Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 111 The Mirror Arrives, the Radiance of the Blazing Sun

Chapter 111 The Mirror Arrives, the Radiance of the Blazing Sun
[The biography of Abe Mingmu is completed, and can be summoned by paying [-] points or spending one-tenth of the resources of the island nation. 】

[Do you want to pay for the summon? 】

Soon, a light curtain appeared in front of Ichiro Miyamoto.

Thirty thousand points.

Ichiro Miyamoto certainly did not.

If you want to summon it, you must spend one-tenth of the island country's resources.

When the broadcast sound fell, two different voices appeared in the live broadcast room of the island country, among which the voice of refusing to pay accounted for the majority.

Because one-tenth of the resources of the island nation.

For an island country whose resources have already been deducted by two-tenths, this is a huge amount of money, and it also touches the interests of the people of the whole country.

"You can't pay. If you pay, you are the resources of the island country."

"If one tenth of the resources disappear, how will we live?"

"Anyway, it's come to this point, why not pay? If you pay with the help of Abe Mingmu, maybe you can turn the tables against the wind and earn back."

"That's right, if you don't summon a powerful character, how can you fight against the players from Yan Kingdom?"

"If we don't pay, our island country may be destroyed."

Miyamoto Ichiro didn't know about domestic disputes, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. The seeds of hatred had already occupied his mind. He wanted revenge, and he wanted to kill Chen Mo.

Therefore, without hesitation, he directly chose to pay.

As the light flickered, a pitch-black black hole appeared beside Ichiro Miyamoto, and a well-mannered young man walked out of the black hole.

And the moment he walked out, the surrounding air became oppressive.

"You, are Abe Mingmu-kun?" Miyamoto Ichiro said respectfully.

Abe nodded brightly: "I sense your call and come to fight for the island country. What is this place?"

"This is the land of apocalypse, Barabara." Miyamoto Ichiro briefly described what happened, and exaggerated the hatred between him and Chen Mo a lot.

"It's unreasonable that the island country was bullied by him so much. Don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely avenge Miyamoto-kun." Abe Mingmu said in a deep voice.

"Then thank you, Abe-kun." Miyamoto Ichiro said humbly.

Seeing that things have become a foregone conclusion.

The people in the island country's live broadcast room could only accept it, and immediately clamored.

"Down with Chen Mo!"

"Avenge Chen Mo and Yunying, and rob them of their points."

"Revenge, must be revenge."


[Major announcement, two players from the United States were killed. 】

【Congratulations!Yun Ying, a player from Yan Country, snatched points from a player from the United States and got +2710 points. 】

【hint!In the United States, the country where the players are located, the life value of all citizens has been reduced by two tenths. 】

at this time.

An announcement sounded.

It made the entire United States fall into madness.

"Why? Why, why is the island country reducing the national resources, but we are drawing life points. This is not fair."

"Revenge, we must have revenge."

"Summoning, we must summon a powerful character, even if we sell the entire country of America."

"Kill Yunying, this bitch has killed our contestant twice, she must die."

And the clamor for the people of the island countries and the United States.

Yan Guo's live broadcast room scoffed.

"Laughing to death, it's like you can summon, but we can't."

"Our Yan Kingdom has thousands of years of history, so many folklore and fairy tales have been produced, if you summon any one at random, it can hang you all."

"That's right, if Moshen's points are not enough, we can still pay for resources. My Yan Kingdom is a huge country, so I won't beat you, a tiny country."

"Summon, call, whoever is afraid of whom, whoever loves is the grandson."

Pop-up explanation.

Instructor Li's eyes sparkled and he smiled brightly.

According to the description of the previous summoning, only those from the country can be summoned, but not limited to fabricated ones, as long as its life is from the country of Yan
Our country of Yan has thousands of years of history, and in this regard, it is not inferior to any other country, and even the combined total of the other countries is not enough for Yan country to fight alone.

Randomly pulling out a mythical character will create a world and cause havoc in the heavenly palace.

As for the other party's mythological characters, the structure couldn't be smaller, it was simply a family ethics drama, and this kind of god could kill even mortals.

There is no b mark at all.

Therefore, Instructor Li is not worried at all than summoning.

You are as strong as you are, and the breeze blows the hills.




"I want you to die, die, die, die!"

Jason and Dylan, who were resurrected from the resurrection point, immediately started to curse at each other.

