The Summoning of Billions of Gods and Demons from Another World

Chapter 858 Suppressing the Apocalypse Alliance!

Chapter 858 Suppressing the Apocalypse Alliance!

"Young Master Qi is absolutely true, Yun Changshan has been suppressed, and now the other side is coming towards the alliance!"

Zhang Tianqi's confidant said quickly.


"I didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful!"

"Yun Changshan is not weaker than me in battle, and he can be easily suppressed by him, which shows that the opponent's combat power will also be stronger than mine!"

Zhang Tianqi's eyes flickered, and there were strands of light flashing, and suddenly he murmured softly.


"No matter how strong the opponent is, I will go to meet him!"

"If the opponent's strength is strong, you can't be an enemy!"

Zhang Tianqi said in a deep voice.


Zhang Tianqi soared into the sky from the palace, stood with his hands behind his back, and stood above the alliance, waiting for Qin Feng to arrive.



A vast, violent, majestic, and domineering momentum came from a distance from time to time, sweeping everything.

Qin Feng was rushing towards the Qitian Alliance, and he unscrupulously exuded his aura,

Now his combat power has reached the realm of the Dao Supreme Seventh Heaven, and he can be called the top group of people in the secret territory!Can run amok!

Li Kui, Ming He, Xiang Yu, Ran Deng, and Xiang Yu followed behind Qin Feng, and their aura also exuded.

"So strong!"

Zhang Tianqi felt the coming momentum, his eyes showed seriousness, and he said quickly.


Zhang Tianqi took a deep breath, exuded the aura from his body, and resisted the attacking aura, preventing him from suppressing the Qitian Alliance.

"The claim of the Qitian Alliance, Tianqi pays homage to His Majesty the Qin Emperor!"

When Qin Feng, Li Kui, Ran Deng, Xiang Yu and other figures appeared, Zhang Tianqi looked at Qin Feng with both eyes, bowed deeply to Qin Feng, and said quickly.

"Get up!"

With a wave of Qin Feng's palm, a soft mana flew towards Zhang Tianqi, and said lightly.

"Your Majesty the Emperor Qin, you have released all the Wuxiu from the Changhong Gang, why did you come here?"

Zhang Tianqi looked at Qin Feng with both eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I want to join the Apocalypse Alliance and control everything in the Apocalypse Alliance! I need to occupy [-]% of the natural materials and earth treasures that I will collect in the future!"

Qin Feng stared at Zhang Tianqi, smiled proudly in his heart, and said loudly.


"However, His Majesty Qin Huang, it is impossible for me to hand over the Qitian Alliance based on your simple words!"

"I hope to witness the strength of His Majesty Qin Huang. If His Majesty Qin Huang's strength is really tyrannical and invincible, it will convince me and many brothers!"

"When the time comes, I will offer the secret realm!"

Zhang Tianqi's eyes were filled with divine light, and he said loudly.

Zhang Tianqi knew in his heart that he alone was related to the comfort of the Qitian Alliance!

Only if he can win His Majesty Qin Huang, he will be able to keep the Qitian Alliance!

But if he loses, the Apocalypse Alliance will give it to him with both hands!
"it is good!"

Qin Feng looked at Zhang Tianqi approvingly with his eyes. This man is a smart man who knows how to advance and retreat.




Qin Feng's mana circulated in his body, adjusted his state to the best, and his combat effectiveness reached its peak.

He was at full strength, and with an incomparably tyrannical aura, he swept straight ahead.




When Zhang Tianqi's aura touched Qin Feng's aura, it cracked and broke continuously,

Zhang Tianqi's aura was completely torn apart, and his face was shocked, it was unbelievable, unbelievable.

Just now, Qin Feng's aura shattered and tore Zhang Tianqi's aura like a shattering one.

As the Daoist Supreme Seventh Heaven Realm, he was so vulnerable in front of Qin Feng.

You don't even need to fight, you can defeat him with just your aura!




Qin Feng's violent, vast, majestic momentum bombarded the entire Qitian Alliance and suppressed the entire Qitian Alliance.




After the terrifying, vast, majestic, majestic momentum suppressed Yunchang Mountain, it swept away towards the Qitian Alliance.

The Wuxiu in the entire Apocalypse Alliance, as if struck by lightning, was directly suppressed and prostrate on the ground, unable to move.


"Can you explain?"

For a full 3 minutes, Qin Feng restrained his momentum, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Zhang Tianqi majesticly,

"Zhang Tianqi pays his respects to the leader!"

Zhang Tianqi let out a breath, and looked deeply at Qin Feng with his eyes. The pressure before was too strong.

He deeply felt the strength of Qin Feng, clasped his hands together, and said to Qin Feng in awe, respect, and respect.

"Meet the leader!"

"Meet the leader!"

"Meet the leader!"

Many martial artists in the Qitian Alliance agreed with Zhang Tianqi, the leader, and they would not resist.

They cupped their fists and said to Qin Feng in awe.

"Tathagata, Styx, Randeng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui, and the secret realm of Lingyun Peak will be managed by you!"

"I need a lot of spiritual things, I hope you can satisfy me!"

Qin Feng issued a gentle force from his hand, helped Zhang Tianqi and other martial artists up, and said loudly,

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

"The last will obey!"

Tathagata, Minghe, Ran Deng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui, and Ling Yunfeng faced Qin Feng's figure, clasped their fists with both hands, and said respectfully.

Zhang Tianqi looked at Tathagata, Styx, Randeng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui, and Ling Yunfeng, especially when he saw Ling Yunfeng, he felt that the other party had reached the sky in one step.

"I hope you will fully cooperate with Tathagata, Styx, Ran Deng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui, Ling Yunfeng!"

"Otherwise I will suppress him forever!"

"Don't doubt my means!"

After Qin Feng finished his orders to Tathagata, Styx, Randeng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui and other generals, he glanced coldly at Zhang Tianqi and other martial arts practitioners.

"As ordered!"

"Don't dare!"

"We will fully cooperate with Tathagata, Styx, Randeng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui, and Ling Yunfeng!"

Seeing Qin Feng's eyes, Zhang Tianqi and other martial artists felt a sharp knife passing through their hearts, and said quickly.

"Zhang Tianqi, Xiang Yu, Tathagata, you take [-]% of the alliance's heavenly materials, earthly treasures, panaceas and miraculous medicines, and send them to me!"

Qin Feng told Zhang Tianqi, Xiang Yu, Tathagata.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 5800000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 5600000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2600000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2600000 experience points!"

After surrendering all the Qitian Alliance, Qin Feng fell into retreat directly, and quickly refined the natural materials, earthly treasures, and panacea obtained into a large amount of experience points.



"It's about to break through to the realm of the Great Dao Supreme Fifth Heaven!"

Qin Feng was immersed in the system interface, seeing the rapid increase in experience points, a deep smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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