Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 109 The power of missiles, Chen Mo is still alive

Chapter 109 The power of missiles, Chen Mo is still alive


Hearing Ichiro Miyamoto's words on the walkie-talkie, Dylan, who had found the sniper spot, immediately pulled the trigger, and a tongue of flame spewed out from the muzzle of Barrett's gun.

A 12.7mm armor-piercing projectile shot towards Chen Mo at a speed as fast as the speed of sound.


With Chen Mo's current strength, he has been able to observe the details. Naturally, he could see a bullet being shot towards him, and immediately charged with his sword, causing the Dragon Yin, which was originally flying sideways, to block the incoming bullet with a posture soaring to the sky. .

With a crisp explosion, Long Yin was not damaged at all, but the bullets flew out.

"Oh, Shet, is this still a normal human being?"

Dylan saw this scene through the scope, as if he had seen a ghost, and immediately sweared, and he was dumbfounded.

You can see the trajectory of the bullet.

It can also hard catch Barrett's bullets.

All Bluestar live broadcast rooms.

It also ignited a little because of this scene.

You know, the fact that players from the Five Nations besieged and killed players from the Yan Kingdom has already attracted the attention of all the people and touched the hearts of the whole world.

"My God, I actually took Barrett's bullet hard."

"What kind of speed is this? It can't even catch up with the tracking missile."

"Oh my god, Chen Mo led the missile to the mecha, he probably wants to die together."

"Yunying also led the missile over."

"It's also incredible."

People all over the world are agitated by this.

The moment when Chen Mo soared into the sky.

The missile chasing behind Chen Mo and the missile launched by Great Britain to intercept Chen Mo's progress all chased towards the sky and killed Chen Mo.

And Dylan on the side did not forget to use Barrett to aim at Chen Mo, creating pressure on Chen Mo, thus reducing his speed.

The terrifying air wave caused by the two missiles.

Passing over the giant peak, the air is torn, and the sound of explosions is endless, making people's heart beat faster.



Because Dylan's Barrett was supercharged, Chen Mo had to be distracted to stop it, so the speed slowed down.

It also made the two missiles in the rear about to catch up.

Chen Mo gritted his teeth, and injected all the energy in his body into the dragon's voice under his feet.

Along with Longyin, there was a buzzing sound.

A deafening dragon chant roared out from the dragon scales on the sword body.

In an instant, Chen Mo Yujian's flying speed suddenly accelerated a lot.

Flip 360 degrees in the air.

Chen Mo took the two missiles behind him and flew towards the mecha again.

with it.

And the missile following Yunying.

"Oh my god, are these two guys still living things?"

"The speed is so fast!"

The faces of Miyamoto Ichiro, Kroll and others standing on the mecha were very moved. After a while, the faces of several people changed drastically. A Sanguo contestant Galawa's eyes were shocked, and he urged his companions who had not fired the missile:
"Don't be dazed, fire quickly, fire quickly, the two of them are rushing over here."

"John, hurry up and shoot them with the guns on your mechs."

Miyamoto Ichiro looked at Chen Mo who was flying over, and remembered that he had died by his hands twice in a row, and his expression changed drastically, telling John in the mecha to fire quickly.

Another contestant from A Sanguo woke up, and almost subconsciously pressed the button, and the shells fired from the barrel of the Apocalypse Mecha, shot at Chen Mo and Yunying respectively, one after the other.

But Chen Mo had already prepared himself.

At the moment of seeing the flames bursting out.

A purple thunder burst out of Chen Mo's body, and his figure squirmed, like a frame stuck, leaving an afterimage in mid-air, which fooled the eyes of A Sanguo's contestant.

The missile pierced through Chen Mo's afterimage.

Fly all the way to a boulder behind.

But after all, it is a high-end killing weapon.

Although he was deceived by Chen Mo, he was locked on.

The missile flew hundreds of meters before immediately turning its warhead, and together with the previous two missiles, it approached Chen Mo.

"Is this so outrageous? Clone technique?"

The Three Kingdoms players on the mecha couldn't believe their eyes, because it was so bizarre.

But now.

Chen Mo and Yunying had already flew in front of them.

In the next second, they will collide with them.

Want to die together?

"Hurry up."

Miyamoto Ichiro's face changed drastically, and after a stern shout, he quickly left the mecha with Hibiki performing ninjutsu.

The missile has locked onto Chen Mo.

They just have to separate.

