Chapter 79 I am Zhang Yide from Yan!

Yuwen Chengdu yelled loudly, spun the phoenix-winged gold-plated boring rapidly in his hand, and stabbed at the round wheel in Xiao Dong's hand.


Under the violence of Yuwen City, the round wheel made a crisp sound, and it was covered with cracks, which then continued to expand.


The phoenix-winged gold-plated boring pierced the round wheel, and directly pierced Xiao Dongyi's chest, piercing Xiao Dongyi.

"Cough cough cough~~~, I never thought that I, Xiao Dongyi, would die here." Xiao Dongyi lowered his head to look at the sharp knife piercing through his chest, showing a bitter smile, and still yearning for life, he tilted his head and died immediately.

He broke through the peerless mid-stage martial artist, and was looking forward to a battle to show off his power and move towards a broader sky.
I didn't expect to die here,

Died in a battle he thought he must win.

"Boring!" Guan Yu snorted coldly, put away the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and walked over to Qin Feng. A mid-stage peerless general is not enough to fight.
He was still attacking tentatively, and Yuwen City killed the opponent.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a peerless mid-stage general card." The system's notification sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

"Guan Yu don't worry, the mainland of China is boundless, and battles will be indispensable in the future, I'm afraid you will be soft in killing."

Qin Feng laughed and said, part of his mind went into the system, "System, use the peerless mid-stage generals card for this king."

Name: Zhang Fei

Race: human
Word: Yide
Cultivation: Peerless mid-term general

Cultivation method: Rhinoceros Wing Zhengfa (mysterious-level top-rank), Demon-breaking Dragon Snake Spear (mysterious-level top-rank),

Famous saying: [I am Zhang Yide from Yan, who dares to fight with me? ] (It can improve one's own momentum and expand the timidity of the enemy's heart. It has scared off millions of soldiers.)
Weapons: Zhangba Snake Spear (magic weapon), chain chain bronze armor (magic weapon).

Loyalty: 100% (summoned by the system, absolutely loyal to the host.)
Origin: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

"Hahaha, my lord, my brother is here!" Guan Yu wanted to say something to Qin Feng, but suddenly he seemed to sense something, and looked at a certain position,
A person is coming quickly, his body is moving fast, and there is billowing dust and sand behind him, his momentum is frightening.

"Second brother, Yide is here!" Zhang Fei hurried over, using all his strength to set off billowing dust.

Qin Feng looked at it, and it must be Zhang Fei who came.

Yuwen City didn't know whether the visitor was an enemy or a friend, so he quickly stood beside Qin Feng and looked at Zhang Fei cautiously.

"Second brother, I'm here!" Zhang Fei came to Guan Yu's side and said loudly, with a loud voice, speaking like a shout, and then gave Guan Yu a bear to run.

"Master." Guan Yu looked at Qin Feng, saw Qin Feng's puzzled eyes, and continued: "Introduce to the lord, this is Yu's third younger brother, Zhang Fei, whose name is Yide. Grandmaster level."

When Guan Yu saw Qin Feng, he was sure that Qin Feng was the master of the Ming Dynasty, so he wrote to Zhang Fei to come.

"Zhang Fei is willing to take refuge with the lord, and I hope the lord will take him in!" Zhang Fei clasped his fists, bent slightly, and said loudly.

He is eight feet long, with a leopard's head and eyes around him, a swallow's jaw and a tiger's beard, his voice is like thunder, and his momentum is like a galloping horse.

"Brother Zhang Fei, his voice is like thunder, and his momentum is like a galloping horse. He is definitely a tiger general!" Qin Feng helped Zhang Fei up with both hands, and praised Zhang Fei in his mouth.

"Hey, my voice is a little louder." Zhang Fei is only in his twenties now, with a thin skin, and he said a little embarrassedly in the face of Qin Feng's compliment.

But Zhang Fei's face was dark, and he didn't know if he was red or not.

