Chapter 809 Finally reached the border!




Wang Chengyang sacrificed the Chaos Lingbao Tianyuan Bead and threw it at Qin Feng. The Tianyuan Bead carried monstrous power and mana, smashed pieces of void and fell on Qin Feng.

But what surprised Wang Chengyang was that the Tianyuan Pearl hit Qin Feng's body, which only made Qin Feng's body tremble, and did not suffer any injuries.

"Ha ha!"

"How can my means be understood by mediocrity like you!"

Qin Feng smiled contemptuously, and took the opportunity to slash Wang Chengyang's body with his sword, cutting off Wang Chengyang's arm, and the blood dripped and shattered a star field.


Wang Chengyang's body retreated, and the broken arm grew out quickly. His eyes were shocked, awed, and he looked at Qin Feng in horror, and quickly retreated.

"Extraordinary blow!"

Qin Feng looked at Wang Chengyang's background, snorted coldly, broke out with all his strength, and unleashed an extraordinary blow.

Now that Qin Feng's combat strength is in the 36th heaven of the most holy heaven, he can unleash a full blow with a powerful blow at the first heaven level of the Supreme Dao!



Qin Feng showed an extraordinary blow, bursting out with monstrous power, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand burst into an incomparably dazzling light.

The entire void, space trembled under Qin Feng's aura.


Qin Feng felt the vast power in his body, as if if he wanted to, he could destroy the sea of ​​stars and even the Xuanhuang Great World with one blow.

Qin Feng quickly withdrew [-]% of his strength, and only released [-]% of his strength, rushing towards the surroundings with a tyrannical aura.

"Is this aura a breakthrough in the suzerain's cultivation?"

Hu Mingyang felt the aura exuded by Qin Feng, and his face showed shock, awe, and fear.

This momentum was so strong that he couldn't think of resisting.

Ding Shaohao, Fen Tianyun and other martial arts practitioners of Ziguang Sect and Shifang Tianzong were all shocked by the momentum, trembling in their hearts, showing fear, shock, and awe.



Meng Fanchen, Wu Yue, Wu Chentian, Liu Changyuan, and Xu Qianjun, who were trapped in a small area, felt that the seal above the void was loose, and quickly burst out with all their strength, rushing out of the seal.

Qin Feng's vast magic power rushed towards Fang Tian's painted halberd, and Fang Tian's painted halberd shot out a ray of light, smashing Wang Chengyang's body and primordial spirit in the blink of an eye, and it was completely shattered.

"Your Majesty's strength is unimaginable!"

Tai Yi, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, Yang Jian, Tong Tian, ​​Bai Qi. Their eyes were shocked, and they looked at Qin Feng enthusiastically.

Before they could react, a powerhouse who was the most holy 36th heaven fell?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a 34th Heaven Generals card! (Yang Jian's exclusive package card!)"


Qin Feng restrained his aura and led Tai Yi, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, Yang Jian, Bai Qi and others to continue to shuttle forward.


Hu Mingyang felt that Meng Fanjun was out of trouble, and roared angrily.

Suddenly he felt that Wang Chengyang's aura disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his heart was filled with an ominous premonition.

"Elder Wang!"

Hu Mingyang let out a long roar, exuding a monstrous momentum, and flew towards the All Saints Alliance quickly,



Ding Shaohao, Fen Tianyun and others from Ziyun Sect and Shifang Tianzong quickly flew towards the All Saints Alliance.




The bodies of Meng Fanchen, Wu Yue, Wu Chentian, Liu Changyuan, and Xu Qianjun flickered, exuding a mighty aura, turning into majestic figures, standing in front of Ding Shaohao, Hu Yangming, Fen Tianyun and other martial cultivators.

"Go away!"

"Get out of here!"

Hu Yangming was worried about Wang Chengyang in his heart, and roared furiously, bombarding Meng Fanchen, Wu Yue, Wu Chentian and other martial artists frantically.