Even if Chen Mo dies together, he can only find one party to die together, and he cannot bury everyone with him.


The contestants from the Three Kingdoms and the Kangaroo Country, seeing the contestants from the Island Country slipping so fast, immediately burst into obscenity.

Their own strength is not as strong as Miyamoto Ichiro and the others.

Moreover, they are standing on the mecha, and the mecha is in mid-air, more than 1000 meters from the water below, and they can't fly.

I just didn't have the courage to jump down.

And this also missed the escape time.

"Chasing stars!"


"Break through the air!"

Chen Mo and Yunying's attack has arrived.

With a flash of cold light.

The two contestants from Ah San Guo and Kangaroo Country suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood on the mecha.

There was a muffled sound.

Just when the two killed the players from the two countries.

The four missiles behind him followed suit.

There is no escape.

"Return to dust!"

"One lotus Kudu!"

Four missiles pierced the space.

It hit Chen Mo and Yunying fiercely.


A huge mushroom cloud, centered on the Apocalypse Mecha, exploded.

The resulting shock wave swept out towards the surroundings.

The sound of the explosion was deafening and resounded through the sky.

Yan country live broadcast room.

Island Live.

American Live.

Kangaroo Country Live.

A Three Kingdoms live broadcast room.

Great Britain Live.

People all over the world are clenching their hands, their faces are flushed, they are motionless, and they dare not take a breath.

Players from the five countries besieged and killed Chen Mo and Yunying.

Can it be done.

Just look at this moment.

The mushroom cloud filled everyone's eyes, making people look forward to the announcement of the result.

Island Live.

"Great job, four missiles exploded, I don't believe Chen Mo and the others are still alive."

American Live.

"Oh Maiga, thank God, it's a good thing our players weren't with them, with such a big explosion, they're definitely dead."

The live broadcast rooms of A San Guo and Kangaroo Country fell into despair.

Great Britain Live Studio is a bit better.

Their players are all in the mechs, and they may be able to escape such crises.

The land of the apocalypse.

When Jason and Dylan saw the missile explode, they stood up immediately when they were lying on their stomachs, their faces flushed with excitement, their palms clenched into fists, and their veins bulged.

"Finally solved Chen Mo and the others."

"It's okay for Kroll and Galawa to die, and let Chen Mo and Yunying die together. They deserve to die."

After performing ninjutsu, Miyamoto Ichiro and Hibiki, who had already fallen into the water, had distorted smiles on their faces.

The great revenge has finally been avenged.

Dessa and Bella, who were hiding in the chariot, had serious expressions on their faces. Seeing the target lost on the chariot's radar, their hearts inevitably sank.

Tessa gritted her teeth, and looked at Jason and Dylan on the high ground in the distance through the picture of the chariot. If she didn't have no points, she would have to fire a cannon to kill them.

Soon, the announcement sounded.

[Major announcement!Big announcement! 】

[Two players from the Kangaroo Country were killed, and the HP of the entire country was reduced by two-tenths. 】

[Two players from the Three Kingdoms were killed, and the health of the entire country was reduced by two-tenths. 】

【Congratulations!Players from Yanguo plundered points from players from Kangaroo Country and Ah Sanguo, and got +932 points. 】

This scene.

In an instant, Kangaroo Kingdom and Ah Sanguo were all shocked, and their bodies trembled slightly.

"Kroll is dead? Mu Muzi is also dead?"

"Why didn't Chen Mo and Yunying's death announcement sound when they died? Why?"

"Fake, damn Yan Guo players, they actually killed our players."

"Damn, why? Four missiles exploded. Why didn't Chen Mo and the others die, and why didn't their announcement sound?"

The people of the Kangaroo Country and the Ahsan Country grinned their teeth angrily, and Mao rushed to the bullfight, their faces all distorted.

Although the two countries scolded fiercely, the eyes of other countries were not on them, but on Chen Mo and the others.

They all went to Yan Guo's live broadcast room, trying to find Chen Mo and Yun Ying from the screen.

Announcements of the deaths of players from the Kangaroo Country and the Three Kingdoms rang out.

But the only one that didn't ring out was the player from Yan Country.

This incidates that.

The two did not die.

Can burst undead in four missiles.

Chen Mo and Yunying are really going to become gods.

The land of the apocalypse.

Jason, Dylan, Miyamoto Ichiro, and Hibiki were also taken aback when they heard the announcement.