"Congratulations, my lord, I am happy to have won a titan."

"Congratulations, my lord,"

"Congratulations, lord."

Bai Qi, Lin Chong, Cheng Yaojin, Zhang Liao, Lu Zhishen and other generals congratulated Qin Feng.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 500 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining [-] legion cards. (Note: [-] card soldiers can be upgraded to third-rate warriors."

The prompt sound of the system sounded in Qin Feng's mind again,
Qin Feng looked at the battlefield, Yang Lin, Qin Qiong, Xiong Kuohai, Pei Yuanqing had killed Xiao Dongyi and Xiao Yiming,

The system prompt that Qin Feng heard just now was the reward that Xiao Yiming received for beheading Xiao Dongyi by Qin Qiong, Yang Lin, and other generals.

Part of Qin Feng's mind, he entered the system and looked at a card he got. The legion card can upgrade the summoned card warrior to a third-rate warrior.

A third-rate warrior can fight against a hundred people, and ten thousand soldiers can advance to a third-rate warrior. Among them, the strength is multiplied, and they can fight against millions of lions.

"System, use the legion card for this king." Qin Feng said to the system, with anticipation in his eyes, what kind of scene should ten thousand third-rate warriors charge.

"Ding, congratulations on successfully using the Host Legion card!" The system's notification sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Then among the [-] card fighters led by Qin Feng, [-] soldiers have been upgraded to third-rate warriors.

"Master, what about these Liao troops?" Guan Yu stood beside Qin Feng and asked Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at the Liao army who kept retreating, his eyes were full of timidity, and the corner of his mouth smiled coldly, "Their hands are covered with the blood of the Great Xia Dynasty! Let me kill them all!"

"The last general obeys orders!" Before Guan Yu could speak, Bai Qi said quickly, leading a part of the army to charge towards the Liao army.

"My lord, the massacre of the Liao army now may have a great impact on the occupation of the Liao land in the future.

Why don't we persuade him to surrender?Now Xiao Dongyi, Xiao Yiming, and Yelu Wangquan are dead, and the Liao army is in chaos. There is a great chance to persuade them to surrender successfully. "

Guan Yu said to Qin Feng in a deep voice.

Qin Feng knew that what Guan Yu said was for his own good. Emperors in ancient times always paid attention to fame, caring for the people, etc.
This will have a great effect on conquering other countries in the future.
"Don't kill them, I'm sorry for the soldiers who died in battle!" Qin Feng said in a deep voice, just as he said when he went out to fight, the expedition to the Liao Kingdom is not an invasion, but revenge.

"The last general obeys orders!" Guan Yu immediately shut up when he heard Qin Feng's words, and he couldn't refute them.

"All the soldiers follow the king to kill the enemy!" Qin Feng nodded lightly, then shouted violently, leading tens of thousands of soldiers to charge forward,

Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xiong Kuohai and other generals shouted loudly and rushed towards the remaining Liao army.

The killing is going on,
Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xiong Kuohai and other peerless military generals, whose cultivation base is tyrannical, can move freely among thousands of troops, constantly shuttling through the Liao army, harvesting lives with weapons in their hands,

The Liao army tried to set up a camp again and again, but they were all scattered by generals such as Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Xiong Kuohai.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a warrior card."

In more than 20 minutes, the Liao army that went out to fight in the city was completely slaughtered. The Liao army on the city wall did not dare to support at all, and fled in anticipation.

ps: There are so few recommendation tickets on Monday today. Let me tell you my story below. I have a blue dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right. I have an old cow on my waist, a dragon head on my chest, and six big characters on my back. Ask for a reward. 】

 Thank you book friend 20161230173930497 for rewarding 2000 starting coins, thank Hao Shuai’s father for rewarding 233 starting coins, thank you
  Book friend 150307235420363 rewarded 100 starting coins, thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you Guihong for rewarding 99 starting coins, and thank you for the reward of [-] book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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