Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 66 Qinglian Sword Song

Chapter 66 Qinglian Sword Song
"Good guy"

Chen Mo called him a good guy in his heart.

Of course, he said good guy was not the squeeze that the prompt said.

But the Zidian octopus will die after two hours.

In conversion, that is four hours.

Anyway, you are so big, and you are still an A-level mutant beast, so you can only work for two hours.

This makes Chen Mo's previous life how those migrant workers who were enduring 996 blessings feel.

Young man, you can't do it!

But disappointed in his heart, Chen Mo could only let Zidian Octopus rest first.

After all, I still count on it to work for me and make a power bank.

While taking it back to the capture card, Chen Mo threw a large piece of meat from the locust tree tree demon from the storage space and fed it to the Zidian octopus.

After Zidian octopus finished eating, his eyes were glistening.

The dissatisfaction with Chen Mo in his heart completely dissipated.

Take the purple electric octopus back to the capture card.

Chen Mo first checked the rewards.

There are a dozen or so E-level treasure chests.

Four D-level treasure chests.

After all are turned on, the rewards are quite satisfactory.

It's this ability light group.
Chen Mo touched the skill light ball with his hand.

【hint!You have acquired high-level swordsmanship—Qinglian Sword Song. 】

[Qinglian Sword Song: Use sword energy to condense the shape. After casting it, the figure cannot be captured within three seconds.Killing a person in ten steps will never stop a thousand miles away. 】

【hint!This is Dacheng swordsmanship, which is being empowered. 】

【hint!You've got it all figured out. 】

Hearing the notification tone in his mind that only he could hear, Chen Mo's eyes widened like copper bells.

Qinglian Sword Song?

Li Bai's skills?
Or directly integrated.

A set of unfamiliar yet familiar sword moves instantly appeared in Chen Mo's mind, dancing in his mind like a villain.

The first type: Qinglian Duxiu.

The attack moves, between one advance and one retreat, the one who attacks the enemy must die, and the one who strikes the enemy must be saved.

The second type: a lotus dryness.

The ingenious use of the enemy, whether it is a weapon or a force, neutralizes the enemy's power and returns it to the enemy.

The third type: infinite lotus ring.

The sword energy forms a circle, and the rings are interlocking. The sword energy circulates back and forth endlessly, forming a self-formed formation, which can be advanced, attacked, retreated, or defended.

The fourth type: ten thousand lotuses and pedicles.

One lotus blooms, ten thousand lotuses bloom.

Fencing is good fencing.

But how much strength can be displayed depends on who the user is.

There was a smile on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth.

I have another powerful ultimate move.

And you don't need to practice yourself.

In this way, he can practice without being exposed to the live camera.

It can be used as one of your big cards.

There are also some technical rewards.

For example, a USB flash drive with 6G technology hidden.

Machine tools for manufacturing chariots.

Engines of Apocalypse and more.

It is of no use to him, but after he manifests a hundred times, it has great research value for the country he is bound to, Yan Kingdom.


Useful for yourself too.

He can use the way of making panels, consuming points and materials to make what he needs
Chen Mo hurriedly opened the manufacturing panel.

[Speedboat: Iron block 0/10, engine 0/1. 】


[Deluxe version speedboat: iron block 0/50, engine 0/1, generator 0/1, blueprint, operating system, gunpowder 0/20. 】

Chen Mo turned over.


[Generator: Iron 0/10, rough drawing. 】


I didn't notice it before, but I didn't expect to refresh some things now.

Speedboat actually updated two versions.

In addition to these materials, ordinary speedboat manufacturing requires 10 credits.

Advanced version of the speedboat 15 points.

The luxury version of the speedboat requires 30 points.

It was dark now.

When Chen Mo was planning to check the chat panel again.

"Cough cough."

A coughing sound caught the attention of the three of Chen Mo, and Chen Mo hurriedly looked over.

After Yunying coughed violently a few times, she suddenly woke up, stood up and vomited facing the water.

Chen Mo quickly took out an empty bottle and Youneng Capsule from the storage space, and after filling a bottle of seawater, Chen Mo put in the Youneng Capsule.

As the phantom energy capsules melted, the seawater immediately turned into phantom energy water, which was ready to drink.

Immediately, he hurriedly handed it over to Yunying.

But the first two mouthfuls were taken by Yunying as mouthwash.

Under Bella's massage, after calming down a little, he gulped down the psionic water into his stomach.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you OK?"

After Yunying finished drinking, Chen Mo immediately asked, but unexpectedly, Yunying also asked Chen Mo again at this moment.

At the same time, the words of the two sounded together.

Chen Mo was stunned.

Yunying was also stunned.

Dessa and Bella were taken aback.

Yanguo's live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

"Is this what it means to have a good understanding? Caring for each other."

"It's a tacit understanding. If the two of them are not together, then I don't believe in love anymore."

"At the beginning, I watched the music, but now, why do I have the urge to cry. Single dogs have no human rights!"

After Yunying came back to her senses, her face turned red immediately, her gaze slightly dodged.

As for Chen Mo, he couldn't contain his inner emotions and wanted to express them in front of Yunying.

But after thinking about it, he held back.

One is that the current situation is wrong.

Second, it was too hasty.

Chen Mo felt that he had to be ready before he could say this sentence.

"I'm fine x2."

The two said in unison again.

Dessa and Bella stared wide-eyed.

"It's fine x2."

The two said in unison again, so their eyes widened and their eyes narrowed.

Is it really a tacit understanding?

Pop-up explanation.

Now, even Xiao Sa and the others couldn't hold back anymore.

It can be said to be a coincidence to say the same thing once.

Can be used three times in a row.

Then it's a little unbelievable.

It must be a special fate.

Xiao Sa began to bless, said the best, and even joked, saying: "The next time we teleport, I think we can put a set of wedding dresses in, to make them both happy."

This joke was agreed by Dean Liu and the audience in the live broadcast room.




"My family owns a bridal dress shop, and I will give away a set of our most valuable wedding dress for free."

"What is a wedding dress? I'll ask a designer to make a set of phoenix coronets for Yunying."

"I'll give you a diamond ring."

"I'll give you the necklace."

"666, can this be rolled up?"

Chen Mo and Yunying didn't know, it was just such a tacit understanding that some sand sculpture netizens in the live broadcast room had already thought of the name of the child they were going to have later.

There is also the boss who gave the two of them a villa in the capital.

Yunying's face was as red as blood, she lowered her head, and was so embarrassed that she could dig out three rooms and one living room with her feet.

Chen Mo touched his nose, but also turned his head away.

Fortunately, Chen Mo had a thick skin, and by making dinner, he gave Yunying the opportunity to pass the grilled steak, and the two talked again.

Chen Mo told Yun Ying everything that happened in the water and the subjugation of the purple electric octopus as if it were a story.

(End of this chapter)

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