Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 26 Encounter, Showdown

Chapter 26 Encounter, Showdown

"Yoxi, I have been looking for you for a long time."

When he was in the safe zone, Miyamoto Ichiro had met Chen Mo and Yunying once, and when they met again at this time, he naturally recognized them.


Chen Mo frowned, and glanced at the two people's outfits.

The person who spoke was dressed in a black ninja suit and a straw rain cape, and held an island nation's iconic samurai sword in his hand.

The person next to him is wearing a masked knight outfit, his body color is dark purple, his hands are red, and he doesn't hold a weapon in his hands. The whole is quite mysterious.

Judging from the previous broadcast, the ninja should be Ichiro Miyamoto, and the Kamen Rider is Hibiki.


Miyamoto Ichiro's whole body was covered by a ninja costume, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and he said coldly and arrogantly:
"Chen Mojun, I'm very interested in your points. If you surrender obediently, I will give you a good time. Otherwise, I don't mind torturing you."

"Sound Batter - Agni!"

Following a burst of electronic sounds, and then a flash of gaudy light, two red mallets appeared in the hands of Ringing Ghost, ready to strike at any time.


The live broadcast rooms of Yan Country and Dao Country were blown up.

"I'll go! How did I meet these two beasts?"

"I didn't come across it. I watched it in the island country's live broadcast room before. These two people came here specially to find Mo Shen and the others."

"Damn it! Just because they dare to come here to cause trouble, God Mo and Goddess Yunying, fuck them!"

"A C-level biological goddess can shoot down her body with one shot. Would she be afraid of this island player who is living a good life?"

"Don't be careless, the opponent's strength doesn't seem to be bad. Although they haven't killed a C-level creature, the one called Ringing Ghost has kicked and killed a D-level mutant beast."

"I've seen it too. The attack of the ringing ghost is quite magical."

"Yoxi, Miyamoto-kun, Xianggui-kun, let these two see how powerful our big island country is!"

"Finally found them."

"Although they are powerful, how can they compare with the ninjutsu of our island country?"

"Kill them!"

The bullet screens of the two countries are not convinced by anyone. Although the record of the island country is not as dazzling as that of the Yan country, the people of the island country are very sure that the kung fu of the Yan country cannot compare with their ninjutsu.

What's more, with a Kamen Rider like Xianggui sitting in command, even if Yunying can kill a C-level creature with one shot, they are not afraid.

I thought it was just that their players didn't encounter C-level creatures, and if they did, they could kill them with one move.

Apocalypse Research Bureau.

"How's it going?" Peng Fei said in a low voice, watching the four people who were about to fight in the live broadcast room.

"Director, I've called up the scene of the battle between the two players from the island nation before, you can take a look."

The staff uploaded the video to Peng Fei's computer.

On the screen, there is a video of Ring Ghost fighting a D-rank mutant beast.

This D-rank mutant beast is a giant longhorn several meters in size.

Features: thick leather armor, amazing defense, can fly.

At the beginning, as soon as the beetle came out, it was frightened by the aura of the ghost, and it spread its wings and flew up.

When you are about to run.

I saw Xianggui stomping on the ground, the concrete floor cracked immediately, and then he jumped, jumped seven or eight meters high, and appeared above the beetle.

In the end, the body turned 360 degrees and kicked with one leg, kicking the beetle hard.

Judging from the scene alone, it was even more shocking than when Yunying killed the dark black face spider!

Miyamoto Ichiro's battle scenes are a little less impressive, but the whoosh figure disappears, and the whoosh figure reappears from another place, which is quite bluffing.

After reading it, Peng Fei's face became slightly serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Have you found the information about Ichiro Miyamoto and Xiang Gui?"

"I have found information about Miyamoto Ichiro, he is the strongest ninja in the island country, but Hibiki is nowhere to be found."


At this moment, more and more people have poured into the live broadcast rooms of the two countries.

After all, the massacre of the island nation's players has caused quite a stir around the world.

Now when they learned that they were going to fight with Yan Guo players, they immediately ran over to join in the fun.

I want to see and see who is stronger between the two sides.

The land of the apocalypse.

Both Chen Mo and Yunying's eyes became unkind.

During these days of getting along, Yunying also learned some modern civilization from Chen Mo's mouth, what is a live broadcast, and also clearly knows how many pairs of eyes are looking at them now.

With a wave of Yunyingyu's hand, the red flame gun became longer in her hand, and the corner of her mouth curled up, saying:
"Get ready to fight for fame!"

"It seems that you have made a choice." Brushing his palms against the samurai sword, Miyamoto Ichiro said to Xiang Gui: "Mr. Xiang Gui, you deal with that woman, this kid, I'll do it!"

Miyamoto Ichiro is not stupid, he will not rush forward to fight one against two, judging from the sound of the broadcast, the woman looks stronger than the man, so let the ring ghost deal with it.

As for him.

Miyamoto Ichiro stared directly at Chen Mo.

Miyamoto Ichiro didn't pay attention to the strongest E-level creature he killed.

Ring ghost nodded.

"Damn it! God Mo killed this bastard, this bastard underestimated you."

"Don't be careless, there is something about Miyamoto."

"Md, these two guys didn't pay attention to our Miss Qiu!"

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room was scrolling.

"Are you okay?" Yunying unavoidably glanced at Chen Mo worriedly.

"Quick battle!" Chen Mo replied.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Yunying's face.

"Jie Jie Jie, die!"

Miyamoto Ichiro had already launched an attack on Chen Mo, and saw that his one hand made a seal with the hand holding the knife, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of several people strangely.

when it reappears.

It actually appeared behind and above Chen Mo.

"Hidden kill!"

With a loud shout, he held a knife in both hands and slashed at Chen Mo fiercely.

As the number one ninja in the island country, his strength is naturally terrifying.

Moreover, the samurai sword he was carrying was not ordinary, but a piece of volcanic meteorite, which cut the iron like mud and was extremely sharp.

He was confident that he could easily deal with Chen Mo.

However, the reality was beyond his imagination.

"Chasing stars!"

Chen Mo moved quickly and dodged it. The most important thing was that Miyamoto Ichiro saw an illusory afterimage of an eagle emerging from under Chen Mo's feet.


Miyamoto Ichiro had an unbelievable expression on his face, and the samurai sword slashed on the ground, sparking dazzling sparks.

Just when he was still in a daze.

next moment.

"Return to dust!"

Chen Mo's figure was pulled in front of him in an instant, and the golden long sword slashed towards the top of his head.


Miyamoto Ichiro's pupils shrank, and he quickly raised his head to resist.

But with a crisp sound of "Clang!", his samurai sword made of volcanic meteorite was cut off...

Miyamoto Ichiro's complexion changed drastically, just as he was about to quickly pull away the seal.


Chen Mo drew a semicircle, and an invisible sword energy shot out from the long sword in his hand, like a dragon walking in the wild, cutting Miyamoto Ichiro in the middle!

(End of this chapter)

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