Chapter 870 Siege!


Qin Feng looked down with both eyes, and the arrogance of the various forces below trembled, not daring to look at Qin Feng,
Qin Feng smiled proudly and strode towards the passage.




Tathagata, Styx, Randeng, Xiang Yu, Li Kui stepped into the passage one after another.


"Finally left!"

"This person is terrifying!"

After Qin Feng left, Tianjiao of the major forces below all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, they realized that their whole bodies were covered with sweat, and their clothes and armor were all wet with sweat.
They looked at the passage, and now Qin Feng has left, but they still dare not set foot on the passage.

I am afraid that I will meet Qin Feng outside.

They don't want to experience the pressure just now!

They are all proud of heaven, with arrogance soaring in their hearts, but they were trampled on in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is really terrifying!

A single person crushed more than a dozen top Tianjiao, and even suppressed the entire Secret Realm Tianjiao with his own power.

In the outside world, Long Shifeng and Changqingtu had already moved away from the secret passageway. His Majesty the Emperor, Lingshen Yu, Feng Qianqiu, and hundreds of martial artists stood in midair, staring at the passageway with eyes full of anger.

"Everyone's secret realm is about to open, as long as Qin Feng walks out, he will be suppressed and tortured severely!"

His Majesty the Emperor said coldly.

Lou Linglong was his disciple, and he was deeply loved by him. At this time, his beloved disciple was suppressed, and his face was also trampled on. His heart was full of anger.


"How can I get rid of my heartache if I don't torture him severely!"

Ling Shenyun exuded a domineering aura, and said in a deep voice.

Lou Zhiyun is the holy son of the Hengyun Sect, walking around the world, representing the Hengyun Sect!
But being suppressed by Qin Feng, his heart was burning with raging anger.

If Lou Zhiyun is suppressed by the heirs of a powerful force, they Hengyun Sect will consider themselves unlucky.

However, he was suppressed by an unknown small force, Ke Qing, who ignored Heng Yunmen and made him angry.

Of the hundreds of martial arts practitioners present, the weakest ones are all Daoist Supreme Five Heavenly Heavenly Powerhouses!It is an extremely terrifying force.

"Qin Feng is so daring to offend so many strong men, he is almost doomed!"

"Two Dao Supreme Eighth Heaven martial artists, hundreds of Dao Supreme Fifth Heaven, Sixth Heaven, and Seventh Heaven martial artists, what a terrifying camp!"

"Qin Feng is able to suppress Lou Zhiyun, and he can be considered a powerful genius, but it's a pity that he is too arrogant, and he will inevitably suffer from eternal suppression!"

Yuxian Shengzong, Qingtian Daozong, Tianhuangmen, Astrology Shenzong, and Daozong came to welcome Tianjiao's return. After hearing what Qin Feng did, their faces showed sneer and mockery.
Qin Feng simply overestimated himself.

The passage burst out with extremely bright light, Qin Feng, Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Styx, and Ran Deng appeared directly outside the passage.

"Qin Feng, die!"

His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor looked at him, locked on to Qin Feng instantly, let out a roar, and suppressed Qin Feng with all his aura.




Tathagata, Styx, Xiang Yu, and Li Kui felt the strong murderous aura, their bodies flickered, and they quickly guarded Qin Feng's surroundings.

"Are you waiting to come to die?"

Qin Feng flew into the air, glanced at the Emperor, Ling Shenyun, Feng Qianqiu and hundreds of other martial artists, and said loudly.

"Presumptuous! Qin Feng, today is your doomsday, I will suppress you forever, and torture you day and night!"

His Majesty the Emperor walked towards Qin Feng with a thunder ax in his hand, the murderous aura on his body became more and more tyrannical.

"Dare to threaten to suppress me, your fate is already doomed! You will be suppressed by me forever! Even through the ages, you will not be able to escape!"

Qin Feng's momentum was strong, domineering, and he said coldly.

"Hahahaha, arrogant and arrogant, today I will suppress you, torture you day and night, and avenge Linglong!"

His Majesty the Emperor let out a long cry, and raised the Hongmeng-level Lingbao Tianlei Ax high in his hand. Thunder and lightning flashed on it, containing terrifying power, and smashed it directly at Qin Feng.

"Tathagata, Xiang Yu, Styx, you stand back!"

With a movement of Qin Feng's palm, Fang Tian's painted halberd appeared in his palm, his blood was boiling, and his mana rushed towards Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Under the blessing of majestic and vast mana, Fang Tian's painting halberd exudes dazzling light.

"Break it for me!"

Qin Fengfeng shouted, and Fang Tian's painted halberd exuded a dazzling, dazzling light, and swept away at the Tianlei axe.


The terrifying power carried by Fang Tian's painted halberd bombarded the Sky Thunder Axe, directly crushing it.


His Majesty the Emperor was thrown flying millions of miles away, and he didn't know how many star fields were knocked down before he stopped.

"What a terrifying power!"

His Majesty the Emperor stood hundreds of miles away, the hand holding the Sky Thunder Hammer kept shaking, and the flesh and blood on it continued to rupture.

Terrifying power surged in the arm, constantly destroying it.

Even though His Majesty the Emperor is the Supreme Eighth Heavenly Power of the Dao, he cannot drive out the power in an instant.

His Majesty the Emperor glanced at his arm, his eyes were filled with astonishment and shock, and he said in a deep voice.

"You actually hide your strength, you are the supreme eighth heaven powerhouse!"

His Majesty the Emperor looked at Qin Feng with a dignified look, and said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha!"

"Come to die!"

Qin Feng didn't bother to explain, sneered and said loudly.

"Elder Ling shot together and suppressed him!"

His Majesty the Emperor looked at Qin Feng solemnly. Qin Feng's power was far stronger than him. He might not be Qin Feng's opponent alone, so he invited Lingshenyun.

"it is good!"

Lingshenyun's body flickered, as if he had teleported a glance, and rushed towards Qin Feng with a black gold dragon gun in his hand.


His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor defended the Lingbao Xuanbao Pagoda above his head, holding the Sky Thunder Axe, flashing thunder and lightning, and charged towards Qin Feng with overwhelming power.

Both Lingshenyun and Emperor Tianhuang are powerhouses at the level of the Dao Supreme Eighth Layer, and they are attacking together at this time.

The power produced is incomparably terrifying.

The elders sent by Yuxian Shengzong, Qingtian Daozong, Tianhuangmen, Astrology Shenzong, and Daozong retreated quickly.

lest the fierce battle affect them.

They looked at Qin Feng with shocking eyes, he turned out to be the supreme eighth heavenly powerhouse.

Isn't it stronger than the Tianjiao carefully cultivated in their sect?



"Go back!"

Feng Qianqiu and hundreds of other martial artists retreated quickly with expressions of shock, awe, and horror.

"Not enough, far from enough!"

"Two mere Daoist Supreme Eighth Heaven Martial Cultivators are not even qualified to let me fight to my heart's content!"

Qin Feng looked contemptuously, looked down at the Emperor, and said loudly.

He is like a god king who is high above the sky. He doesn't pay attention to the emperor and the spirit god at all. He is full of contempt and disdain for him.

"Suppress me!"

Qin Feng's arm holding Fang Tian's painted halberd was tightened, and he swung it quickly, at an extremely fast speed, and swung it at the Emperor, Lingshenyun.

Each of his blows carries terrifying power, and he has no ability to fight back against His Majesty the Emperor and Lingshenyun.

(End of this chapter)

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