Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 39 Elementary Swordsmanship, Kissing Yunying

Chapter 39 Elementary Swordsmanship, Kissing Yunying

There is still a lot of space in the monster fortress, and there are many buttons with blue lights on the console.

Chen Mo and Yunying moved the drone, food, and some supplies that could be taken away to the monster fortress. As for oil and iron ore that could not be taken away, they could only stay where they were for the time being.

Although he has mastered the driving skills, Chen Mo's handling is relatively unfamiliar. Fortunately, the current environment is not the same as in his previous life, otherwise he would be a proper road killer.

The monster fortress is criss-crossing on the snow. With 3000 horsepower and a high chassis, the snow can't stop its way forward.

Chen Mo, who has never had a car in real life for two lifetimes, did not expect that in such a ghost world, he owns his first car instead.

"Chen Mo, hurry up, let me try." Yunying also wanted to try driving.

"Okay." Chen Mo clicked to switch positions.

The so-called switch position was not that Chen Mo and Yunying got up and exchanged, but that the bridges of the two of them were switched, and neither of them moved.

After Yunying got started, she drove directly to the maximum horsepower, and the monster fortress was galloping in the snow in an instant, her driving skills were much better than Chen Mo's, a proper old driver.

The run-flat tires have the function of gripping the ground, so there is no need to worry about driving too fast, skidding and overturning.

On the other hand, Chen Mo eagerly tested the power of the cannon. After spending 800 points, a grenade burst out from the cannon barrel and slammed into a collapsed building [-] meters away.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the collapsed building, which was only three meters high, completely collapsed, sending out a burst of dust and smoke.


"Fuck, I used to be a tank soldier. This power is much stronger than that of a tank."

"Twenty points for one shot, rounded up, is equivalent to hitting a C-level creature."

"C-level 27 points, your rounding is a bit amazing!"

"Why do I feel that it's a bit of a loss to kill monsters, the points I get are not directly proportional to the points I earn!"

"This is a weapon of mass destruction. It is suitable for killing herds of beasts or groups of zombies. It is really a loss to deal with a single one."

Netizens in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

Explanation popup.

For military experts, Instructor Li felt that this "Monster Fortress" was a bit similar to the 99A main battle tank except for its appearance.

When Chen Mo was learning how to manipulate weapons, he had carefully read the data displayed by the "Monster Fortress".

The 125mm smoothbore cannon can be used to launch various types of ammunition and gun-launched missiles. The armor-piercing projectile has a range of 1400. It is also equipped with a unique laser sighting suppression jamming device and active defense device.

This is a real battlefield killer.

On Chen Mo's side, he took a look at the points ranking.

Ranked first with 1332 points.

Second Great Britain at 72.

A glance can consume points, 912.

Chen Mo can be said to be a proper rich man now, the kind who got rich in World War I.

Back at the shelter, Chen Mo parked the monster fortress in the lobby on the first floor of the building, and the surroundings symbolically blocked it.

The main thing is to alert someone to break in.

In addition, Chen Mo deliberately used up the energy of the monster fortress, and recharged it the next time he drove it.

In this way, some poor ghosts without points can be prevented from stealing.

Back in the room, the two arranged the collected materials neatly.

Also count the food and water.

Food, including some snacks, is less than 50kg.

In terms of water, nearly half of the water in the swimming pool is used up.

This is when the two of them haven't bathed for about three days.

But at present, there should be no need to worry about water. It is snowing so much now, and it should be drinkable after melting the snow and boiling it.

But just in case, Chen Mo opened the chat panel and posted a message.

[Is the water after the snow melts drinkable? 】

[Yes, but it is recommended to boil it, otherwise it is likely to cause stomach upset. 】

[Can drink, with Mr. Chen Mo's physique, as long as the snow is melted, it doesn't matter even if it doesn't boil. 】

After reading more than a dozen messages and confirming that he could drink, Chen Mo took the big bucket, went directly outside, filled it with snow, and dumped it in the swimming pool.

Go back and forth several times until the pool is filled with snow.

Afterwards, Yun Ying, who recovered some internal/yuan energy, went to collect wooden tables and chairs to use as firewood.

While there was still some energy in his body, he heated up the water after the snow had melted slightly, took a bath with Chen Mo, lit the firewood, and drank some energy water to fill his stomach, and then the two of them lay down on the bed.

While replenishing Yuanli, Chen Mo received the skill light group.

【hint!You have obtained the elementary sword control technique! 】

[Elementary sword control: control the sword in the air, 300 meters away from the body. 】

Yunying also received the talent light group.

[Talent Hurricane: The ability to absorb the power of a hurricane for her own use. 】

【hint!The upper limit is extremely high, and it is difficult to control. 】

[Comment: Wind and fire go together better! 】

Chen Mo didn't expect the skill light group to be able to master swordsmanship, so he hugged Yunying happily, and kissed her hard on the face.

As a fairy sword fan in his previous life, he was extremely envious of the swordsmanship in the play.

Now that I have also learned the art of controlling the sword, it can be seen how excited I am.

Although it is only the elementary level of sword control and cannot fly with the sword, it is not bad to be able to control the sword in the air, and to be handsome and shout at the sword.

Yunying was in a daze, feeling the moisture on her cheeks, and her body was slightly stiff.

His face was as red as blood.

She was kissed by Chen Mo. Although the kiss was on the face, such an intimate contact made her heart beat a lot faster, and the shyness and embarrassment in her eyes could not be concealed.

Not only Yunying was dumbfounded, but the netizens in the live broadcast room also widened their eyes.

"The God of Ink is amazing!"

"After so many days, God Mo has finally shown his manly side in front of Goddess Yunying, and strives to take her down with one blow."

"Chong Chong Chong! Support God Mo and Goddess Yunying to be together."

"It's not easy, God Mo finally launched an attack."

Yunying was in a state of disarray, what made her feel strange, in her heart, she didn't feel disgusted by this move.

But the thoughts in his heart obviously couldn't be expressed, and he immediately taught Chen Mo a lesson like a prickly cat.

"Ahhh, what a good Chen Mo, you dare to kiss me, let's see how I teach you a lesson."

Chen Mo also recovered from the excitement at this moment, knowing what he had done, cold sweat broke out on his back: "Well, listen to my explanation."

"Don't listen, watch and fight!"

On the bed, Yunying punched and kicked Chen Mo.

Maybe because she didn't want to expose her savage side, Yunying blocked the live broadcast.

Chen Mo also didn't want to be beaten by billions of people watching him, it was embarrassing, and he also blocked the live broadcast.

Naturally, Chen Mo won't be beaten obediently. Although he is not Yunying's opponent at the moment, he still has to resist if he resists.

Suddenly he hugged Yunying, wrapped his hands and feet around Yunying's body like an octopus.

(End of this chapter)

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