Chapter 118 Sleeping Together
Yunying's grilled fish is not very good, it's not that it's burnt or something, but it's so grilled that it doesn't look appetizing, unlike Daisha's grilled fish, which are browned on both sides, and the fish is still turned out and dripping with oil.

So, after shaking around, no one answered.

"Let's eat it for you." Yunying gave Chen Mo the grilled fish.

In fact, she specially baked it for Chen Mo, asking around is just a polite way.

Chen Mo didn't dislike it either, he sprinkled it with barbecue ingredients and started to eat it.

"Goddess Yunying is not good at cooking!"

"When it comes to barbecue, I still need God Mo to come in. It looks quite appetizing."

"Sprinkle with bread crumbs and deep-fry in oil. It will be so crunchy that the children next door will cry."

"The pork belly and squid grilled by Moshen are very appetizing."

"Hey, I haven't had dinner yet, I can't do it, let's put poison in the middle of the night."


Before the barbecue, Chen Mo deliberately caught a few fish that are unique to this world, F-level creatures, which will not disappear after death.

Seeing Chen Mo eating with gusto, a smile appeared on Yunying's face, and she grilled another one immediately.

Chen Mo: "."

Well baked, no more baked.

"Let me do it." Chen Mo took over the task of grilling fish.

"Then I'll eat yours." Yunying didn't insist, but snatched the grilled fish from Chen Mo's hand, not disliking the slightest bit that Chen Mo had eaten it before, and began to eat it in small bites.

"Come on, make one." After all the fish were grilled, Chen Mo held up a can of beer.

"Come on, do it." Bella, Dessa, and Diana collided one by one.

Then came Yunying.

Jing was a little overwhelmed, but soon got used to it, raised the beer in his hand and bumped it.

Mirror is drinking beer for the first time.

This kind of wine is very strange, and it is different from the wine she used to drink.

But the red wine was not bad.

While drinking and chatting, Yunying, Daisha, and Bella all blushed after the round.

Diana, Jing, and Chen Mo are not affected.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol, Diana's smell of a mature royal sister immediately permeated, especially the arc of conscience outlined by the battle armor.
Chen Mo's nose felt inexplicably hot, and his blood also surged up.

Especially when Diana raised her head to drink, her slender jade neck, fair collarbone, indescribable line of sky, and slightly undulating conscience greatly stimulated Chen Mo.

Chen Mo suddenly had the idea of ​​committing a crime.

He quickly looked away.

And all of this was seen in Yunying's eyes, she couldn't help biting her red lips, revealing her cute canine teeth
night falls
It was still the mirror vigil, she grabbed a huge boulder, sat down cross-legged, absorbing the power of the stars.

Chen Mo and Yunying got into the tent, and they were going to be replaced in the middle of the night.

"I want to sleep with you." Just as Chen Mo was about to zip up, Diana suddenly came over, and before Chen Mo and Yunying could say anything, her head had already got into the tent.

She took off her long sword, shield, wrist guard, and cable, and she, who was wearing relatively little clothes, looked quite charming at the moment.

"No, you're going to sleep with Bella and the others, and you'll come in after the camera is over, and you can't sleep anymore." Yunying pushed Diana's head out, sternly refusing, with hostility in her eyes.

In front of Diana, Yunying felt defeated for the first time.

Because this woman not only has a better figure than me, but also looks better than me, and her skin is also whiter than me. The most annoying thing, Chen Mo seems to like this kind of thing
In the words of Jing, her whole body was as cold as an ice cube, which made Yunying not so worried.

Moreover, she and Chen Mo already had a marriage contract, so Yunying didn't need to be on guard.

But Diana was different.

She must not lead the wolf into the house.

"Let Jing and Daisha be in the same tent." Diana stuck her head out again, and when she saw that Yunying was about to push, she immediately hugged Chen Mo's arm and said softly, "Chen Mo, what do you say?" , I want to hug you to sleep, we slept together when we were young."

Feeling the soft squeeze on his arm, Chen Mo should have enjoyed it, but when he heard this, he was stunned: "What? We slept together when we were young?"

"Well, you don't remember, you still hugged and slept together." Diana emphasized.

Suddenly, Chen Mo's back felt cold, Yunying looked at him coldly, and Chen Mo's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Is there such a thing?

When I wrote the details of Diana's life, I didn't write about this.

Suddenly, Chen Mo's complexion changed.

The so-called bond, shouldn't it be this.
"At that time, we didn't have anything else but hugging each other, right?" Chen Mo was a little uneasy.

Diana had already squeezed her body into the tent, and said with a little shyness: "You secretly kissed me while I was asleep."


Hearing this, Chen Mo suddenly felt his brain buzzing.

Yan country live broadcast room.

"666, God Mo is awesome!"

"God Mo even provoked Diana, and now there are three beauties, Chen Mo is enjoying the blessing of being equal!"

"Tears of joy flowed from my eyes."

"Mo Shen knew how to flirt with girls when he was young. He's so awesome. I'm worshiped by my younger brother."

"Is the Mo God open?"

As soon as Diana's words came out, the entire Yanguo live broadcast room was boiling.

The pot exploded directly.

Even foreign audiences have envious eyes on their faces.

Chen Mo: "..."

Dessa and Bella hadn't entered the tent yet, and they heard it now, with surprise in their eyes.

Yunying twisted Chen Mo's waist fiercely, and said angrily, " scoundrel."

Yunying was jealous.

"It's nothing, I don't remember at all. No, how do you know if I secretly kissed you when you fell asleep?"

Suddenly, Chen Mo found that Diana's words had logical problems.

"God doesn't need to sleep. At that time, I just closed my eyes and didn't fall asleep." Diana explained.

Chen Mo: "..."

"How long has it been, do you remember?"

"Of course, a total of 3712 days." Diana said without thinking.

Chen Mo:  …

Looking at the confused Chen Mo, Diana smiled happily, then pursed her lips and said, "That's it, I'll sleep here."

After speaking, Diana lay down directly.

The beautiful picture was directly presented in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

Chen Mo blocked the live broadcast.


"Will you show me this when it's critical?"

"God Mo, are you a dog?"

"Dogs don't have such thieves."

"Quickly switch to the scene of Yunying and Diana."


Seeing that Chen Mo blocked the live broadcast, the live broadcast room suddenly started cursing.

So they chanted silently and turned to Yunying or Diana's live broadcast.

But found that the two also blocked.

"Nimma, I beg you to be human."

"The following is a VIP episode, and you can only watch it after paying money."

"It seems to be driving again upstairs."

"It seems to me, it's just driving."

"Copy it, copy it."

(End of this chapter)

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