Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 51 The Power of the Stars

Chapter 51 The Power of the Stars
The land of the apocalypse.

Although the temperature of the chariot is higher than that of the outside world, after all, there is no energy supplement, and the temperature is more than ten degrees below zero.

Daisa has never killed monsters and received rewards, so her physical fitness is the same as that of ordinary people. After being outside for so long and tossing for a while, her body is already shivering.

But in the current situation, I definitely can't rest. I can only help Chen Mo and the others, let them wake up, so that I and Bella have a chance to survive.

Daisha is not a fool, in such a harsh environment, the only way to survive is to seek the protection of Chen Mo and the others.

So resuscitating them is the top priority.

Dessa breathed a sigh of relief, providing some warmth to her cold and red hands, then rummaged through the car and found a flashlight.

Turn on the flashlight, turn it on to the maximum brightness, and Tessa strapped it to the roof to provide light for the interior of the car.

Then, he checked Chen Mo's injuries.

Daisha unbuttoned Chen Mo's skirt, and took off the robe on his body, revealing his fair skin, but his clothes were fleshy.

Seeing the tight muscle lines, even though they were stained red with blood, one could tell that Chen Mo had a good figure.

"Wow! I can't tell, God Mo's figure looks thin, but he turns out to have such a great figure."

"The muscle lines are too good-looking, not the kind of big muscles."

"The skin is so fair, I am not as good as a woman."

Some sluts in the live broadcast room were immediately fascinated.

Unlike the oriental women, even though it was the first time to take off a man's clothes, Daisha didn't feel blushing or anything, and curiously squeezed the muscles on Chen Mo's arms.

Then he continued to pull down the robe and checked Chen Mo's injuries.

Then the next scene not only stunned Desha, but also stunned the audience in the live broadcast room.

On Chen Mo's left and right breasts, there was a three-centimeter-sized flesh, and the blood was still flowing out of the blood hole, which was very shocking.

"Fuck! It's so serious."

"The left chest, that's not where the heart is. The wound should touch the heart, right?"

"The heart should not have been touched, or he would have died long ago."

"The clothes are all stained red with blood. This is how much blood has been shed."

"I feel sorry for my God Mo, and there is no blood on my face."

"No way, no way, you can't die after being injured like this? This life is too hard!"

"It would be a medical miracle if it survived."

"Yan Kingdom is on the hook!"

It's not that there are no doctors in the live broadcast room. The injury shouldn't be too serious, and there is so much blood. If it can be resisted, it will be terrible.

In the pop-up window explanation, Xiao Sa and the others all frowned and squinted slightly, not daring to open their eyes wide to see.

But for an ordinary person who suffered such a serious injury, the game would be over long ago.

But Chen Mo still resisted.

That face was frighteningly pale.

Xiao Sa covered her beating heart, calmed down the slightly nervous emotion in her heart, and comforted her:
"I have resisted the dangerous moment just now. Since the announcement did not announce Chen Mo's death, I believe that he will be able to survive and the miracle will definitely happen again!"

Daisa was a little frightened. After taking a deep breath, she took off all the clothes on Chen Mo's upper body. Because of the blood, the clothes and Chen Mo's skin were frozen together. This process took a while for Daisha. time.

Then he found a bandage from the supplies in the car, first disinfected and poisoned Chen Mo's wound with white wine, and then wrapped it around the wound round and round to stop the bleeding first.

After wrapping it up, the fever went away.

Although Daisha is not a doctor, she has learned about this aspect.

Fever is a normal physiological reaction of the human body, and it is a manifestation of the immune system fighting bacteria and viruses.

It's just that there are other risks if the body temperature is too high, so antipyretics and physical cooling methods are needed to maintain body temperature.

Daisha didn't find antipyretics and the like in the car, so she could only wet the bandage and stick it on Chen Mo's forehead.

After everything was done, Daisha wetted the gauze again, wiped off the blood on Chen Mo's body, and then scanned around in the car, and found that the quilt and bath towels she saw before were taken up by Chen Mo because they took up space. Into the storage space.

Helpless, Daisha had no choice but to take off the jacket she was wearing and covered Chen Mo's body.

Her figure is the same as Bella's, and she only wears a vest underneath, which is very predictable, but her body leaning forward slightly, outlines the curves more and more exquisitely, and the clothes are about to come out.

Daisha checked Yunying again.

It looked like there was no trauma at all. After wiping the blood on her face, he moved her over and let her and Bella hug each other.

And Daisha hugged Chen Mo, lying beside Yunying and Bella.

Dessa didn't turn off the flashlight, the light was her spiritual sustenance.

The four snuggled together.

Yan country live broadcast room.

"Wow, Miss Desha looks so professional, her movements are so neat, and she doesn't smudge at all."

"Yeah, it's not twitchy at all."

"At first, I thought she would hold back God Mo, but now it seems to be beyond my expectation."

"Miss, did you study medicine?"

"I just came out of Wu Kelan's live broadcast room. This young lady is a professor of physics at the University of Science and Technology. She is 29 years old and single. She is proficient in auto repair and can also fly a helicopter. Her teammate Bella is the doctor, and Wu Kelan is the best. Top notch surgeon."

All kinds of information about Daisha and Bella were quickly disclosed in the Yanguo live broadcast room, and they were completely uncovered.

To sum it up, these two girls are the kind of awesome academic masters.

As Daisha fell into a deep sleep, Xiao Sa and others who popped up the commentary also got off work.

At this moment, no one saw it.

Chen Mo's wound was repaired little by little with the power of the stars.

Even, above the starry sky, a little bit of star power spilled down, and then flowed into the chariot through the gap in the chariot, and poured into Chen Mo's body.

And the power of these stars is invisible.

The underground of the city.

This is an abandoned pothole. Judging from the surrounding facilities, it looks more like an abandoned research institute.

And in this pothole, various radioactive elements seriously exceeded the standard.

A locust tree that blocks the sun grows in a pothole.

Its main trunk is as big as a football field, and it has a strong evil spirit lingering around it.

On the top of its tree, two snake-shaped fruits grew out, but the color was too bright red, like a blood fruit.

Around it, bones can be seen everywhere.

All kinds of bones, no one knows how many creatures fell here.

No one knows what's going on here.

Even this piece of soil is blood-red and looks extremely permeable.

(End of this chapter)

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