Chapter 868 Strong suppression!

"It's just you?"

Qin Feng looked at Zi Yangtian with eyes full of disdain, smiled contemptuously, and said mockingly.

"Qin Feng, today I will suppress you forever! You must not be reincarnated!"

Zi Yangtian felt the contempt in Qin Feng's eyes, as if he had been greatly insulted, and said angrily.

"Qin Feng is to die!"

"Qin Feng, you will be suppressed today!"

"Qin Feng, today you can't escape with your wings!"

Ye Shenglei, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Zhou Haochen, and Jian Xin all stood up and roared angrily.

Ye Shenglei's body was full of murderous intent, and the murderous aura emanating from his body directly dyed the void red.


Lei Jiujue's physical body was tyrannical, his qi and blood surged, and he conjured up various visions, even shattering the void.



Jian Xin is known as the Juggernaut, his whole body is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, unparalleled sharpness, cutting everything into pieces.

The other Tianjiao are also staring at Qin Feng, and have already regarded Qin Feng as a meal on the plate.

"I still say that, is it up to you?"

Qin Feng smiled lightly and said contemptuously.




Qin Feng's aura radiated out, reaching the tyrannical aura of the supreme eighth heaven, exuding unscrupulously.




The void oscillated, even the entire secret space was oscillating, and the aura surged towards the surroundings, sweeping away everything.

Ziyangtian, Ye Shenglei, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun and others just thought it was Qin Feng's strongest blow, and their mana was running rapidly, ready to forcibly resist it.

After the aura emanating from them collided with the aura emanating from Qin Feng's body, they were directly torn apart.




Ziyangtian, Ye Shenglei, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, etc. seemed to be bombarded to the chest by a huge force, they groaned, and their bodies were shaken back.

Many avenues are supreme in the sixth heaven, and the martial arts of the fifth heaven were directly suppressed by the momentum bombardment, and they prostrated themselves on the ground.

"Everyone resisted with all their strength, he could only unleash one blow!"

"Although the secret method is powerful, it will definitely pay a heavy price if you can use it!"

Zi Yangtian resisted the aura with difficulty, no pain, his eyes were full of determination, and he said in a deep voice.

"As expected of being the top talent in the universe, you can actually resist my aura!"

"But that's all for you!"

Qin Feng looked at Ziyangtian, Ye Shenglei, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun and other top talents with praise, and said lightly.

"go with!"

The mana in Qin Feng's body surged towards the palm of his hand, which radiated dazzling light and turned into a giant palm covering the sky, covering Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun and other top talents.

"not good!"

Zi Yangtian was shocked when he saw the giant palm covering the sky and felt the momentum of the giant palm.

"You have broken through to the Supreme Eighth Heaven Realm of the Great Dao!"

Ye Shenglei stared at Qin Feng with wide eyes, and let out a roar.

"Not bad!"

"I already possess the combat power of the Dao Supreme Eightfold Heaven!"

Qin Feng did not hide the slightest, and said loudly.


"Fly away!"

"The Dao Supreme Eighth Layer Heavenly Martial Cultivator is invincible, escape!"


Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Jian Xin and other martial artists' complexions changed wildly. Knowing that Qin Feng possessed the combat power of the supreme eighth heaven, they were powerless to resist, and quickly fled towards the distance.

Wu Xiu was even more decisive, turned around without saying a word, and fled frantically into the distance.

"Did you escape?"

Qin Feng smiled contemptuously, and with a sudden force on his palm, he directly suppressed Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Jianxin and others.

Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Jian Xin and others showed despair on their faces,
They fled crazily, but they couldn't get rid of Qin Feng's giant palm at all.

They are the top celestial talents of the seventh heaven, but now they are like children in Qin Feng's eyes.




With one palm, Qin Feng patted Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Jianxin, etc. into meat paste.


Qin Feng snorted coldly, and the jade seal flew out from the dantian, exuding dazzling light, majestic, and vast suppressing force, suppressing it in all directions.


Qin Feng opened the dantian world, and the dantian world exuded suction, and sucked towards Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Jianxin and so on.

"Qin Feng, if you dare to suppress us, you will definitely be attacked by the supreme Daoist Nine Heavens!"

"Qin Feng, let me go quickly, or you won't be able to bear the anger of the Dao Supreme Nine Heavens powerhouse!"

"Qin Feng, if you dare to suppress us, you will offend the Supreme Nine Heavens! Take action quickly, and I will let you live in the future!"

Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Xuandaoyun, Jianxin, etc. re-condensed, but unfortunately their mana was suppressed by Yuxi and they could not resist.

They roared and threatened Qin Feng.

"Ha ha!"

"I also want to test the gap with the Dao Supreme Nine Heavens powerhouse!"

Qin Feng was about to try, his eyes exuded a strong fighting spirit, and said in a deep voice.


The aura emanating from the dantian world was more intense. Ziyangtian, Ye Shenglei, Xuandaoyun, Jian Xin, Zhou Yuntao, etc. were sucked into the dantian world, unable to move their bodies, and their minds seemed to be frozen.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 7800000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a General of the Great Dao Supreme Sixth Heaven Realm card! (Tathagata exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 6880000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a General of the Great Dao Supreme Sixth Heaven Realm card! (Exclusive package card for burning lamps!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a General of the Great Dao Supreme Sixth Heaven Realm card! (Xiang Yu's exclusive package card!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 9800000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2800000 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a package card of the Great Dao Supreme Five Heaven Realm! (Exclusive package card for Taiyi!)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2800000 experience points!"

After suppressing Ziyangtian, Lei Jiujue, Jian Xin, Zhou Yuntao and other martial arts practitioners and subduing the dantian, the system prompt sounded quickly.


"How dare His Majesty Qin Feng's combat power be so powerful?"

"Terrifying, simply terrifying!"

Qin Feng restrained his momentum, and many martial artists who watched the battle could move, their eyes were horrified, and they looked at Qin Feng in awe.

His Majesty Qin Huang is the number one genius in the universe, the Supreme Eighth Heavenly Martial Cultivator!


Qin Feng's magic power rushed towards Yuxi, exuding violent and violent suppression, and suppressed all around.

Many martial arts outside are all suppressed and prostrate on the ground, but they are much weaker than before, and their thinking can function.

(End of this chapter)

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