Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 120 Kissing Under the Moon

Chapter 120 Kissing Under the Moon
【hint!The blood essence of Suzaku in Suzaku Stone is too powerful, refining and absorbing it alone has the risk of self-explosion, please absorb it carefully. 】

In the early morning of the next day, when Yunying took out the Vermillion Bird Stone to refine and absorb it, a voice of reminder suddenly came to mind.

Yunying couldn't help being taken aback by this.

Refining alone?

"What do you mean?" Yunying murmured to herself.

She didn't expect a prompt to answer, but to her surprise, the prompt answered her.

【hint!You can find someone to practice and share with each other, or you can refine it alone if you reach the acquired state. 】

Hearing this, Yunying was startled.

Reach the realm of the day after tomorrow?

Although she has reached the late stage of Huajin, she still has a long way to go if she wants to break through Huajin and be promoted to Houtian.

Wait until then to refine the Suzaku stone.

How can we get the Year of the Monkey and the Horse and the Moon? It seems that we can only find one person to share the cultivation.
But who?

No, she has no internal strength.

Same goes for Bella.

She's a vixen, absolutely can't take advantage of her.

Her cultivation base is so high, if she shared the cultivation with her, perhaps most of the energy would be absorbed by her.
And she hates it too, arguing with me
Only that bastard left.
Cheap him.

the other side.

Chen Mo is still training according to Jing's plan.

Guided by a mirror.

Chen Mo's acting speed also increased a little bit.

After all, Yao is her own younger brother. He may be familiar with Yao's sword moves, the cultivation of the power of the stars, and so on. A little guidance can make Chen Mo improve a lot.

A day has passed.

Supper was cooked by Dessa and Bella.Salad with steak, and a pot of fish soup.

Yun Ying drank the fish soup, glanced at Chen Mo, and said immediately: "I will keep watch with Chen Mo the night before tonight, and Diana and Jing will be in the second half of the night."

"No need, I can do it by myself." Jing didn't think there was anything wrong, but for the vigil, she could do it alone, not two.

"Let me be alone. You guarded the night before last night alone, so I can help you share it." Hearing this, Diana raised her beautiful eyes and said.

"No need." Jing Qing said coldly.

"It's you again tonight, how can I feel bad about it." Diana said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's go together."

"You don't rest?"

"I want to practice." Mirror said.

Hearing Jing and Diana's words, Yunying was silently elated.

But after the two of them finished their work, Chen Mo, who was cutting the steak, said, "I'll be alone in the first half of the night, so you can rest."

Very thoughtful care.

Even the girls in the live broadcast room said that Mo Shen is so warm and a gentleman.

But Yunying frowned: "Listen to me, it's decided like this."

The voice fell.

All eyes swept towards Yunying.

Yun Ying blushed slightly, and put her arms around Chen Mo's arm: "We can't date!"

Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately shook his head, and the doubts in his heart were dispelled. He had confessed his love to Yun Ying, and the two of them are now lovers, but they haven't officially dated yet, which is really a mistake.
"Okay. Listen to you." Chen Mo nodded and agreed, thinking about the date in his mind tonight.

In the end, during the night vigil in the first half of the night, Yunying didn't say a word.


Thinking in his heart, Chen Mo secretly glanced at Yunying, but found a blush on her face, and immediately moved his hand over, took her hand, and interlocked his fingers.

"What are you doing?" Yunying blushed and struggled.

"Still pretending?" Seeing Yunying's reaction, Chen Mo snickered a bit, but he didn't like it either, the girl's reserve, so he chuckled lightly, "Hold hands! Walk with me."

After finishing speaking, he took Yunying's hand and started walking in this stone valley, but he didn't go too far, after all, it was still the responsibility of night watch.

The so-called dating.

at Blue Star.

It's nothing more than eating, watching movies, going to the park, and opening a house.

Some are impatient, so I skip watching movies and going to the park.

Or the last step is adjusted to the point.

But in the Land of Apocalypse, there are no movies.

And just after eating, I can only hold her hand and chat while walking around, but the chat is happy, a little kiss or something
Moon stars are rare.

The moonlight hit the two of them, and the shadows of the two were stuck very long.

After shopping around, Chen Mo chose a place, and pulled Yunying to sit down.

This is a cliff, below is the sea, you can watch the waves crashing on the shore, and you can also look up at the stars.

"Baby, block the live broadcast."

Chen Mo first blocked the live broadcast, and then hugged Yunying into his arms involuntarily, and said affectionately.

Yunying's delicate body trembled suddenly, and writhed uneasy in Chen Mo's arms, but she obediently blocked the live broadcast, and said coquettishly: "Don't move, or grandma will beat you to death."

Chen Moxiao was bold. He not only blew hot air into Yunying's ear, but also touched her earlobe, and said in a warm voice, "You only allow the state officials to let the people off and not allow the people to light the lamps! Last night."

"You still say?" Yunying waved her small fists, and was about to beat her up.

"Okay, don't talk, baby, tell me about your childhood."

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to call me baby, disgusting or not."

"I don't feel intimate enough if I don't call you baby, why don't I call you wife, and you call me husband?" Chen Mo joked.

"Look for a fight." Yunying's small fist immediately hammered Chen Mo's chest. She has access to a lot of modern information through a tablet computer, and she can already be said to be half a modern person. Doesn't she know the meaning of husband and wife.

"That's Ying'er?"

"No, that's my mother's nickname." Yunying still shook her head.

"Then tassel." Chen Mo decided.


Yun Ying really made a fuss, and pushed Chen Mo to the ground with her head, and then rode on him, pressing her fist against his face: "Scream again!"

"Ying'er." Chen Mo not only called out, but also got up and kissed Yunying with a smile on his face.

Then turned around and turned back to the customer.

The world suddenly became quiet, only the men and women who looked at each other remained.

"Get up." Yunying snorted tenderly.

Chen Mo originally just wanted to have a chat, but the atmosphere was so heightened that he didn't hesitate.

He raised Yunying's chin with his right hand, his eyes were burning, and he leaned towards that charming face.

Yunying stared blankly at Chen Mo who was approaching, that face, with sharp corners, was unparalleled in beauty, which made her heart beat to the extreme.

dong dong——

She felt that Chen Mo's eyes at this moment were more aggressive than the night of the confession.

Yunying's skirt was heaving, her face was blushing as if she was about to bleed, maybe she was too nervous, and the essence of chatterbox came out.

blah blah.

Chen Mo kissed her.

The four lips meet.

Blocked the girl's chattering words.


(End of this chapter)

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