Chapter 802 Permanent Boost!



The Master Tongtian exerted all his strength, and with his sword energy, he continuously blasted Gu Haoyun back, and his body was continuously injured.


Gu Haoyun waved the sword in his hand, resisting the sword energy one after another, but the sword energy was too much.

Even though Gu Haoyun is powerful in martial arts, he is still constantly being blown away!

The opponent is powerful, far surpassing him!


The four immortal swords of Tongtian Sect Master appeared around Gu Haoyun, besieged and strangled Gu Haoyun in the middle.

"I'm not reconciled!"

"I just broke through!"

Gu Haoyun's body and primordial spirit were forcibly killed by Tongtian, and his body and dao disappeared completely, without any vitality.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a ten-thousand-fold combat power booster card! (Permanent combat power booster card!)"

The system prompt sounded quickly.

"Permanent [-]-fold increase in combat power card!"

Qin Feng heard the system's notification tone, and his face showed ecstasy.

Obtaining a [-]-fold increase in combat power is enough to make people excited, and now it is lucky to get a permanent [-]-fold increase in combat power!

"Destroy them!"

Qin Feng looked at Gao Feilong, Chen Minghui, Hao Mingcheng, Wu Tianxie and other martial artists, with a pair of arms, and said loudly to Taiyi, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, Yang Jian, Tongtian and other martial artists.

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Tai Yi, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, Yang Jian, Tong Tian and other martial arts were full of fighting spirit, and they spoke loudly and forcefully.


"Run away!"


Gao Feilong, Chen Minghui, Hao Mingcheng, Wu Tianxie and other martial artists were pale and terrified, and quickly fled towards the distance.




Liu Changyuan felt the disappearance of Gu Haoyun's aura, opened his eyes, looked outside the All Saints Alliance, and realized that Gu Haoyun had completely fallen.

Liu Changyun's aura was vertical and horizontal, and he became extremely domineering. He looked at Qin Feng, and his aura became stronger and stronger.


"The competition of the juniors, don't you want to do it yourself!"

Meng Fanchen let out a cold snort, and said coldly, breaking down the aura condensed from Liu Changyuan's body.

"Don't dare!"

Liu Changyuan was afraid of the powerful aura of the leader Meng Fanchen, clasped his fists with both hands, restrained his aura, and said in a deep voice.

Then Liu Changyuan looked deeply at Qin Feng, Tong Tian, ​​Li Kui, Bai Qi and other martial arts practitioners, and fell into cultivation again.

Bei Yunming, Xu Qianjun, Wu Yue, Wu Chentian and other powerhouses were alarmed one after another, after learning the whole story.

They took a deep look at Liu Changyuan, and then fell into the practice, and must break through to the powerhouse of the Dao Supreme level as soon as possible!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 980000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Dao Holy 33 Chongtian Realm general card! (Taiyi exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Dao Holy 33 Chongtian Realm general card! (Yang Jian's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 987000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Dao Most Holy 32 Heaven Realm generals card! (Bai Qi's exclusive package card!)"

Hundreds of martial arts practitioners who followed Hao Mingcheng, Gao Feilong, Wu Tianxie, and Chen Minghui were constantly bombarded and obliterated.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 789000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 999000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 780000 experience points!"

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining enough experience points, increasing his strength, and reaching the realm of Heaven's Most Holy Thirty Heavens.

After the system's beep fell, a distinctive beep sounded quickly.

After the ringing, a warm current rose from Qin Feng's body. It was a huge energy that quickly strengthened Qin Feng's flesh and blood, bones, meridians, dantian, mana, soul and so on.

With the rapid strengthening, earth-shaking changes are taking place in Qin Feng's body, and his strength has doubled.


With a loud thunderous sound in Qin Feng's dantian, his cultivation realm was officially raised to the realm of the most holy thirty heavens.

At this time, with the increase of luck blessing, Qin Feng's combat power has been raised to the 31st heaven of heaven,

"Ten-thousand times combat power increase card!"

If you use the permanent [-]-fold combat power increase card you obtained before adding it!

Now the realm has reached the 33th heaven of the most holy of heaven, full of combat power, blessing of luck, and then use the permanent [-]-fold combat power increase card, the combat power can reach the [-]rd heaven of the most holy of heaven!

After using a supernatural blow, he can unleash a powerful blow of the most holy 34 heavens, and his combat power will increase dramatically, which is extremely terrifying.

"Hou Jiantian, Chen Lufeng, Shang Yungao, take action and wipe out all the forces under Gu Haoyun's subordinates!"

Qin Feng ordered to Hou Jiantian, Chen Lufeng, and Shang Yungao.

"Follow His Majesty Qin Huang's order!"

"Follow His Majesty Qin Huang's order!"

"Follow His Majesty Qin Huang's order!"

Hou Jiantian, Chen Lufeng, and Shang Yungao clasped their fists together, clanging powerfully, and said in awe.




The figures of Hou Jiantian, Chen Lufeng, and Shang Yungao turned into afterimages and quickly disappeared without a trace. They need to summon many forces to disintegrate Gu Haoyun's remaining combat power.

"Let's go, let's go back to the Halloween League!"

Qin Feng gave an order and led Taiyi, Xiang Yu, Tongtian, Guan Yu, Yang Jian and others to fly towards the All Saints Alliance.

"Greetings to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Greetings to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

"Greetings to His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Qin Feng flew past all the way, and many martial artists clasped their fists and saluted Qin Feng.

The strength displayed by the Daqin Holy Court is extremely powerful, and Qin Feng's figure is even more unpredictable.

Meng Fanchen, the master of the Halloween League, is the strongest in the entire Halloween League, and also the strongest in the Halloween League who is closest to the Dao Supreme.

He fixed his eyes on Tongtian, and in his induction, Tongtian's cultivation base is the most holy 32 heavens in the way of heaven.

"Is this really a means to hide your cultivation?"

"Could it be that the cultivation base of Tongtian is the most holy 32 heavens?"

Meng Fanchen let out a soft murmur, and he began to suspect that Tongtian's cultivation base is the 32nd heaven of the most holy of heaven, but he can kill the 34th heaven of the most holy of heaven in a leapfrog battle!
As soon as possible, this sounds very unbelievable, but when you think about it carefully, it is very reasonable!

"If the cultivation bases they showed are true, wouldn't it mean that in less than a year, their cultivation bases have been promoted from the 25th and 26th heavens to the 31st and 32nd heavens? sky!"

Meng Fanchen's eyes widened suddenly. If this happened, it would be unbelievable!
"If this is the case, it is very likely that the Daqin Holy Court will surpass Chen Yunfei and have the power of the Supreme Dao first!"

The more Meng Fanchen thought about it, the more excited he became, and even the aura on his body could not be controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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