Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 31 A-Class Apocalypse Mecha

Chapter 31 A-Class Apocalypse Mecha

"That's right, it's easy to say, you now have enough supplies and a comfortable shelter. Look at the players, they don't have enough supplies, how can they resist, and the place where they live is still leaking everywhere."

"Hehe, are you serious? Twenty degrees below zero is considered a disaster? Some places in the Northeast are much colder than this, why don't we live like this?"

"Do you really understand upstairs? Minus [-] degrees without blowing and blowing are completely different concepts. Let's do it this way, in winter, you can wear unlined clothes and bring a tent to spend the night outside. It won't freeze you to death." .”

The pop-up window explained that Xiao Sa didn't expect netizens to be arguing about such a matter, so he immediately asked Dean Liu for advice:
"Dean Liu, what is the concept of minus twenty degrees? How should our contestants survive in such a situation?"

"Let's put it this way, if a scoop of hot water is splashed in the air, it will immediately turn into scattered silver flowers. Ordinary steel will be cold and brittle, and it can be broken with a little effort. People's exhaled breath can immediately turn into ice paste. On people's faces, so it's not easy for people to breathe outside."

Dean Liu briefly explained the concept of minus [-] degrees, and then said: "It's not impossible to survive at minus [-] degrees, just pay attention to keeping the core warm. If you keep your lower limbs warm, your whole body will be warm."

Dean Liu talked a lot eloquently, and finally commented on the environment of Chen Mo and the two of them: "From the perspective of the living environment of our contestants, the living environment is airtight, with comfortable quilts, and Yunying can still live. One environment is still fine.”

Following Dean Liu's popular science, the quarrels in the live broadcast room gradually stopped, but there were still some stubborn netizens who were still arguing endlessly.

Maybe it's because I haven't mentioned the other party online, and even clamored to make an appointment offline, the address was revealed, and it was my grandson who didn't dare to come.

The land of the apocalypse.

As Chen Mo, who was a southerner in his previous life and is now, he doesn't have a general idea of ​​minus twenty degrees, but he knows that it is definitely cold.

However, his current attention is focused on the panel that was just opened.

Similar to the game function.

His name is on the panel, and the available points are 356, but the points on the leaderboard have been cleared.

There are also three functions of chatting, trading, and shopping mall.

Click to chat.

"Can you see it, can you see it?"

"I can see, which country are you from?"

"I'm Adolf, the player of the Gallic Chicken. I just listed 10L of gasoline on the transaction function, and exchanged for 1L of drinking water. Has anyone changed it?"

"You're out of your mind? Exchange gasoline for drinking water. What is the use of gasoline in this world?"


"Good guy, an ordinary ak47 in the mall sells for 10 points, and bullets are charged separately, one point for one piece, why don't you grab it!"

Conversations slipped by.

Chen Mo clicked on the transaction to view it again.

During this period of time, one after another, people put things up for trading.

[Seller: Jason. 】

[Trading item: chariot fragment x1. 】

[Items needed: 22 points. 】

[Remarks: Conscience price, the mall sells 50 points. 】

[Seller: Adolf. 】

[Trading item: 10L gasoline. 】

[Items needed: 1L of drinking water. 】


[Seller: Li Zhengjie. 】

[Trading item: 100w mAh wireless power bank. 】

【Items needed: 1kg of food. 】

[Remarks: Do not use rotten and expired disgusting ones. 】

[Seller: Li Cheng. 】

[Trading item: 500F grade squirrel meat. 】

【Items needed: 200ml of drinking water. 】

[Remarks: I have been thirsty for a long time, please ask for water. 】

[Seller: Wala-Jeding. 】

[Trading item: 300ml drinkable liquid. 】

[Items needed: food. 】

[Remarks: Specific private chat. 】

Chen Mo glanced briefly, and was not interested in anything except the chariot fragments.

Then he glanced at the mall again.

[500ml of drinking water is priced at 10 points. 】

[500g bread, priced at 10 points. 】

[Full electric baton, priced at 5 credits. 】

[ak47, priced at 10 points. 】

[Chariot, priced at 500 points. 】

[Chariot Fragment x1, priced at 50 points. 】

There are not many things in the mall, only ten items, and food and water are more expensive than weapons.

At the same time, Chen Mo could also see what the chariot looked like.

The whole body is pure black, and its body is like a tank. Judging from its appearance, it is wearing several lethal weapons. The whole body is armed to the extreme, and the tires are all explosion-proof.

3000 horsepower.

This made Chen Mo interested. This chariot is comparable to a tank fortress.

So Chen Mo spent 22 points to make a deal with Jason.


[Reminder, your chariot fragments are being traded, whether to sell them. 】

"Dylan, someone is going to trade chariot fragments." Hearing the hint in his mind, Jason was overjoyed.

"Who is it?" Dylan asked.

Jason clicked to view, and immediately frowned: "Chen Mo."

Dylan raised his brows: "Is it still for sale?"


Now that it's been posted, it's not a sale to anyone, not to mention, he needs these 22 points.

[Reminder, the transaction is complete, please extract the chariot fragment x1. 】

"Huh? I didn't expect him to sell it."

Playing with the exquisite card of unknown material, Chen Mo muttered to himself, on the card was a pattern of a chariot.

at this time.

【Congratulations!The American players spent [-] points to continuously upgrade the F-level treasure chests, which are being re-rated. 】

[Re-rating complete! 】

【Congratulations!American players get a C-level treasure chest. 】

【Congratulations!American player Jason opened the C-level treasure chest and got two B-level gene capsules. (not realizable)]

[Grade B Gene Capsule: After swallowing, it can greatly modify the body's genes, strengthen the body, and have a certain chance of awakening attribute talents. 】

When the announcement sounded, not only the chat channel had more messages, but Blue Star's various live broadcast rooms were immediately boiling.

More is to marvel at the courage of the American players.

He was willing to spend three hundred points to sublimate the F-level treasure chest.

With luck, he was re-rated to C-level and opened the B-level gene capsule.

In this wave of operations, everyone had to say something 666.

But not long after everyone was amazed, an even more astonishing scene happened.

【Congratulations!The Britannia player spent [-] points to sublimate the F-level treasure chest, and it is being re-rated. 】

[Re-rating complete! 】

【Congratulations!Britannia players get B-level treasure chests. 】

【Congratulations!Great Britain player John opened the B-level treasure chest and obtained the A-level Apocalypse Mecha. 】

[A-level Apocalypse Mecha: Huge armor, war machine, two-man-operated armor, infinite power! 】

[Endurance: 100%, less than 70%, can be repaired by consuming points. 】

"Falke." Hearing the announcement, Jason's eyes almost popped out, and he swears directly.

Netizens in the Great Britain live broadcast room stared at the mech with a height of more than ten meters, dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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