Jason, who was only in his early 40s, has now turned into a gray-haired old man, his face is full of wrinkles, and his voice is hoarse like an old man.

If he hadn't swallowed the gene capsule, Jason's physical functions would have been greatly reduced at this moment, and he might have died suddenly.

Jason looked down at his bark-like hand, and suddenly burned with anger.

Seeing the light curtain appear in front of him.

He hastened to write the life of the summoner.

But holding the light pen in his hand, he suddenly froze.

Netizens in the U.S. broadcast room saw Jason stop and urged him to write quickly. Why are you still staring blankly?

One by one was distraught.

But Jason froze for a reason.

The history of the United States is less than 300 years, and there are very few mythical characters that can be summoned.

And because of the particularity of the United States, some mythical characters do not necessarily belong to the United States.

This made Jason a little helpless.

My mind suddenly became a mess.

How to write this.

Just when he was at a loss.

He suddenly remembered a sci-fi movie he had seen.

The identity of the actor in it is American.

Moreover, the male lead possesses superpowers, not only able to fly into the sky, but also infinitely powerful, and his eyes can emit laser light. (You can substitute into the motherland of the black-robed picket team.)
Thinking of this, Jason immediately started writing quickly.

He wrote more than 500 times eloquently, and also wrote the combat power in great detail.

[Super Hero's life is written, and you can spend [-] points or spend one-fiftieth of the resources of the United States to pay for the summon. 】

[Do you want to pay for the summon? 】

Seeing that it only costs one-fiftieth of the resources, the people of the United States are relieved.

They all said they could accept it.

And estimate from the points to spend.

Super Hero's strength is definitely much stronger than Abe's Mingmu summoned by the island nation.

Jason chose to pay the call without hesitation.


A 1.8-meter-tall man wearing a yellow armor and a red cloak with the American flag on the armor appeared beside Jason and Dylan.

The moment Superhero appears.

The whole world was shocked.

After all, the United States is a superpower, and the Super Hero movie has also been screened around the world and won a lot of money at the box office.

So it has a certain reputation in the world.

"Oh Mai Ga, it's Super Hero!"

"Even movie characters are fine."

"Super Hero is amazing, and Retinazer is so powerful that it can even destroy high-rise buildings."

Netizens in Yanguo's live broadcast room were stunned when they saw Chaoweixia.

After all, this movie was also shown in Yan Country, and many people still watched it.

"This super hero is a bit perverted. This is the existence that can resist missiles."

"That armor can't even be pierced by bullets."

"Haven't you seen that Retinazer, the hardest metal in the world, can be burned."

"Super Heroes have come out, we must not summon Thor and Vulcan to come out."

"No, no, I think black and white impermanence is enough."

"Uh, the ghost messengers of our Yan Kingdom are useful to foreigners?"

"Not sure, how about the whole Pangu come out?"

"The upstairs is outrageous. Even if we can pay, the Land of Apocalypse will not have the ability to summon it."

Blue Star talked a lot.

All-time hot debate.

The news sections of each country are all summoned figures from each country.

Even, this is an opportunity for countries to rise.

Some of the original small countries can rely on national resources to pay for the top ten in the rankings.

No longer have to hide in the shelter and dare not come out as before.

The world is so big, we can also venture out.

As all countries are calling.

But now the eyes of the whole world are focused on Chen Mo.

At this moment, a light curtain also appeared in front of Chen Mo and Yunying.

A light pen condensed in Chen Mo's hand.

Chen Mo's first thought was Huangtian Emperor Shi Hao.

As for him, he is not from Yan Kingdom.

Chen Mo can completely make up random things.

For example, Shi Hao traveled from the soul of Yan Kingdom.

Anyway, time travel? It doesn't hurt.

The Huangtian Emperor in the time of the Immortal Emperor must not be able to summon the Land of Apocalypse, and Chen Mo couldn't afford it either.

But Huang Tiandi, who is in the growth stage, can get it.

It's not as good as when Emperor Huangtian was still a brat.

There is more than [-] catties of strength to move the blood, plus treasures and so on.

With these alone, you can kill indiscriminately in the Land of Apocalypse.

What's more, Huang Tiandi's talent is astonishing.

Wait for him to grow up.

Isn't it an amazing existence in the Land of Apocalypse.

