Chapter 762 Horizontal push!

"You guys are still here, are you going to make an enemy of me?"

Qin Feng stared coldly at the void around him, snorted coldly, and said coldly.

"His Majesty Qin Huang, we will never dare to be enemies with His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"His Majesty Qin Huang calm down, I will leave immediately!"

"We are attracted by His Majesty Qin Huang's peerless heroism, His Majesty Qin Huang must not get angry! I will leave immediately!"

The major martial artists watching around, their bodies flickering, quickly fled towards the distance,

They were afraid that Qin Feng would destroy them in a fit of anger!
"Turn things upside down!"

After Qin Feng saw Wuxiu, who was watching around, leave quickly, he quickly cast his supernatural powers, turning all the secrets and laws around him upside down.

Unless they saw it with their own eyes, no one would know that the Nine Suns Holy Land, Xingwu Shengzong and other forces' martial arts were all destroyed.

"The late general escort came late, I beg His Majesty to punish you!"

"The late general escort came late, I beg His Majesty to punish you!"

Bai Qi, Xiang Yu hurriedly flew from a distance, clasped his fists with both hands, and said in a deep voice with a look of shame on his face.

"It's nothing more than a bunch of chickens and dogs! How can they hurt me!"

"The two lovers have made little contributions to the Great Qin Sacred Court! Killed the Xuanyue Immortal Sect and the Haoyue Sacred Sect! What crime is there!"

Qin Feng smiled lightly.

"Tai Yi, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Bai Qi!"

Qin Feng straightened his expression and said loudly.

"The end is here!"

"The end is here!"

"The end is here!"

Taiyi, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, and Bai Qi exuded a heroic aura, clasped his fists with both hands, and said loudly.

"All the generals will follow me to the Nine Suns Holy Land of the Star Martial Sect! Destroy them!"

"Those who violate the Great Qin Court will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Qin Feng exuded a majestic momentum, showing the air of swallowing mountains and rivers, and said loudly.

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Taiyi, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Baiqi said with a strong fighting spirit.

"Huang Haoshang, Huang Tianlong, you wait to integrate the forces of the Huang family, and after I destroy the Nine Suns Holy Land, you will take over the Nine Suns Holy Land and manage one side for me!"

Qin Feng said lightly,

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Huang Haoshang, Huang Tianlong's body shook, his face showed ecstasy, and he knelt down on the ground directly, and said loudly.

In their eyes, Nine Suns Holy Land is a colossal and invincible existence, but now they can take over Nine Suns Holy Land and replace it!
They were ecstatic and indescribably excited!
All this was given by His Majesty Qin Huang!
Their loyalty to Qin Feng is unprecedentedly firm at this moment!



Qin Feng quickly broke through the space, leading Taiyi, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Bai Qi, and flew towards Xingwu Shengzong.

He is going to kill the Xingwu Shengzong and other middle-level forces first, and finally go to destroy the Nine Suns Holy Land!
"Your Majesty is invincible!"

"Your Majesty is invincible!"

"Your Majesty is invincible!"

Huang Haoshang and Huang Tianlong looked at Qin Feng's figure frantically, and let out roars.

"go with!"

Qin Feng chose the direction, and during the rapid flight, his mind fell into the system space. From the system space, he took out the cards of the generals,
With a movement of his palm, Yang Jian, Tai Yi, Li Kui and other generals cards appeared in his hand, and they threw them directly into the void.




The upgrade cards of generals such as Yang Jian, Li Kui, and Tai Yi turned into white light, directly integrated into their bodies, turning into huge energy.

Huge energy was quickly dispersed in the limbs and skeletons of Yang Jian, Tai Yi, Li Kui and other generals, rapidly strengthening the generals' flesh and blood, bones, dantian, meridians, primordial spirit and so on.


Yang Jian, Tai Yi, Li Kui and other generals thundered in the dantian, they are completing the opening of the world, once again opening up a world in the body, making a breakthrough in cultivation, and going to a higher level,

"The last general thanks Your Majesty!"

Yang Jian, Li Kui and other generals felt the surge in strength in their bodies, their faces showed ecstasy, their eyes were in awe, they looked enthusiastically at Qin Feng's position, and bowed deeply to Qin Feng.

"Taiyi thanks Your Majesty!"

Feeling the surge of power in his body, Tai Yi expressed ecstasy on his face, and said to Qin Feng in awe.

"Taiyi, you will destroy the Star Martial Sect!"

Flying to the central area of ​​the Star Martial Sacred Sect, Qin Feng looked down flatly, and said lightly.

"The last will obey!"

Tai Yi's cultivation has just broken through, and he just took advantage of this battle to get familiar with the sudden surge of power in his body.


With a movement of Taiyi's arm, the Chaos Clock appeared in his hand, exuding a violent aura from his body, he strode forward.




Hidden in the void, Wu Xiu, who was guarding the central area, was directly suppressed by Tai Yi's violent momentum, crawling on the void, unable to move.

When Taiyi passed by them, a raging flame rose from their bodies. This is the true fire of Xeon Xunyang Sun.




Many Wuxiu primordial spirits wailed, and then they were killed directly, their bodies were shattered, their vitality was wiped out, and they were completely dead.

Where Tai Yi did, a blazing fire of the sun was ignited, killing all the martial arts above the void.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 980000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 888000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 690000 experience points!"

A large number of system prompts quickly sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in the Star Martial Sacred Sect?"

When Tai Yi pushed for hundreds of miles, a strong man from the Star Martial Sect finally found out that something was wrong, and a 24th heaven elder, the most holy of heaven, roared and rushed towards Tai Yi.


When he got close to Tai Yi, he let out a muffled grunt, and his body retreated quickly, he was almost suppressed by Tai Yi's aura.


Two beams of sun fire shot out from Tai Yi's eyes, which instantly wiped out Wu Xiu and blazed into flames.



"Ah! I am willing to surrender!"

"It hurts!"

The real fire of the sun burned the body, and the pain of Yuanshen was so painful that he couldn't speak at all, and the elders of Xingwu Shengzong let out a shrill scream.



Tai Yi didn't pay attention at all, he strode towards the head of the Xingwu Shengzong, with the burning sun behind him.




The thirteen heavens, the most holy, and the twenty-four heavy heaven martial arts broke through the void and rushed over quickly. They felt the tyrannical aura of Tai Yi and dared not approach.

"Senior, please be merciful!"

"Senior, I don't know where my Star Martial Sacred Sect offended you, but please be merciful! Raise your hand!"

The third elder of the Xingwu Shengzong looked in awe, clasped his fists in both hands, and bowed and said.

He saw the raging fire of the sun burning behind Tai Yi, and there were still a lot of martial arts screaming in it.

(End of this chapter)

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