Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 49 Open the violent cloud tassel?

Chapter 49 Open the violent cloud tassel?
Suddenly, another huge blood-colored tree root broke out from the bottom of Yunying's feet. Looking away, this blood-colored tree root was the one that was cut off by Yunying.

Yunying's spear bent, jumped up in a relay, and landed on the largest blood-colored tree root, avoiding its surprise attack.

Yan country live broadcast room.

More than 20 billion netizens saw this scene, and some netizens were so angry that they smashed their keyboards.

"Fuck, why does this monster have so many roots?"

"And the extra two days of blood-colored roots are different from what Gallic Chicken and Great Britain encountered."

"Why do our players have three roots to deal with?"

"Could it be that Goddess Yunying chopped off a section, which caused the locust tree demon's revenge?"

Looking at the picture in the live broadcast, netizens' hearts were raised in their throats.

Now there was another bloody tree root, and Yunying and Chen Mo were already at a disadvantage.

Explanation in the pop-up window.

Xiao Sa looked at the two young faces in the picture that kept avoiding the attack of the bloody tree roots, and his heart couldn't stop trembling.

As a soldier, Instructor Li is not so easy to be defeated. He quickly cheered everyone up and said: "No matter what kind of desperate situation we are in, we should not lose confidence. Let us cheer for our players together!"

"Come on!" Dean Liu and Professor Wang said.

Xiao Sa took a deep breath and said, "Come on!"

Just when the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was about to be mobilized by Instructor Li and others.

What happens next is always less optimistic.

Yunying fought against the two bloody roots alone, but she was somewhat lost in the end, and was sent flying by the bloody root with the severed end, crushing her to the ground.

The so-called taking advantage of the enemy's illness to kill him.

This bloody tree root also seemed to understand this principle, seeing that Yunying had been thrown flying and hadn't gotten up yet, it stabbed towards him swiftly.

A tentacle grew out of the severed part, extremely sharp, like a sharp bayonet.

"Chasing stars!"

Starlight rippling away, Chen Mo jumped down from another bloody tree root, about seven or eight meters high, and landed in front of Yunying.


Chen Mo drew a semicircle, and the swift and fierce sword energy wrapped the whole body of Tie Jian, blocking it in front of him.


The tree root came fiercely, and the sharp tentacles hit the sword, and Chen Mo blocked the blow for Yunying.

However, to everyone's surprise.


The exquisite three-foot iron sword in Chen Mo's hand shattered in response to the sound, and broke into several pieces. Without the obstruction of the iron sword, with a "chi", the bayonet-like tentacles pierced into Chen Mo's chest.

Yunying had just stood up at this moment, when the sharp tentacles passed behind Chen Mo, and the splashed blood splashed on Yunying's face.

Yunying could even feel the faint temperature of the blood, but in this icy and snowy place, the blood cooled down very quickly.

Yunying's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes.

In the live broadcast room of Yan Country.

Everyone was stunned.

They even felt that their heartbeats were half a beat slow.

It's as if time has been slowed down.

The barrage that was originally rolling like a tide has stopped at this moment.

The pop-up window explained that the faces of Xiao Sa and the others were shaking, and their hearts couldn't stop trembling.

"God Mo, he. He. Woohoo"

"God Mo wanted to save Goddess Yunying, but he himself resisted the blow."

"I can't hold back my tears."

"Cnmd, Gou Ri's locust tree demon."

Netizens couldn't hold back their emotions.

Yan Guo's live broadcast room also hides a large number of foreign netizens. At this moment when this scene happened, some sarcastic bullet screens also started to roll.

"Huh, these two guys are finally finished, thank God."

"Finally fell, Yan Kingdom's retribution has come, hahaha."

"The roots of the three locust trees are definitely dead. People in Yan Kingdom should stop thinking about it."

"If they can escape this time, my name is the father of everyone in Yan Kingdom."

"Everyone watching is a witness, hahaha!"

Now more and more people think that Yan Kingdom is definitely going to be killed.

Some foreigners who originally applied to Yan Country have withdrawn their applications at this moment.

The land of the apocalypse.

"Puff." A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, looking at the tentacles passing through his right chest, Chen Mo felt himself getting weaker and weaker.

The dark golden long sword that was fighting against the blood-colored tree roots fell to the ground as if it lost control at this moment.


As if feeling that Chen Mo hadn't died yet, another tentacle suddenly grew out of the broken part of the bloody tree root, piercing into Chen Mo's body and passing through.

The blood splashed on Yunying's face again made Yunying blink her eyes, and a moment later, a heart-piercing roar came out of Yunying's mouth: "No!"

Tears flowed out of her eyes unsatisfactorily, Yunying's heart was filled with great anger, she stretched out her hand, trying to plug Chen Mo's wound.

However, the two tentacles that pierced into Chen Mo's chest were pulled out directly, and the blood splashed out stained the surrounding white snow red.

Without the support of the tentacles, Chen Mo fell to the ground. He felt more and more powerless, and finally closed his eyes, lay down on the snow, and passed out.

In the live broadcast room, the netizens couldn't hold back immediately, and the tears flowed out uncontrollably.

In the pop-up commentary, Instructor Li, who is a solid soldier, also punched and punched on the commentary platform. The anger was vented, and after that punch, wounds appeared on his hands, and blood flowed out , and did not stop.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world are locked on Yan Country.

After all, the strength of Yan Guo's players is among the best among all the players in the world, and they have occupied the number one spot for a long time.

Now the scene of them being hammered suddenly attracted the attention of the whole world.

Nearly [-] billion people felt that Yan Kingdom must be defeated.

His eyes were locked on the live broadcast screen, and he couldn't bear to blink.

The land of the apocalypse.

Seeing that one was dealt with, the three blood-colored roots swarmed towards Yunying.

Facing the overwhelming and unusually turbulent tree roots.

Glancing at Chen Mo on the ground, Yunying held the spear tightly with one hand in a twisted posture, her eyes turned red in a flash, and the next moment, from the spear, raging flames rose up.

Even Yunying's body was filled with flames. The flames were quite strange, but they didn't burn Yunying's clothes. In just an instant, Yunying turned into a burning man.

"Ah, I want you to die!"

An angry roar came out of Yunying's mouth, and Yunying seemed to be on a rampage, killing and looting away.

"watch out!"

"Look at the trick! Look at the trick!"

"Chasing clouds!"

"A prairie fire shot!"

"The flames start a prairie fire!"

"Wind piercing gun!"

"Breaking Wind Gun!"

"Sparkling prairie fire!"

"Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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