Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 42 Class B Genetic Zombie

Chapter 42 Class B Genetic Zombie

Now that he decided to leave tomorrow, Chen Mo packed all the food and put it in the monster fortress.

As for water, Chen Mo couldn't take so much with him, so except for drinking, everything was hung on the trading panel.

But now that there is so much snow, the players must have no shortage of water resources.

So after it was put up, no one would buy it even if it was sold cheaply.

As for wine, even though Chen Mo could bring as much as he could, he would not leave, and put all of them on the trading panel.

Wine can dispel cold and heat up.

In this world of scarce materials, the value of wine is still quite high.

[Seller: Chen Mo. 】

[Trading item: 300ml liquor. 】

【Items needed: 30 points or 5kg of food. 】

[Remarks: Those who wish to take the bait. 】

Red wine is the same price.

Chen Mo's points are not lacking, so he simply sells them higher.

He is not worried about not being able to sell.

Those who love wine know that it is worth the price.


Not long after Chen Mo hung out, 10 bottles of 8 bottles of liquor were sold.

All five bottles of red wine were sold out.

The buyers were Gorkev from the Grizzly Bear Country, Jason from the American Country, and John from Great Britain.

All they take are food purchases.

In an instant, Chen Mo gained 10kg of bread, 20kg of F-grade gecko meat, 20kg of F-grade sparrow meat, and 15kg of compressed biscuits.

It was barreled and put into the monster fortress.

After waking up the next day, Chen Mo didn't forget to take the quilt on the bed, bath towels and so on.

The foreign netizens who followed Chen Mo looked at the large and small bags of supplies, as if they had eaten a lemon.

It was placed in the room before, and I didn’t think it was piled up. Looking at the pile now, and comparing the materials of their national players, it is nothing compared to the other.

Some foreign elites also expressed their intention to apply for the nationality of Yan Kingdom.

After all, the current situation that Chen Mo and his two have shown to everyone is much better than that of players from other countries.

Thinking of the players from their country, they are still trembling in the Land of Apocalypse, struggling.

Even when you go out to search for supplies, you have to beware of changes around you.

The contestants of Yan Kingdom have already demonstrated their supernatural powers, even driving chariots.

It's just pissing me off.

Pop-up explanation.

"It seems that our players are going to give up the current comfort zone and go to a new area to open up a shelter."

Xiao Sa glanced at the live broadcast, then turned her head and said to Instructor Li, "Instructor Li, do you think this kind of behavior is a little too abrupt?"

"In my opinion, it is indeed faster. We should wait until Ling Dong has completely passed before looking for a new shelter. If the sky is covered by heavy snow, if we don't find a new shelter within a certain time, we will have to suffer." It's freezing."

From Instructor Li's point of view, it is good for Chen Mo to have a sense of crisis. These days, Chen Mo has been looking for creatures and supplies in the ice and snow.

But the timing is not right, after Ling Dong has passed, this timing is the best.

And with Chen Mo's current food, it can last until that day.

Professor Wang and Dean Liu also agreed with Instructor Li's point of view.

Chen Mo's decision was a bit rash.

But considering his age, when he was in the agitation of adolescence, he didn't care so much, so he wasn't particularly surprised.

"Instructor Li is right. God Mo's decision is indeed a bit reckless. If he doesn't find a shelter, he will have to suffer the cold in the wild."

"It shouldn't be cold. There is warmth inside the chariot, and you can sleep in it, but the consumption of points is a bit large."

"The consumption of points does not affect the ranking, it's a small problem."

The monster fortress galloped on the snow, the noise generated by the powerful horsepower shook off the snow on the abandoned vehicles nearby, and galloped all the way out of the city.

If there is an obstacle in the way, just blast it away.

After leaving the city, we drove for another two hours. It was very dark in winter. According to the time records of the monster fortress, we only drove for a total of six and a half hours, leaving only 56 points.

However, the luck of the two of them was good. Judging from the electronic map in their minds, they were not far from another city.

Yunying drove to the maximum horsepower and galloped away, leaving rows of tire marks behind.

"It looks like God Mo can find a sanctuary tonight."

"Driving such a big guy, ordinary creatures probably wouldn't dare to approach it."

"I really hope that Mo Shen can encounter a large group of zombies or mutated beasts. The points are almost used up."

Just as everyone in the live broadcast room was cooking and posting barrage, two black shadows suddenly appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room, but they were not obvious.

Towards Chen Mo's side, approach slowly.

"Wait, what is that?"

Xiao Sa noticed this detail first, pointed at it, and exclaimed.

Dean Liu, Instructor Li, Professor Wang and everyone in the live broadcast room all looked at it fiercely.

Some of them are pictures of Chen Mo, and some are pictures of Yun Ying.

Although the monster fortress has a night vision function, it is not too far away, only 200 meters away, and everything beyond 200 meters is dark.

Slightly poor eyesight, I don't know what Xiao Sa is talking about.

As the two shadows approached the monster fortress, outlines gradually appeared in the darkness.

Judging from the outline, it's not a mutant beast or something, but looks like a human.

Such a thought appeared in everyone's mind.

The land of the apocalypse.

Dessa and Bella were shivering and shivering.

Ever since Chen Mo rejected them that day, after they had finished their food, after reading the news on the chat panel, they knew that the resources in their city were dwindling, and then moved to another city.

Anyway, staying where you are is waiting to die, so you might as well go to another place to give it a try.

"Dedessa, it's so cold! I feel like I'm losing all feeling in my feet."

Although Bella was wearing a bloated jacket, her lower body was only a pair of thin jeans and boots. The socks were still boat socks, and she was already shivering from the cold.

"Bella. Did we go in the wrong direction? Why does it feel like we're going back?"

The two walked with their arms, and her condition was not much better. As the night fell, she felt hallucinations in front of her eyes.

"Go back, it's impossible!"

Bella's scream resounded through the snow.

【hint!Contestant Wu Kelan found an unknown creature and is testing it! 】

【Testing completed! 】

【warn!Contestant Wu Kelan discovered a B-level genetic zombie. 】

[Grade B genetic zombie characteristics: He was a genetic warrior before his death, served in the Apocalypse Special Brigade, proficient in various fighting skills, extremely strong in individual combat, possesses super strength, and can think.Weaknesses: Available on kill.Suggestion: escape. 】

As soon as the announcement sounded, Wu Kelan's live broadcast room exploded!

(End of this chapter)

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