Chapter 850 Apocalypse Alliance!

"Let's go!"

"Look for other spirits!"

Qin Feng looked around with his eyes and saw that there were no other spiritual objects left, so he led Li Kui, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Ling Yunfeng and others away.

There are a lot of martial arts around, but I felt the majestic momentum of Qin Feng and Yun Feng before.

They dare not approach at all!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2500000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2600000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 3600000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 8700000 experience points!"

Qin Feng searched for a clean place, raised the lamp and Xiang Yu, and then fell into retreat, quickly refining spiritual objects and gaining experience points.

"However, it's still not enough!"

Three days later, when Qin Feng left the customs, he frowned. The many treasures he had won before were not enough for him to break through to the realm of the supreme five heavens.

"Warrior world, natural selection!"

"I still need to obtain a large number of spiritual objects for me to break through to the realm of the supreme five heavens!"

Qin Feng frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Ling Yunfeng, Tathagata, Styx, what is the current situation in the secret territory?"

Qin Feng called Ling Yunfeng, Tathagata, Minghe, and asked plainly.

"Report to Your Majesty, now the major talents in the secret territory have united with each other! Form various alliances and fight against each other!"

"The most powerful is Ziyangtian, the holy son of Yuxian Sect, Ye Shenglei, the killing god of Tianhuangmen, and Lei Jiujue of Qingtian Taoist sect!"

Ling Yunfeng has been inquiring for news recently, and after hearing Qin Feng's words, he quickly told everything he knew.

"Ziyangtian, Ye Shenglei, Lei Jiujue!"

A solemn look flashed across Qin Feng's eyes, and his combat power was in the realm of the Great Dao Supreme Seventh Heaven.

If he were to fight alone with Ziyangtian, Ye Shenglei, Lei Jiujue and other arrogances of the supreme seventh heaven, Qin Feng is confident that he can crush them!

However, if three or even more than three Daoist Supreme Seventh Heavenly Martial Cultivators join forces, Qin Feng will be at a disadvantage.

Moreover, Qin Feng's dantian world is still suppressing Yun Feng, the Dao Supreme Seventh Heaven, and many other Dao Supreme level powerhouses,
You can't use all your combat power at all, and now you can only display [-]% of your combat power!
"Your Majesty, a day ago, Tianjiao of my sect, Tiandao Shengzong, sent a message, asking me to join the Qitian Alliance!"

Ling Yunfeng said again.

"Go on!"

Qin Feng glanced at Ling Yunfeng and said lightly.

"A total of 15 people from the Heavenly Dao Sacred Sect have entered the secret territory this time, and eight of them are friends with me, and their cultivation is in the realm of the Supreme Dao Supreme Second Heaven!"

"They are not strong in cultivation, and they belong to the top [-] Tianjiao in the secret territory, and they don't agree with each other. They want to invite me to sit in the town!"

"The alliance they invited me to join was organized by Zhang Tianqi, the No.13 Tianjiao, the Supreme Daoist and the Seventh Heavenly Cultivator!"

Seeing Qin Feng's expression, Ling Yunfeng felt a little happy in his heart, and said quickly.

"Go! I will go too!"

"As long as I show my strength and join an alliance, I will definitely become a peak force. With many martial arts cultivators serving me, I will definitely be able to obtain more resources!"

Qin Feng's eyes flickered, he was lost in thought, and finally decided to go, said in a deep voice.


Then Qin Feng summoned many generals to gather together, with Ling Yunfeng leading the way, he quickly flew towards the Qitian Alliance.




Qin Feng, Li Kui, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Ming He, etc. flew continuously for half a month, and they could reach the position marked by Tianjiao, the holy sect of heaven.

What catches the eye is a huge city, and there are many tyrannical auras coming from the huge city, the strongest being the sixth heaven of the Supreme Dao.

"It seems that this is not the headquarters of the Apocalypse Alliance!"

Qin Feng looked at Jucheng, and at a glance, he almost understood the situation of Jucheng, and said lightly.

"Go, enter the city!"

Qin Feng strode forward, followed by Minghe, Tathagata, Li Kui, Ling Yunfeng and others.

"Stop, this is the branch of the Apocalypse Alliance! Except for members of the Apocalypse Alliance, no one else is allowed to enter!"

When Qin Feng was about to step into the giant city, four Daoist Supreme Four Heavenly Martial Cultivators flew down from the void, staring solemnly at Tathagata, Styx, Ran Deng, and Xiang Yu, and said in a deep voice.

"The four of you have misunderstood. I am Ling Yunfeng, the Sacred Sect of the Heavenly Dao. This time I came here because I received a message from my fellow disciple to join the Qitian Alliance!"

Ling Yunfeng stepped forward quickly, took out the jade slip from his arms just now, and quickly said to the four martial cultivators who are the Supreme Four of the Great Dao.

"Heavenly Dao Holy Sect?"

"Ling Yunfeng, the last first son of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Sect?"

The four Daoist Supreme Four Heavenly Cultivators looked strangely at Ling Yunfeng, full of deep meaning.

"It's down!"

Ling Yunfeng felt terrified at the sight of the three people in front of him, feeling uneasy in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

Tathagata, Styx, Randeng, Xiang Yu, and Li Kui's eyes turned cold, and they looked coldly at the four great avenues, the four heavenly talents.

Many martial arts practitioners mocked His Majesty before, they were weak and unable to teach each other a lesson.

Now under the cultivation of His Majesty, their cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and their combat strength is even more different than before.

If the other party dares to speak out to mock His Majesty, they will definitely suppress the other party forever!

"I advise you not to go in, your martial cultivators from the Heavenly Dao Sect are in big trouble now!"

"If you enter the city, you will face eternal suppression!"

Mo Ziheng, one of the four supreme masters of the Great Dao, said in a low voice.

"Senior, why is this?"

"What kind of trouble did my fellow apprentice get into?"

Ling Yunfeng looked anxious and asked quickly.

He was worried about the situation of the eight juniors who had befriended him!
Brother Mo, don't say any more, lest you get into trouble! "

Zheng Tianjun frowned, looked at Mo Ziheng with both eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Anyway, you'd better leave!"

Mo Ziheng said in a low voice.




Mo Ziheng, Zheng Tianjun's four great avenues and four heavenly martial cultivators soared into the sky and hid themselves in the void again.

Ling Yunfeng's complexion changed.

"Let's go, you are my mistress, your affairs are my affairs!"

"I want to see who dares to bully me!"

"It's Zhang Tianqi, I will suppress him!"

Qin Feng strode forward and said domineeringly.

"Ling Yunfeng, thank you Your Majesty!"

"I will go through fire and water for your majesty in this life!"

Ling Yunfeng was ecstatic in his heart, with His Majesty's action, no matter who is blocking the way, he can easily solve it!

His Majesty previously suppressed the fourth-ranked Tianjiao Yunfeng forcefully!
"Your Excellency, is Ling Yunfeng, the first holy son of the Heavenly Dao Sect?"

Just as Qin Feng, Ling Yunfeng, Li Kui, Tathagata were about to step into the city gate, a middle-aged martial artist came hurriedly from outside the city gate and asked in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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