Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 1 God-Level Playing System

Chapter 1 God-Level Playing System
parallel world.

blue star.

Internet cafes.

Chen Mo looked at everything around him blankly.

He remembered that he was just lifting weights in the gym, and then taught a big brother the correct way to exercise on a whim. With a lot of memory fragments in his mind, Chen Mo understood that he was reborn.

It came to a student who had just finished the college entrance examination.

This man was also named Chen Mo, an orphan whose parents passed away in a car accident, leaving him a house in the urban area and a large amount of compensation.

The world he was in at this time was not called Earth, but it was very similar to Earth. It was called Blue Star, and the country he was in was called Yan Country.

The world pattern is also roughly similar.

But the difference is that Blue Star's technological progress is faster than Earth's, and the development is unrestrained. The global resource exploitation is serious, coupled with the explosive growth of population, which leads to the increasing scarcity of Blue Star's resources and the constant outbreak of international conflicts.

The beautiful country on the other side of the ocean clamors every day to help this country and that country, and there is a tendency to break out of war.

International relations are increasingly tense.

After understanding this, Chen Mo took a deep breath and secretly sighed that the earth is better.

But if it comes, it will be safe, just when Chen Mo was thinking about his future.

Suddenly, a change came.

[Warning: The Land of Apocalypse outside the Territory is about to open.There are 400 countries around the world, and each country will randomly select two lucky players, a total of [-] people.The lucky players will be bound to their country and enter the Land of Apocalypse one hour later. 】

[This adventure and survival in the Land of Apocalypse will be broadcast live to Blue Star.Any network platform, TV, will be forced to transform into a live broadcast platform.Anyone can use their own consciousness to continuously change the live camera on the four hundred contestants. 】

[Contestants who are bound to their respective countries, if they obtain treasure chest resources in the Land of Apocalypse, they will manifest in the real world a hundred times. 】

[In addition, the precautions for the land of apocalypse, please be sure to keep in mind the players who are drawn. 】

[One: After the contestant dies in the Land of Apocalypse, he can be resurrected in any safe zone immediately, but his own life value will be reduced by one tenth.

If there are five total deaths, it will be regarded as a complete death. At the same time, every time a contestant dies, all the citizens of the country he actually represents will lose one-tenth of their health. 】

[Two: Contestants can obtain treasure chest rewards every time they survive in the land of apocalypse for more than a week. one-third.)
In addition to surviving, you can also explore the land of apocalypse, kill zombies and mutant beasts, and dig secrets to have a chance to burst out treasure chest rewards. 】

[Four: The land of apocalypse is full of dangers, mysterious and unpredictable, and at the same time there are endless unknowns and opportunities. The selected contestants are requested to be extremely prepared before departure. 】

[Five: There are no rules in the land of apocalypse, please don't trust anyone except your own national teammates. 】

[The countdown begins. 】




In his mind, a cold mechanical sound sounded, making Chen Mo's expression extremely exciting.

The Land of Apocalypse?

Adventure survival?

Global broadcast?

Bind country?

Chen Mo repeated what he had just heard with a look of astonishment.


There are more than two billion people in Yan Kingdom, and two of them are selected.

If it is true, it means that the fate of a country will rest on two people.

Why does it feel like a three-body swordsman?
Suddenly, noisy and stunned voices suddenly sounded.

All the people in the Internet cafe who were surfing the Internet froze.

You look, I look at you.

"Did you hear anything just now?" A Mediterranean uncle took off his earphones and asked.

"I heard some strange sounds, like some kind of apocalypse, a global live broadcast or something."

"That's what I heard too."

"Me too."

"True or false, do we hear the same thing?"

The people in the Internet cafe gradually changed from being dazed at the beginning to excitement and fear
As soon as the first person opened his mouth, it exploded, and everyone in the Internet cafe was in a commotion.
Chen Mo looked outside the Internet cafe, and found that many people who were walking stopped, looked at each other, and asked each other if they heard any strange sounds.

Both got the same answer in the end.

That means it's true.

Chen Mo's gaze was dull, but soon returned to normal.

I have accepted the fact that I was reborn just now, so there is nothing unacceptable about it.

"However, there are only two "lucky players" out of more than two billion people, and it can't be me..."

Chen Mo was talking to himself, but the words on his lips hadn't finished yet.

He heard the familiar voice again.

[Congratulations on becoming a contestant of Yan Country, and we are binding Yan Country for you! 】

【Binding is successful! 】

[Please be prepared, the total weight of the items you carry must not exceed your own weight, and you will enter the Land of Apocalypse after 0:47:32. 】


Chen Mo was dumbfounded again.

First I experienced rebirth, and then the global live broadcast sounded in my mind.

Now he has chosen himself among the two billion people.

What the hell kind of luck is this?

The chances of winning the first prize are lower than buying the lottery.
Although the voice in my head described it very interestingly just now, the Land of Apocalypse seems to be some kind of doomsday world, even with mutant beasts.

A student like him who has just finished the college entrance examination and has no strength to restrain a chicken, should he send it?

If this is a person, it may be acceptable.

But this is bound to the country, if you die once, the national life value will be reduced by one tenth
How much pressure does this have to hold.

It's still a global live broadcast, and it is estimated that it will be sprayed to death by then.

And right now.

【Ding!After checking that the vital signs of the host are normal, the god-level playing system starts to bind. 】

【Binding is successful! 】

[Has the host activated the binding gift package? 】


Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic in an instant. This is really crazy twists and turns.


Although I don't know what the god-level role-playing system is for the time being, the activation is over.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting the first role-Yao! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the swordsman robe, excellent iron sword, and elementary swordsmanship! 】

As the sound of the system sounded, Chen Mo had some more memories in his mind. They were some sword moves, as if they were born with him, and as long as he wanted to use them, he could use them perfectly.

At the same time, an off-white robe and an exquisite iron sword also appeared in the system backpack.


"Talk Yao in Glory of the King?"

(End of this chapter)

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