Chen Mo quickly started writing.

A monk at the end of the chaotic era, with unparalleled talent, born to practice Taoism, and came to respond to disasters. He was extremely brilliant in his life and created endless legends
It took about 10 minutes, after writing.

【warn!warn!warn!Karma is too great to summon. 】

The broadcast sound resounded in the Land of Apocalypse.

The whole Blue Star was dumbfounded.

Especially countries such as the United States and Daliedian.


"What is cause and effect?"

"My God, I can't summon it. Chen Mo wants to summon some powerful person. He can't even summon the Land of Apocalypse."

"Could it be the existence that can destroy the planet?"

A few big question marks floated over their heads.

Can't understand what cause and effect is.

Yan country live broadcast room.

"666, the cause and effect are too large to be summoned."

"nb. The cause and effect that even the land of apocalypse dare not be contaminated, God Mo wants to summon characters?"

"God Mo, you can't grasp it, try another little god."

"That's right, it's probably almost enough to get a Dragon King or something."

"Good guy, good guy."


Chen Mo's mouth also twitched.

Are you afraid of karma?
He thought about it.

Or make an Erlang God.

The Erlang God in mythology probably cannot be summoned.

In the king, it seems to be ok.

So Chen Mo wrote the life of Yang Jian in the king's story.

As a result, after the writing was finished, cause and effect were still involved and could not be summoned.

It's just that the three warnings when summoning Emperor Huangtian were gone.

"I'll go, what exactly is God Mo wanting to summon? Every time something involves cause and effect."

"It must be that the character to be summoned is too strong, and the Land of Apocalypse can't bear it."

"God Mo, don't need such a strong character, just be able to defeat the Super Hero of the United States."

Seeing that the characters that Chen Mo was about to summon for the first time were tainted with karma again, discussions arose in the live broadcast room.

They clamored for whom to call.

People in the United States, Great Britain, Kangaroo Country, Three Kingdoms, and Island Countries became a little nervous.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Yan Kingdom is going to summon a remarkable existence.

If the summoned characters are stronger than them, wouldn't they have to be crushed again.

The land of the apocalypse.

There is one last call left.

Chen Mo didn't dare to act recklessly, so he looked at Yunying: "Yunying, why don't you give it a try."

Chen Mo has already tried twice, and the last time, let Yunying do it.

"Don't, don't, I can't do this, you should do it." Yunying evaded, she was afraid that something bad happened to her.

"How about spending a thousand points randomly?" Chen Mo said.

Yunying still hasn't spoken.

The Yanguo live broadcast room became noisy.

"Don't, Mo God don't."

"God Mo, this is a summoned character, don't be so silly, don't be random!"

"Random is completely a fight for character"

However, Chen Mo and Yunying couldn't hear what was said in the live broadcast room.

After seeing Yunying nodded.

Chen Mo then spent a thousand points to perform the instant summon.

With the deduction of one thousand points.

In the Yanguo live broadcast room, everyone's hearts skipped a beat.

Nervous and looking forward to it.

For a moment, the eyes of the whole world were focused on Yan Guo's live broadcast room, wanting to see what existence Chen Mo could summon.

[Random summoning. 】

[The summoning is complete. 】

[Mirror-blazing sun light. 】

【Brief introduction to Jing's life: born in an ancient priestly family, awakened the power of the stars since childhood...】

With the sound of the announcement, it fell completely.


Suddenly the sky burst open.

A golden light descended.

golden light.

A figure flew down.

Finally, with a loud bang, it fell in front of Chen Mo, and even the ground trembled and collapsed.

This is a woman with white hair, wearing a golden tunic, outlining her exquisite and slender body, with a golden armor shoulder on her right shoulder, holding a golden "artifact."

The whole body exudes a sacred light that cannot be seen directly.

Suddenly, her eyes opened, and a cold light burst out from them.

Global shock!

"Oh my god, this is too sassy!"

"I'm going, another goddess!"

"This appearance scene is simply a fortress! The characters summoned by the island country and the United States are her opponents?"

"Mirror, what a strange name!"

"Born into a family of priests, it sounds awesome."

"What is the weapon in her hand! It's so strange!"

"Oh God, is this god coming?"

ps: Chen Mo is just playing Yao, not Yao, so he and Jing are not siblings, well, you guys understand
(End of this chapter)

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