Chapter 74 And relatives?

"It's a pity!" Yu Wencheng shook his head lightly, and with a sudden force on his arm, the phoenix wings and gold-plated boring really burst out with all its strength.

"Crack." The battle gun was broken into two pieces directly from the position where it resisted the gold-plated phoenix wings.

Wei Yongsheng's arms were torn off,
The gold-plated phoenix wings pierced through Wei Yongsheng's heart, constantly killing Wei Yongsheng's vitality.

"After all, I didn't resist it." Wei Yongsheng said bitterly. He thought of the high-spirited fighters who broke through the peerless middle stage, and those who wanted to come to the imperial city to despise everything, but he didn't expect to end up like this.

He tilted his head, completely dead.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Peerless Early Generals card." The system prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng didn't hesitate, part of his mind went directly into the system, and clicked the call to the system.

"Ding, use the Peerless Early Generals card successfully, and get the Peerless Early Generals Xiong Kuo Hai." The system prompt sounded.

Name: Xiong Kuohai (the fourth hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, nicknamed the Purple Faced King!)

Race: human
Cultivation: Peerless Early Generals

Cultivation method: Ziguang Wugong (mysterious level top grade)

Weapons: Xuanhuang axes (pair) (magic weapon).

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties
"It turned out to be Xiong Kuo Hai who was drawn." Qin Feng's eyes lit up. Anyone who has read the Sui and Tang Heroes will know that Xiong Kuo Hai is extremely bold.
In the end, even after repeated battles, without a drop of water for several days, he lifted a thousand catties to rescue all the anti-kings, and died of exhaustion.

Sing and cry.

Qin Feng thought of everything about Xiong Kuo Hai, and withdrew his mind from the system, and saw Yuwen City walking towards him.

"My lord, the last general has returned and killed Wei Yongsheng!" Yuwen Chengdu clasped his fists and said forcefully to Qin Feng.

"Okay! As expected of the king's Tianbao General, Wei Yongsheng has been in the Great Xia Dynasty for more than ten years, and he is not your enemy with three strokes. Let's go back to the imperial city. Let us brothers have a drink!"

Qin Feng helped Yuwen City up, and said loudly.

A group of people returned to the imperial city. In the Shenwu Palace built by Xia Hong for Qin Feng, they had a big banquet and drank fine wine.

At this time, the news that Yuwen City beheaded Wei Yongsheng spread to the ears of the upper class people in the entire imperial city,

For a while, the name of Yuwen City spread to the ears of senior officials in the entire imperial city, shaking the entire imperial city.

"King Shenwu has won!" Xia Hong had also received news in the palace that Wei Yongsheng was killed by a general named Yuwen Chengdu in the hands of King Shenwu.

He breathed a sigh of relief,

Fortunately, King Shenwu won. If Wei Yongsheng won, his head would also fall to the ground, and the entire Great Xia Dynasty would have to change its surname to Wei.

The strength of King Shenwu was also shocked in his heart, that he was able to kill Wei Yongsheng who had broken through the realm of a master.

In the outside world, the kingdoms of Wei, Shu, Qi, and Lu have successfully formed an alliance, and the five master-level powerhouses are leading the army, and they are gathering an army. They only need to wait for the army to gather successfully and take down the entire Great Xia Dynasty in one fell swoop.

Five days later, the envoys of the Liao Kingdom arrived at the Daxia Dynasty. For the sake of friendship between the two countries, for peaceful coexistence, and for the sake of the people of the two countries not to suffer, they negotiated peace with the Liao Kingdom.

"The envoy of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Qiming, pays his respects to His Majesty the Great Xia Dynasty." Yelu Qiming came to the court hall, bent slightly, and said to Xia Hong.

Standing beside Yelu Qiming were two first-rate warriors, who also bowed and nodded to Xia Hong.

"Peace yourself! The envoys of the Liao Kingdom will tell you why you are here." Xia Hong said in a deep voice with a dignified face and waved his arms.

"It's Your Majesty. I'm here to negotiate a peace on behalf of our Liao Kingdom. Our Liao Kingdom king is willing to establish friendship with the Great Xia Dynasty and hope for peace between the two countries."

Yelu Qiming said respectfully, but even though he was respectful, there was still a hint of arrogance on his face,
The Great Xia Dynasty was almost destroyed by them.

In the court hall, the civil and military officials of all courts brightened their eyes, and looked at Yelu Qiming,

If the conditions are right, they are willing to dissuade His Majesty and the Liao Kingdom from forming friendship between the two countries.

Xia Hong's eyes also brightened. He didn't want to go to war with the Liao Kingdom unless he had to. He looked at the envoys.

If the conditions proposed by the Liao Kingdom are not excessive, he agrees to negotiate a peace with the Liao Kingdom, so as to save the lives of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Continue!" Xia Hong's majestic words resounded in the hall, and at this time, a lot of eyes in the hall were focused on Yelu Qiming.

"My Majesty Daliao asked me to tell His Majesty the great Great Xia Dynasty that His Majesty wants to marry the Great Xia Dynasty and discuss peace, and then the Great Xia Dynasty is ceding three cities as a dowry."

Yelu Qiming said in a deep voice, when he faced Xia Hong, he was cautious, after all, on his territory, he should behave with his tail between his legs. "

"Impossible!" Xia Hong immediately objected, ceding the three cities is absolutely impossible,
"Then Emperor Xia, our Daliao will have a war with Daxia. In addition, our high priest Xiao Dongyi's cultivation has reached the middle stage of a peerless warrior."

Yelu Qiming continued to speak to Xia Hong, with a sense of persecution in his words.

"Two cities! This is my bottom line." Xia Hong's face was heavy, he took a deep breath, and then said.

"I need to contact His Majesty about this." Yelu Qiming said in a deep voice, and after waiting for Emperor Xia's consent, he slowly exited the court.
Two days later, everyone in the imperial city knew that the Great Xia Dynasty was about to marry a princess, and they ceded the two cities as dowry in exchange for peace between the two dynasties.


When Qin Feng heard the news, Qin Feng's face was angry, and the palm of his hand violently crushed the teacup.

"Come here, prepare armor for this king, this king is going to enter the palace!" Qin Feng said loudly, after putting on the armor, he held Fang Tian's painted halberd and rushed towards the palace.

When Qin Feng arrived at the court, many ministers and Xia Di Xia Hong were discussing the specific matters of the marriage, and which princess to send to the court,

"Touch." When Qin Feng stepped into the hall, he stomped and walked into the hall, attracting the attention of Xia Hong and others.

"Qin Feng pays homage to His Majesty." Qin Feng said sonorously, his aura erupted, tyrannical and powerful,
"King Shenwu please get up quickly," Xia Hong stood up from the dragon chair and said politely to Qin Feng.

"Come here and give King Shenwu a seat." Xia Hong quickly shouted to the Imperial Forest Army outside the palace.

None of the civil and military personnel in the Manchu Dynasty spoke, and they all waited for Qin Feng to sit down before speaking,
After waiting for Qin Feng to sit down, Xia Hong asked Qin Feng: "I don't know why Marquis Shenwu went to court today? But what happened?"

"Your Majesty, do you agree to make peace with the Liao Kingdom?" Qin Feng sat on the court hall, his whole body was full of iron and blood, like a thousand troops and horses, extremely tyrannical.

ps: Thank you Dazzling Soul Colorful for rewarding 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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