very good!"

"On the day of Qing'er's wedding, our sect will ask Xuansheng Shenzong, Tianwu Shengzong, Zhenyuzong, and Daqin Holy Court to salute! Welcome Qing'er!"

Yang Hengtian said lightly.

"This, suzerain, I'm afraid the Tianwu Sect, the Xuansheng Shenzong, the Suppressing Prison Sect, and the Daqin Sacred Court will not agree!"

Qian Yuntan said uncertainly.

Before ordering the young master of Tianwu Shengzong to bow down and greet him, it caused the Tianwu Shengzong's backlash.
Ordering Tianwu Shengzong, Daqin Shengting, Xuansheng Shenzong, and Zhenyuzong to salute the lady this time is to rub the dignity of the four powerful forces on the ground.

"Ha ha!"

"Whoever disagrees, this sect will destroy whoever!"

A ray of cold light flashed across Yang Hengtian's eyes, and he said in a cold voice.




Three months later, Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng, Xiang Yu and other martial artists came out of nowhere to attend the wedding.

"I have seen Emperor Qin!"

"I've seen Qin Feng!"

"I have seen Emperor Qin!"

Leng Huan, Sheng Senxu, and Le Haiying sensed Qin Feng's breath, and after sensing Qin Feng's breath, they flew out quickly.

The Xuansheng Shenzong, the Tianwu Shengzong, the master of the prison-suppressing sect, and other powerful people also came here one after another.

"I've seen three of you!"

Qin Feng clasped his fists and said lightly.

"Qin Huang, let me introduce you, this is Wu Jiuyao, the master of Tianwu Sacred Sect!"

Le Haiying said in a deep voice.

"I have seen Sect Master Wu!"

Qin Feng looked at Wu Jiuyao and nodded,

Afterwards, Le Haiying told Qin Feng one by one the identities of the seventeenth heavenly martial arts cultivators who came to heaven.

Time passed little by little, and the day of the big wedding came soon, and the entire territory of the Tianwu Sacred Sect was extremely lively.

The great masters of Tianwu Sacred Sect, Zhenyu Sect, and Xuansheng Shenzong stood together with Qin Feng, Xing Tian, ​​Ran Deng, and Xiang Yu, waiting for the young master of Tianwu Sacred Sect to welcome Miss Lei Wuzong.


When Qin Feng saw the welcoming team returning, he frowned, why did the young master of the Tianwu Sacred Sect kneel in front of the sedan chair and return.

Qin Feng looked at Wu Jiuyao, Sheng Senxu looked, and saw that everyone was angry, his brows were slightly frowned,
It seems that something unpleasant happened at this wedding!
The surrounding friends of Tianwu Sacred Sect and the major martial cultivators affiliated to them all frowned when they saw Tianwu Sacred Sect kneeling in front of the sedan chair, and looked at Wu Jiuyao in surprise.


A young man in white shouted loudly, ordering the entire wedding party to stop.

"Lei Wuzong! Second Miss is here!"

"Tianwu Sacred Sect, Daqin Sacred Court, Xuansheng Shenzong, Zhenyu Sect quickly bowed down and saluted, and welcome the second lady!"

Li Suochun said loudly.


Wu Jiuyao suppressed the anger in his heart, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and said in a deep voice.

The faces of the major martial arts cultivators of Xuansheng Shenzong, Tianwu Shengzong, and Zhenyuzong all became gloomy.

They can salute the strong!
But to salute a girl whose cultivation is only at the level of a saint is to trample on the dignity of their strong.

(End of this chapter)

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