Chapter 44

However, even so, the B-level genetic zombie still survived, and the body that was lifted by Yunying suddenly branched out.

On the neck and the shoulder of the severed arm, the flesh and blood squirmed quickly, as if something was about to grow out of it.

Yunying was dumbfounded.


Chen Mo held the dark golden long sword, his figure was like a shooting star, a fierce sword energy burst out from the sword body, splitting it in half from the neck of the B-level genetic zombie from top to bottom.

But even so, it still didn't die. The two halves of the body that fell on the snowy ground were moving slowly, and the blood that flowed out didn't solidify under the ice and snow. Instead, it was like a spider's web, trying to connect tightly.

Now, not only Yunying, but also Chen Mo was dumbfounded.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also full of crap.

"I'll go, my head will be cut off, my body will be split in half and I can still live!"

"It's not only alive, it looks like it's given time, and it can grow back its head and arms."

"My God, do you want to be so perverted!"

"The vitality is so tenacious, shouldn't it be impossible to kill?"

"How about smashing it to see?"

The unreasonable side of the B-level genetic zombie once again refreshed everyone's worldview.

Xiao Sa opened his mouth wide: "Sure enough, in this land of apocalypse, everything is possible. This B-level genetic zombie really surprised me."

The land of the apocalypse.

Yun Ying gradually came to her senses, walked up to Chen Mo, and said, "Let me try it."

Chen Mo stepped aside.

Yunying's long spear flicked, and directly set a fire on the body of the B-level genetic zombie that was about to recover. As the flame burned, its recovery behavior stopped immediately.

And as the flame burned bigger and bigger, the body of the B-level genetic zombie died little by little in the flame.

"Want to escape!"

At this moment, Chen Mo saw that the zombie's head that had rolled into the snow regained consciousness, and a tentacle squirmed out from the flesh and blood, and moved with difficulty.

Chen Mo immediately shouted sharply, and a sword qi slashed across.

There was a loud bang, and the head exploded with a bang.

At this moment, the body of the zombie in the flames was completely annihilated.

【Congratulations!Players Yunying and Chen Mo from Yan Kingdom kill B-level genetic zombies, gain 10 cubic meters of space storage x2 (not realizable), and group physique +10. 】

[The player is bound to the country of Yan, and will get a hundred times the group physique +10.Attribute rewards can only be returned to one percent. 】

[10 cubic meters of space storage: 10 cubic meters of different space, the concentrated consciousness can be opened, and various materials can be stored without damage. 】

[B-level genetic zombie weakness: completely destroy the head and heart. 】

The sound of the announcement immediately resounded in the Land of Apocalypse.


The audience in Yanguo's live broadcast room was a little confused.

That's it?That's it!
B-level genetic zombies burst out this reward?

This is too picky...

In fact, these rewards are already very good, but for the audience, this does not match the b-level rewards. If it is c-level or d-level, it is justified.

In other words, everyone's eyes are too high, and these rewards are not taken seriously.

But Dean Liu's eyes lit up, and his heart was extremely shocked.

space storage.

10 cubic meters of space.

What a powerful civilization this is, it can open and give space at will.

It's a pity that it can't be realized. If it can be realized and studied, it will be of great significance to future development regardless of whether it is researched or not.

The land of the apocalypse.

Chen Mo and Yunying suddenly felt that their bodies were much stronger. By the way, they concentrated their consciousness to check the space storage, and found that only they could open the 10 cubic meters of space.

Just when Chen Mo was about to experiment, Chen Mo heard Daisha's sobs.

"Bella, Bella, wake up"

With the death of the B-level genetic zombie, the half of the arm inserted into Bella's body also disappeared, and at this moment, blood gushed out, and Dessa quickly blocked the wound, screaming and passed out Bella, begging Chen Mo to save Bella.

Chen Mo frowned, at this moment he already knew that she was Dessa Leah.

After all, the Dessa Leah she was chatting with was Wu Kelan's player, and the person she met at this moment was also Wu Kelan's player.

The unconscious woman was called Bella, so she was Dessa Leah.

Seeing her miserable appearance, Chen Mo still chose to help.

Chen Mo is not a cold-blooded person, it's fine if he doesn't meet him, but now that he has met him, he can't just leave him dead.

After all, they are all Blue Stars.

Chen Mo walked over to check on Bella's injury, pulled the jacket, and a blood hole the size of an arm suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Although this position is not a fatal position, if left alone, he will definitely lose blood and die .

"Let's deal with it in the chariot!" Chen Mo said with a sigh in his heart.

"Thank you." Dessa thanked quickly.

Wu Kelan's live broadcast room.

Seeing that Chen Mo was willing to help, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If Bella died, they would be deprived of one-tenth of their health.

And this also means that many people may die in the process.

"Saved, finally saved!"

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

"Yan Kingdom is really a kind country."

"Mr. Chen Mo is really a good person, all the people of Wu Kelan will thank him."

In the live broadcast room, they all thanked Chen Mo and Yunying, and some netizens went to Yan Guo's live broadcast room to thank Yan Guo's players for their rescue and praise Yan Guo's great country spirit.

After Chen Mo carried Bella into the chariot, he put part of the supplies into the storage space. After making room for a space, he put Bella down, and then used the medical capsule to transform it into 1L of water of life, and slowly fed it to her. mouth.

"Mr. Chen Mo, I really want to thank you this time. If it weren't for your help, Bella and I might not survive tonight."

Daisha expressed her gratitude to Chen Mo again.

Even after entering the chariot, Dessa didn't relax her mind because of it. On the contrary, her nerves remained tense. The scenes just now really couldn't be shaken off in her mind.

"Where is it, since we have entered the land of apocalypse, what we bear behind us is not only the country, but also the destiny of all human beings. It is necessary to help each other."

Chen Mo replied without thinking, since they were all saved, he would naturally not forget to say some beautiful words to improve his image.

As soon as this word comes out.

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

At this level, it rises all at once.

In the pop-up commentary, Xiao Sa and the others were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Chen Mo's ideological awareness to be so high.

But soon, smiles appeared on their faces, and naturally they did not forget to praise Chen Mo.

These words just showed the whole world the responsibility of Yan Kingdom as a big country.

(End of this chapter)

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