Why was there no announcement of the deaths of Chen Mo and Yunying?

Jason and Dylan quickly checked their positions.

However, the current storm has not dissipated.

Chen Mo and Yunying were not seen outside.

Apparently still in the storm.

Jason bit down.

They also launched their tracking missiles.

Long tongues of flame shot out.

Soon it exploded in the storm.

The sound of the explosion caused a second explosion.


Another small mushroom cloud swept away again.

[Major announcement!Great Britain lost two players. 】

【Congratulations!Jason of the United States robbed the points of the British player and scored +1366 points. 】

[Reminder, the points ranking has changed, please check it out. 】

The announcement sounded.

People all over the world were stunned.


After a while, everything boiled up.

"Haha, I'm laughing to death, the last knife made the teammates dead."

"The people of Great Britain fainted in the toilet."

"Haha, I'm not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but friends who are like pigs."

"The United States is not losing money. It earned a thousand points for nothing, surpassed the island country, and climbed to the second place in the standings."

"Oh, no, Jason is the pig teammate. You, the United States, must give us Great Britain an explanation."

"The United States is solely responsible for this matter, and we must give us Great Britain an explanation."

"Our players have just been resurrected, and we must return our points."

A resurrection point somewhere in the Land of Apocalypse.

John kept scolding Jason.

Said that their mechs had resisted the explosion of four more missiles and were on the verge of collapse.

As a result, Jason gave them the final blow, which caused the mecha to explode.

The two sides exploded, but John and the others were still alive.

They all expressed their condemnation.

And speak in the chat panel, asking Jason to return the points quickly, or the alliance will be disbanded.

Jason didn't answer.

Instead, he opened his eyes wide, looking at the two figures in the sky.

With the dissipation of the flame storm.

The figures of Chen Mo and Yunying were also exposed in front of everyone.

above the sky.

Chen Mo stepped on the Longyin Feijian with his arms around Yunying.

Chen Mo held Yunying in his arms, and even covered Yunying's head with his hands.

And his back was bloody and bloody, looking extremely hideous.


When killing Kroll and the others, Chen Mo used Star Chaser twice, and instantly pulled the figure in front of them.

Then a blow to split the air to solve them.

When the four missiles arrived, Chen Mo hugged Yunying's waist and used Guichen, and his figure immediately returned to its original position.

It was too late for the four missiles to turn around, and they exploded immediately.

In order to resist the shock wave caused by the explosion, Chen Mo also used a lotus Kudu to defend.

However, the power is still too great.

Chen Mo could only resist with his body.

But he was already on the brink of explosion.

So only slightly injured.

It was the missile fired by Jason later, and the shock wave from the explosion, which was beyond Chen Mo's expectation, and made Chen Mo look like this just now.

But this scene.

Jason and the others don't know.

People all over the world who are far away from Blue Star don't know about it either.

Seeing that both Chen Mo and Yunying were still alive, with no missing arms or legs, there was an uproar.

"My God, how did this happen?"

"How he escaped the missile explosion."

"I'm so dissatisfied, this is unreasonable, can this live?"

"The Land of Apocalypse is for the two players from Yan Kingdom, right?"

"It's not fair, are they still human? Are they making movies with their flesh and blood against missiles?"

"Haha, if you can't do it, it doesn't mean that Mo Shen can't do it."

"God Mo is a god, whether a god understands it or not."

"Just you little bastards who dare to come and kill Mo God, are you so courageous?"

"Anyone who offends my country of Yan will be punished no matter how far away! Since you have come to your door, then don't run away."

In the Yanguo live broadcast room, the netizens danced excitedly when they saw that Chen Mo and Yunying were still alive.

Of course, I didn't forget to go to the live broadcast room in the United States and other countries afterwards to ridicule.

Pop-up explanation.

Xiao Sa and the others stood up immediately from the commentary seat, dumbfounded and shocked.

What happened at the moment of the explosion just now?
Just the blink of an eye.

Countless people went to watch the playback.

Then play it slowly.

Soon, someone discovered the truth.

At the second of the explosion, Chen Mo hugged Yunying, and suddenly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already ten meters away.

"Damn it! Instant teleportation, Mo God will also teleportation."

"It's amazing, it disappeared in a flash, and when it reappeared, it was already more than ten meters away."

"When did God Mo learn this trick? It's just that nb's mother drove nb, and nb arrived home."

ps: two-in-one, [-]-word chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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