Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 16 Chen Mo's First Shot, Shocking Everyone

Chapter 16 Chen Mo's first attack shocked everyone



All kinds of weird sounds sounded one after another, as if they were biting something.

It sounds creepy.

Chen Mo's footsteps stopped and his long sword was clenched tightly. He already felt a little unusual.

under his heightened sense of hearing.

There were at least a dozen strange voices coming from the rain curtain.

Chen Mo bent down and was about to get the airdrop.

The masters of these voices revealed their true colors.

There are dozens of figures rushing out of the rain curtain.

That's right, just rush out.

They were dressed in tattered clothes, with ferocious faces, and rushed towards Chen Mo from all directions with their teeth and claws open.

Fast action.

Makes the scalp tingling.

【Ding!Chen Mo, a contestant from the Yan Kingdom, discovered creatures in the Land of Apocalypse and is testing the types of creatures. 】

【Testing completed! 】

【warn!warn!warn! 】

[E-level zombie group, the number of zombies is [-], and the weakness of E-level zombies is the head.Suggestion, run away! 】

As the broadcast of the Land of Apocalypse sounded.

Netizens in Yan Kingdom couldn't sit still for an instant, and they all exploded.

Following Chen Mo's actions, most of them looked at Chen Mo on the live broadcast.

"Mom, you scared me!"

"Damn it, there are still 50 of the E-level zombie group, it's a foul."

"Chen Mo run!"

"It's over, it's over, Goddess Yunying is not here."

"Why are you still standing there, run away!"

The appearance of the group of zombies caused the netizens in the live broadcast room to jump anxiously, and their complexions changed drastically.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Mo never made a move.

No one knows what his true strength is.

But judging from his official information.

Obviously it's no doubt a rookie.

Now being besieged by fifty E-rank zombies, the fate can be imagined.

Sadness was written on most faces.

"Too bad, Yun Ying is not here, Chen Mo encountered so many E-rank zombies, it seems that there is more than good luck."

Xiao Sa looked at the group of zombies surrounding him, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and his expression became ugly.

The airdrop rewards are about to be revealed.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"It shouldn't be. Doesn't high luck mean good luck? Why do we meet so many zombies?" Dean Liu's face was moved, and he couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Yunying's live broadcast.

She was leisurely lying on the bed eating potato chips.

Hearing the broadcast, he suddenly jumped up.

He picked up the spear and rushed out the door.

Her duty is to protect Chen Mo.

But here is the 20th floor.

It would take at least a certain amount of time to support Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo, can he hold on for this period of time?

Everyone's hearts suddenly hung up.

Apocalypse Research Bureau.

Everyone in the meeting hall panicked.

Naturally, there were foreigners in the studio.

Seeing the opportunity at this moment, I naturally didn't forget to gloat.

Mad sarcasm.

"Haha, Yan Kingdom's retribution has come, that girl is not here, this little boy is dead, I can't wait to see the people of Yan Kingdom's life value reduced by one-tenth."

"Fifty E-level zombies, I don't think it will work even if Yunying comes, this kid is dead."

"It's great, it's great! I just got the water conversion capsule, and I've never been so happy."

"The waste that only hides behind women will definitely have no place to die this time."

These barrages all appeared in just a few seconds.

When fifty zombies enveloped Chen Mo like a tide.

Chen Mo didn't panic.

Instead, he took a deep breath and waited.

[The role-playing speed has increased! 】

But in the eyes of Blue Star's netizens, it was Chen Mo who gave up his resistance and was dumbfounded.

Just when everyone thought Chen Mo was dead.

Chen Mo moved.

He was still saying the words of the second class: "Splitting the sky!"

Chen Mo quickly spun the blade, drawing a half-arc, the invisible sword energy rippling out, and the rain was instantly cut!

"What is he going to do?"

Xiao Sa stood up all of a sudden, the words still in his mouth.

In the live broadcast, there are several zombies rushing to the front.

With a sudden plop, he fell to the ground.

Several heads rolled in the rainwater.

Swish swish!
The more than 20 billion people in Yan Kingdom all stood up at this moment.

Shock was written all over his worried face.

They didn't see what was happening.

I only saw that the moment Chen Mo swung his sword, the heads of a group of E-rank zombies rushing to the front fell to the ground.

And Chen Mo's sword had never touched them at all.

Everyone was so dumbfounded that they even forgot to post the barrage.

In the Land of Apocalypse, Chen Mo burst out with a burst of sword energy, seeing the zombies that continued to surge up, he went straight to meet them.

"Chasing stars!"

"Scorching Meteor Sword, look at the sword!"

This time, Chen Mo didn't fire his sword energy anymore, but moved quickly to the left. Suddenly, a bright golden light burst out from under his feet, forming a step of the Big Dipper, like cutting iron like mud.

Cut an E-rank zombie in half from top to bottom.

This time, the netizens in the live broadcast room finally felt Chen Mo's aura intuitively.

Inexplicably, it ignited.

"Damn it, that pace is amazing!"

"This is so different from Bo Ran!"

"I mean? Goddess Yunying is so strong, how could God Mo be a rookie?"

"God Mo hacked them to death!"

"Is Bangzi Kingdom still there? How about this wave?"

"Keep your eyes wide open to see how my Brother Mo cut from the street to the end of the street, and then cut back again."

Foreign netizens were dumbfounded, and some even scratched their heads.

"God! What did I see!"

"That E-rank zombie was cut in half by Chen Mo's sword!"

"He, like that Yunying, is a monster!"

"Assi! This is like making a movie!"

At this time, Chen Mo seemed to be possessed by a killing spirit, and the netizens in Yan Kingdom were full of enthusiasm and shouted.

Many people were impressed by Chen Mo's handsome figure.

Suddenly, the title of Chen Mo also changed.

In front of Chen Mo, the E-rank zombies looked like weak chickens.

Raise your sword!

There was a rolling head falling to the ground.

"Return to dust!"

After dealing with the two E-level zombies in front of him, Chen Mo noticed that there were several zombies surrounding him behind him, and immediately activated his big move. Like changing shape, Chen Mo moved to the back in an instant, and his whole body rotated [-] degrees , the long sword waved open.


A pattern of the Big Dipper emerged, and it fell down like a shattering one!
[The acting degree has increased to 40.00%, congratulations to the host for obtaining [-]% of Yao's strength. 】

With a swish, the audience in the live broadcast room all stood up, dumbfounded.

Is this magic?
But right now.

Chen Mo felt a breaking wind sound from behind.

【warn!warn!warn! 】

[D-level zombies detected, the leader of the E-level zombie group. 】

[Characteristics: teammate death +1, leader berserk +1, invulnerable, has a certain brain.Weakness, head. 】

[Suggestion, it is not advisable to confront directly, run away! 】

The announcement from the Land of Apocalypse also sounded immediately.

When Chen Mo heard the warning, he had already turned around to deal with it.

The opponent attacked extremely quickly.

"God Mo, be careful!"

"Damn it, this zombie can also engage in sneak attacks!"

Netizens in Yanguo's live broadcast room saw this scene, and immediately breathed out their fragrance.

"Break through the air!"

(End of this chapter)

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