Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 5 Facing Survival

Chapter 5 Facing Survival
As acid rain began to fall from the sky, the mysterious voice sounded again.

[Ding, the acid rain is coming and lasts for a week.Zombies and mutant beasts also randomly appear in various places. I wish all players good luck. 】

This voice resounded through the Land of Apocalypse. Not only did all the players hear this voice, but even the audience in the live broadcast room received a reminder.

"Acid rain? What acid rain?"

"Acid rain is weakly acidic, and it is corrosive to the skin. If you are exposed to acid rain for a long time, it will cause skin discomfort or itching."

In the barrage, someone conducted a science popularization.

But then panicked again.

"Although acid rain is weakly acidic, the Land of Apocalypse may be an exception. If there is strong acid rain later, it will be bad."

"It's over. This is a test for survival. Acid rain will pollute water sources. If you drink acidic water for a long time, not to mention stomach troubles, it will easily reduce the body's resistance and immunity, which will lead to the occurrence of diseases."

"That's right, if you want to survive longer, the water source is a big problem. They have to find the water source before it is polluted, although I don't know if the water source in the Land of Apocalypse has been polluted."

"Oops, that Yunying doesn't seem to be carrying anything except the spear?"

"Really, there is no water or food, so how can she survive?"

"Chen Mo carried a bag, which should contain food and water."

"Just such a big bag, how much food and water can it hold, if two people use it, how many days can it last?"

"If they can't hold on anymore, what happened in the United States will not happen in my country of Yan."

Everyone in the live broadcast room, who were originally excited because of Yunying's powerful combat power, became pessimistic again at this moment.

The so-called people are iron, and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

No matter how strong you are, you still have to drink water and eat to survive!

Moreover, both of them looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, and they were probably not survival experts.

At the same time, the Apocalypse Research Bureau.

They also noticed this situation, and many staff members put forward a lot of suggestions for this situation to Peng Fei.

For example, some elderly people with serious diseases or old age are gathered by relevant departments in various places.

At the same time, the live broadcast also introduced a plan.

Live commentary in a relatively entertaining way.

To effectively alleviate people's confusion and fear of the future after watching the live broadcast.

And if there are problems encountered in the live broadcast, the commentator can popularize science and tell the solution.

Although the players can't hear it, it can ease everyone's emotions.

If this is done, part of the audience's attention will be attracted by the commentary, and the worries about the national destiny and the chaos caused by the order will be relatively reduced.

The death of a contestant is indeed a serious blow to the country.

However, the confusion, helplessness, and despair caused by the death of personnel may cause even greater harm to the country than the death of the contestants themselves.

The so-called learning lessons from other countries, the Yan Kingdom should try to avoid or reduce the occurrence of this situation.

Not long after, some official video platforms had an extra pop-up window, which only occupied one-tenth of the video interface, and you could choose to close it yourself.

Although the live broadcast screen is mandatory and cannot be modified through the background, it is still possible to add some things.

"Hi everyone, this is the live commentary of Tianqi!"

A well-dressed, well-known CCTV host appeared in the small pop-up window, and he said with a smile: "Every audience friend, hello, I am the host Xiao Sa."

"In order to deal with emergencies in the Land of Apocalypse, and to solve..."

"Next, let me introduce the many commentators invited by the official."

"Professor Wang, an expert in biology, Instructor Li of a special brigade of a certain military region, and Dean Liu, vice president of Yanguo Academy of Sciences."

The camera cuts to the front of these people. The official selections are all those with real materials and hard power, and they did not invite some stars and Internet celebrities from Yan Kingdom.

Xiao Sa talked eloquently, and immediately showed a welcoming smile, and then his expression became serious again:
"Okay. The two of us are out of the safe zone. May I ask Instructor Li, what should we do in this situation?"

Instructor Li, as the instructor of the special brigade, naturally has his own way of survival. Since he is a soldier, he said with a very serious expression:
"According to the clues we have so far, we can roughly guess that this may be a mysterious world infected by a virus. When you don't know the general situation of this world, first find a shelter, then water and food, and then goodbye Act on the machine."

Instructor Li was relatively conservative. According to the information he got, Chen Mo was just a student who had just finished the college entrance examination and had no training, so he shouldn't have too high demands on him.

In addition, if survival cannot be guaranteed, let alone obtaining resources.

Then Professor Wang and Dean Liu also expressed some of their own views, but they generally have the same meaning.

Obscene development.

Xiao Sa was in charge of adjusting the atmosphere, so as not to make the commentary too dull, and said with a smile: "Then let's see how the two contestants will respond."

A street in ruins of the city.

At this time, the two people who had attracted much attention walked aimlessly.

Constantly look around and think about where to go next.

Yunying said more than Chen Mo imagined, and kept babbling in Chen Mo's ear.

"What the hell happened here? Why did it become like this?"

"What is this iron lump?"

"What a magical world!"

"Chen Mo, where shall we go next?"

"Since my lord wants me to help you, then I will forcefully listen to you for the time being."

"I'm so hungry, have you brought anything to eat?"

Yunying is curious about some strange things, broken cars on the street, and some dilapidated furniture will make her feel novel.

But in the end, he still couldn't resist his stomach growling, and showed a pitiful expression in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo: "..."


"No, no, why do I suddenly feel something is wrong!"

"Maybe she has some brain problems, doesn't she even know cars?"

"She talks a lot!"

"Haha, look at Chen Mo's helpless expression."

"??? Am I the only one who thinks my wife is cute?"

"What are you two looking at stupidly? Go find a shelter, find water and food!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked at the aimless two people, and suddenly jumped a little anxiously.

But it was helpless.

The two people in the Land of Apocalypse couldn't see their barrage at all.


The popularity of the official live broadcast room has exceeded imagination. Although the live broadcast can also be watched on TV, there is no commentary pop-up window, and bullet screens cannot be posted, so a large number of people poured into the official live broadcast room.

Xiao Sa and others in the pop-up commentary were also slightly taken aback when they saw this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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