Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 14 Survival Airdrop, Water Quality Conversion Capsules

Chapter 14 Survival Airdrop, Water Quality Conversion Capsules

All the contestants in the Land of Apocalypse were stunned, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

Jason clenched his fists even more, his veins twitching, as if he was going to punch the ground hard the next moment.

Chen Mo naturally saw Jason's expression at the moment.

He calmly took out the potato chips, drinks, bread, etc. that he got from the vending machine before.

Eating a piece of potato chips and drinking a sip of red wine is simply delicious in the world.

As a mockery, Chen Mo showed another expression of enjoyment, and hugged Yunying beside him.

give a cheap look
Jason's eyes turned red.

When I was still living in a tent and eating compressed biscuits.

They have already lived in the presidential suite.

While still saving water.

In his presidential suite, there is a pool of water and a wall of wine.

The most important thing is that he proudly provoked.

As a result, the slap in the face was ushered in so quickly.

Still playing so loudly.

Britannia Contestant: "Oh my dear God, it's not true!"

Grizzly country player Gorkief: "I haven't had a drink for almost a day, I'm going crazy, buddy, can you bring me a bottle of wine, I'll exchange it with you for the chocolates I collected."

Player from Menggu Country: "I'm on my knees, big brother please take me in, I haven't run out of water so far, please take me with you."

Island player Xiang Gui: "I rank first in points. Is there such a high luck bonus? Can you even find such a good place?"

Contestant from Bangzi Kingdom: "You, Yan Kingdom, are cheating. How is it possible? The presidential suite is nothing more than that."

The major live broadcast rooms were also bustling.

Among them, the liveliest one was the Yan Kingdom's official live broadcast room.

"Red wine with potato chips, Chen Mo, you really have it!"

"Chen Mo, well done!"

"Chen Mo, let go of your hand, how dare you hug my goddess."

"Goddess, don't worry about his face, beat him up."

Others can only watch the live broadcast and cannot disclose the live broadcast images, so the national players who cannot communicate can only silently shed tears of envy.

This is simply more popular than people!

However, I also became more determined to reach the top ten points in my heart.

They have all seen the living environment of these top ten national players one by one just now, and they are generally better than theirs.

At least food and water were found.

But they are still running for water and food.

Therefore, surviving can only survive for a while, not for a long time.

If you want to survive in this land of apocalypse for a long time, you still have to work hard.

As a result, some national players who had been hiding, braved the acid rain, and went out to find the creatures in the Land of Apocalypse, intending to earn points.

In just ten minutes.

Announcements continued to sound.

There is death.

There were also successful beheadings.

But more are successfully beheaded.

After all, the contestants are the elites of various countries. The reason why human beings are called the primates of all things is that they are good at using their brains.

As long as you use your brain a little bit, and find a few weapons that are handy, you can kill the lowest level F-level creatures without any problem.

Apocalypse Research Bureau.

"Director, the new points ranking statistics are out!"

In the conference hall, a staff member handed the report to Peng Fei.

Peng Fei took it and looked at it.

The top four are unchanged.

One: Yan Kingdom, 27.

Two: United States, 18.

Three: Grizzly Nation, 11.

Four: Island nation, 3.

Five: Camel Country, 2.

Six: Gallic Chicken, 2.

Seven: Kangaroo Country, 2.

Eight: Curry Country, 2.

Nine: Three Kingdoms, 1.

Ten: Great Britain, 1.

Bangziguo was directly squeezed out of the top ten.

After reading it, Peng Fei's face was a little moved, and he immediately sighed and said:
"The behind-the-scenes manipulator of the Land of Apocalypse is too vicious. The points ranking and the public live broadcast just now are all of a deceptive nature, bewitching players to kill creatures in the Land of Apocalypse to earn points.

Some players who originally only planned to survive would be unable to do anything this time. The lower the ranking, the lower the luck, which means the lower the chance of survival. "

The staff also understood what Peng Fei meant.

When the chances of survival are getting lower and lower, these players find that they can't kill creatures, and they may attack players from other countries to compete for their resources.

Seeing other people sleeping in big beds and drinking red wine, how could they not be jealous.

Not a good start.

the other end.

The land of the apocalypse.

[Reminder, your continuous public live broadcast has accumulated more than 15 minutes, and the random airdrop will be released in 1 minute, please check it. 】

[Reminder, your points ranking has changed, please check it carefully. 】

In a basement, Park Chanyeol and Lee Jung-jae of Bangziguo hid in a dilapidated RV.

The two of them are taekwondo athletes and service agents.

This was a separate broadcast, and the two of them hurriedly checked the points ranking after hearing the prompt.

The ranking only shows the top ten, and they are no longer in the top ten.


Park Chanyeol slammed his fist on the car window, and immediately said: "Axi, why, they are all one point, why are Ah Sanguo and Dalieguo ranked ahead of us?"

"Stop complaining, the airdrop is about to drop, go out of the basement to receive the airdrop first, if someone snatches it, it will be terrible."

Li Zhengjie said calmly.

After the two came out of the basement.

In the misty rain and fog, the sky was gray, and nine beams of light descended from the sky, passed through the rain and fog, and shone on various places in the city.

Among the ten beams of light, some of them have different colors, but most of them are all the same color, all white.

The white beam of light shone on the top of the basement, which was in ruins. The two climbed up with difficulty and saw clearly that it was a metal box with a size of 20x30 centimeters.

Li Zhengjie opened the box, and three high-tech capsules were immediately revealed inside.

At the same time, the announcement from the Land of Apocalypse sounded.

[Congratulations, Li Zhengjie from Bangzi Country opened the airdrop and got three water quality conversion capsules. 】

[Tips, each water conversion capsule can convert any 1L of water into drinking water. 】

[The player is bound to the country of Bangzi, and will get a hundred times the realization of three water quality conversion capsules. 】

The netizens in the Bangziguo live broadcast room stood up almost at the same time.

"Wow, Zhengjie Ouba is so handsome!"

"Look, look, this is the real oriental man, Yan Guo player is just a waste who can hide behind women."

"Zhengjie Ouba is the hero of my Bangzi country!"

"When he comes back, I must give him a good kiss."

For the people, this moment is the highlight moment of Bangzi Kingdom.

Because the points obtained before are all added on the day of survival.

A hundred times the performance of three water conversion capsules.

That's three hundred.

Although each can only convert 1L of water, if it can be researched.

The water pollution in the entire Bangzi Country will be effectively resolved.

Benefit the country and the people.

(End of this chapter)

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