Chapter 827 Things Exposed?

"Thanks to Lu Sancheng!"

"If my guess is correct, Li Fu came here this time because of Lu Sancheng's business!"

Qin Feng said with a light smile.

"Go! Come with me to meet Li Zhizun!"

Qin Feng got up and strode towards the outside of the palace.

"Why did Li Zhizun come here in such a hurry?"

Qin Feng walked under Dilin Peak, walked quickly towards Li Fu, and asked loudly.

"Qin Huang, the God King asked me to lead you to the suzerain's hall. It seems that the suzerain invited many avenues to go to the suzerain's hall!"

Li Fu looked at Qin Feng, and suddenly he frowned, feeling that Qin Feng at this moment is a little different from before.

But what is the difference, Li Fu can't tell!
"Go, go to the suzerain hall!"

Qin Feng said to Li Fu, and the two quickly flew towards the main hall of the suzerain. During this period, many powerful people of the highest level of the Dao saluted the main hall of the suzerain.

Dao Zhizun belonging to the sect master's line nodded and smiled at Li Fu, while the second elder's line cupped his hands and called Li Zhizun.

As for the Dao Supreme level powerhouse belonging to the lineage of the Great Elder, they looked at Li Fu and Qin Feng coldly.

"Everyone, something very infuriating has happened in the sect recently!"

The suzerain Shen Tongshen sat on the main seat, his face was heavy, his eyes looked down, his body exuded a domineering aura, and he said loudly.

The First Elder Ren Wudi, and the Second Elder Martial God King sat on both sides with a flat face.

Lu Sancheng stood below with a bitter look on his face!

Li Fu and many other Dao Supreme level martial artists showed doubts on their faces, and they didn't understand what happened.

Qin Feng looked at Lu Sancheng with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hundreds of years ago, Keqing Lu made great achievements, and the Great Elder rewarded him with a jade plate of Dao Yun. I hope that Qing Lu will break through to the realm of Dao Supreme Second Heaven as soon as possible!"

"But just recently, the Daoyun jade plate controlled by Qing Keqing was stolen! It was stolen!"

"I don't know who took Lu Zhizun's Daoyun jade plate, I only know that such behavior is really shameless!"

"Outside the sect, if you rob other people's opportunities and treasures, this sect will never intervene!"

"But within the sect, this sect absolutely does not allow such behavior to occur!"

"Whoever took Lu Keqing's Dao Yun jade plate, stood up quickly, and handed over the Dao Yun jade plate, this sect can treat it as if nothing happened, and keep it a secret!"

"But if you don't stand up! If you are found out, this sect will definitely punish you severely!"

Shen Tongshen said in a deep voice.

When Lu Sancheng heard Shen Tongshen's words, joy and excitement flashed across his face.

With a little trick, he can take Qin Feng down!
When the Great Elder is informed of this matter in the future, the Great Elder will definitely reward him heavily!
Li Fu and many other Supremes frowned and shook their heads.

Qin Feng looked at Lu Zhizun with a sneer, with disdain and contempt on the corner of his mouth. The Daoyun jade plate has been completely refined by the system, and there is not even any ballast left, so no one can find out.

"Okay! Since you don't want to stand up!"

"This sect can only use the secret method to find it out!"

"This is the breath of Daoyun jade plate extracted from Lu Zhizun's body. This sect uses a secret method to activate the breath of Daoyun jade plate!"

"As long as anyone is contaminated with the aura of the Daoyun jade plate, they will attract each other!"

After Shen Tongshen finished speaking, he pinched the palm of his hand and issued dozens of mysterious handprints. Suddenly, a wisp of breath seemed to be alive, and quickly walked out among many martial arts.

The breath circled around among the many martial arts, and kept wandering!

Shen Tongshen frowned.

"This is impossible!"

"The only one who can steal the Dao Yun jade plate from me is the Dao Supreme level powerhouse! It can't be anyone else!"

Lu Sancheng's face showed a touch of anxiety, and he said quickly.

A sense of uneasiness surged in his heart, as if something happened in the middle, and he would lose the Dao Yun jade plate forever.

"Miss Lu Ke, do you have any other clues!"

Shen Tongshen frowned, looked at Lu Sancheng, and said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the suzerain, I went to Emperor Linfeng before I found out that the Daoyun jade plate disappeared!"

Lu Sancheng said quickly.

Now that the breath search failed, Lu San became anxious by heart, so he almost said directly that he doubted Qin Feng!
"Lu Sancheng, don't talk nonsense!"

"When Emperor Qin first came to Wanbao Pavilion, he didn't even know that you were wearing the Dao Yun jade plate, so how could you steal the Dao Yun jade plate!"

Hearing Lu Sancheng's words, Li Fu stood up quickly, looked at Lu Sancheng angrily, and said angrily.

The Martial God King above also frowned, and looked at Ren Wudi and Lu Sancheng with cold eyes.

"What is the truth, just search and find out!"

Great Elder Ren Wudi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Qin Feng, and said proudly.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, with an arrogant expression, and didn't see Qin Feng in his eyes at all.

"Great Elder, Emperor Qin is in the realm of the Supreme Dao, so how can you get the dignity of the Supreme Dao?"

Li Fu heard the elder's words, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice.


The Great Elder Ren Wudi snorted coldly, suppressed Li Fu with a terrifying aura, and then quickly restrained himself.


Li Furu was struck by lightning, a ray of pain flashed across his face, his body involuntarily backed away, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

Li Fu was traumatized by Ren Wudi's passing momentum, and the trauma quickly disappeared in the end.

"Elder, you are going too far!"

Seeing the pained look on Li Fu's face, the Martial God King stood up abruptly, his body exploded with aura, his eyes glared, and he said angrily.

"I'm just teaching an ignorant martial artist, even a mere martial artist who is the Supreme One of the Dao Dao dares to question me, and simply doesn't take me seriously! Why should the god king be angry!"

Ren Wudi smiled faintly and said loudly.

"Enough! The second elder sit down!"

The tyrannical aura of the suzerain Shen Tongshen burst out suddenly, suppressing the audience, and said in a deep voice.


The Martial God King looked at Ren Wudi angrily, and when he heard the suzerain's words, he snorted coldly and sat down.

He is not Ren Wudi's opponent yet, and when his cultivation level breaks through in the future, he will definitely compete with Ren Wudi!
Li Fu and other martial arts masters of the Second Elder line were full of anger and aggrieved hearts.

"What is the Daoyun jade plate? Why are you all so nervous?"

Qin Feng smiled and said flatly.

"Qin Huang, the Daoyun jade plate in Lu Sancheng's hand is a rare treasure. After refining, it can allow the martial arts masters of the first level of the Supreme Dao to break through to the second level of the Supreme Dao!"

Li Fu said in a deep voice.

"I see!"

"I just don't know why Lu Keqing won the Dao Yun jade plate without refining it, and broke through the realm of the Dao Supreme Second Heaven?"

There was a clear look on Qin Feng's face, he nodded quickly, and then asked Lu Sancheng.

(End of this chapter)

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