Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 55 The fruit of the locust tree dryad

Chapter 55 The fruit of the locust tree dryad

Now that the points are there, the next step is to fix them.

Chen Mo spent thirty points to repair the fort.

The next moment, a magical scene happened.

The damaged part of the monster fortress began to squirm, and within a short while, it was completely new.

However, seeing too many weird things, the few people were not too surprised by the scene in front of them.

Then it took another [-] points to fill up the energy of the monster fortress.

Next, just wait for tomorrow to come.

Under the heavy snow, a Mishu's white drone hovered in the sky, looking down at the city.

Under the spying of the drone, the original appearance of the city was completely exposed in front of Chen Mo and others.

The ruins lay beneath the snow, and in its collapse all that had once sheltered was destroyed.

Although the streets were buried by snow, signs of cracks could still be seen. The broken walls were covered by snow, and the streets were full of rusty abandoned vehicles. In some vehicles, some broken limbs could still be seen .

This scene caused everyone in the live broadcast room to sigh.

"This is too utterly destroyed, isn't it?"

"I have seen pictures of cities destroyed by wars on the Internet, but they are not as tragic."

"Peace is good."

Everyone looked at the ruins, feeling a little sympathetic.

What happened here to make it what it is now?

The drone flew farther and farther, and suddenly, a huge pothole appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Under Chen Mo's control, the drone flew into the pothole.

In the next second, a jaw-dropping picture appeared.

This is a giant locust tree covering thousands of square meters.

This locust tree alone is equivalent to a forest.

The whole body is bright red, just like pouring blood.

Its roots are rooted in the ground like horned dragons, and these roots are like towering trees.

Standing in the distance, if you don't look carefully, it looks like a forest.

What's even more weird is that around the locust tree, there are a lot of glaring white bones.

It is densely packed, spread around, like several hills, I don't know how many bones there are.

This land is also blood red.

It looked like it was usually soaked in blood.

Such a scene made the scalps of the audience in the live broadcast room tingle.

"Fuck, this is the biggest tree I've ever seen!"

"Could this be the body of the locust tree demon?"

"This is an evil tree. These bones should be the lives it took away."

"Oh my god, is this a burial cave?"

"Can't watch, can't watch, I'm afraid I'll have nightmares at night."

"This must be the body of the locust tree demon!"

"It's too exaggerated, it's as big as a football field."

"More than that, I think it's about the size of three football fields."

"Seeing those white bones, I trembled all over. How much do they have?"

Pop-up commentary, Xiao Sa asked Dean Liu: "Dean Liu, is there such a big tree on our blue star?"

"In my impression, it should be gone, but I can't be too sure. In some virgin forests where there are few people, maybe there are." Dean Liu said slowly.

"This locust tree demon has a very large body and stretches continuously, like a mountain range. Compared with ordinary locust trees, its size is really amazing, which makes me very curious. The mysterious virus infected with it, Exactly what kind of existence it is." A ray of light flashed in Professor Wang's eyes.

Xiao Sa nodded, and looked at the live broadcast screen. Suddenly, his eyes stopped, and he pointed his finger at the screen, and said blankly: "Is that a growing fruit?"

Several people heard the sound and looked, and sure enough, they saw two snake-like red fruits on the top of the locust tree demon's tree.

Several people were stunned.

Can the locust tree bear fruit?
Sure enough, all creatures in the Land of Apocalypse cannot be viewed with Blue Star's common sense.

It's so weird.

In the monster fortress.

Chen Mo and the others stared at the light curtain of the remote control with astonishment on their faces.

"How is it possible? How could the locust tree bear fruit?" Daisa asked in amazement.

"This is not Blue Star, everything is possible." Chen Mo said so, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

The fruit of the locust tree?What is the fruit called?

Sophora fruit?
"This should be the body of the locust tree demon that attacked us that day," Yunying said.

"It should be. I'll see if I can pick the fruit."

Chen Mo pressed the button on the remote control, and immediately, two small mechanical arms ejected from the front of the drone.

According to the picture, Chen Mo controlled the drone to fly towards the fruit on the top of the locust tree.

"666, what a coquettish drone, it even has mechanical arms."

"It's really a bit high-end, and I feel stupid."

The appearance of the robotic arm of the drone made some people in the live broadcast room stunned.

"Is Mo Shen going to pick the fruit of the locust tree demon?"

"The fruit of the locust tree? Are you sure you can eat it?"

"Based on my experience in reading novels for many years, let me make a blind guess here. This fruit is not only edible, but also makes people stronger."

"There's a reason upstairs, I'll follow along."

The drone flew towards the fruit, getting closer and closer.

three meters.

two meters.

one meter.

ten centimeters.

The locust tree demon did not respond.

Until the mechanical arm grabbed two fruits and the drone's wings cut off the roots, the locust tree demon still did not respond.

"I'll go, it's so easy to pick?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned. Shouldn't the normal situation be that the locust tree demon wakes up and then pulls the drone away?
This is too easy to succeed, right?

Chen Mo was also a little surprised, it was so easy, he was ready for the drone to be destroyed.

Chen Mo manipulated the drone to evacuate rapidly.

When it was about to fly out of the pothole, the locust tree demon finally woke up.

The ground trembled, and the entire pothole shook.

Chen Mo, who was thousands of meters away, felt the shock.

The roots that were originally rooted in the soil rose up one after another, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

It kept flying up and down, and the trunk of the locust tree continued to emit strange magic sounds.


Chen Mo was stunned. After waking up, if you didn't shoot at the drone, why did you swing it up and down?

Chen Mo hurriedly manipulated the drone to leave the area of ​​the pothole.

After the drone flew away, the locust tree demon, who did not find the murderer, became incompetent and furious on the spot. The huge tree roots kept beating the ground, making the tremor stronger and stronger.

Chen Mo left the monster fortress, and controlled the drone to fly in front of him and stop.

Immediately bent down to pick up the fruit, the moment he got the fruit in his hand, there was a burning tingling sensation, which made Chen Mo's hand twitch, and the fruit fell to the ground.

【hint!You have been infected with a virus! 】

【hint!You have been damaged by radiation! 】

【hint!You can spend 100 points to clear the virus! 】

【hint!You can spend 50 points to clear the radiation! 】

Chen Mo raised his hand to take a look, and immediately felt that the skin on his fingers was rotting a little bit, but at the same time, it was repairing a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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