Ding Shaohao, Fen Tianyun and other powerhouses rushed over one after another, and quickly attacked Meng Fanchen, Wu Yue, Wu Chentian, Liu Changyuan, and Xu Qianjun.

Although Meng Fanjun didn't know what happened in the territory, but when he saw Hu Mingyang, Ding Shaohao, and Fan Tianyun's anxious, frightened and angry expressions, he knew it must be a good thing.

Meng Fanchen, Wu Yue, Wu Chentian, Liu Changyuan, and Xu Qianjun are all the most holy 36 heavenly powers. Compared with Ziyunzong and Shifang Tianzong, even if they do not have an advantage in numbers.

But when they broke out with all their strength, they were able to hold back Ziyunzong, the most powerful person of Shifang Tianzong, preventing them from entering the territory of the All Saints Alliance.

"Qin Feng has met the leader!"

Fifteen days later, Qin Feng led Tai Yi, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, Yang Jian and other martial artists to finally resist the border of the All Saints Alliance.

Qin Feng, Tai Yi, Guan Yu, and Yang Jian, led by Wu Xiu of the All Saints Alliance, came to meet Meng Fanjun.

"Brother Qin, get up quickly!"

"Come here, prepare seats for His Majesty Qin Huang and all the generals!"

When Meng Fanchen saw Qin Feng, Tai Yi, Guan Yu, Yang Jian and other martial arts practitioners, his face was stunned and surprised.

Then Meng Fanchen said quickly.

He has already pinned his hope of resisting the supreme level powerhouses of Ziyunzong Dao on Qin Feng, Taiyi, Xiang Yu and other martial artists.

In the future, Qin Feng, Tai Yi, Xiang Yu and other martial artists will be the backers of him and the All Saints Alliance!

Even though Qin Feng, Taiyi, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, and Tongtian are weak at present, Meng Fanchen already regards Qin Feng, Taiyi, and Tongtian as martial arts of the same realm! "


"As ordered!"

Wu Xiu, who was standing below, said quickly that there were many seats gathered on both sides of the palace for Qin Feng, Tai Yi, Tong Tian, ​​Guan Yu, Xiang Yu and others to sit down.

Wu Yue, Wu Chentian, and Xu Qianjun saw Meng Fanjun's attitude towards Qin Feng, Taiyi, Tongtian, and Xiang Yu, and a ray of incomprehension flashed across their eyes.

But Wu Yue, Wu Chentian, and Xu Qianjun didn't ask much.

Liu Changyuan looked deeply at Qin Feng, Taiyi, Tongtian, Xiang Yu and other martial artists, and many elders of the All Saints Alliance present, he was the only one who understood why Meng Fanchen was like this.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you! This is Qin Feng, the Lord of the Great Qin Sacred Court! He is the proud son of heaven who is rarely seen in hundreds of millions of years!"

"In the future, within the All Saints Alliance, seeing His Majesty Qin Huang is like meeting me!"

"When necessary, His Majesty Qin Huang can control the entire Halloween League on my behalf!"

Meng Fanchen said loudly.

His heart was full of shock. Just now he experienced Qin Feng's cultivation. In less than a month, he broke through from the 31st heaven of the most holy heaven to the 33rd heaven of the most holy heaven. It is simply shocking.

Standing on the left side of the palace, a martial artist wearing golden armor had a gleam of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He is Meng Fanchen's direct disciple, the deep true inheritance of Meng Fanchen, his cultivation base is tyrannical, and he has reached the most holy 33rd heaven of the way of heaven.

He was dissatisfied when he saw his master's attitude towards the martial cultivators of the Great Qin Court, and looked at the numerous martial cultivators of the Great Qin Court with hatred.

His majestic lord's personal disciples have not been granted a seat, and he is not qualified to sit with all the 36th heaven-level bigwigs.

What is the virtue and ability of the martial arts practitioners in the Great Qin Holy Court!To be able to enjoy such treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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