Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 68 Side effects of the demon fruit

Chapter 68 Side effects of the demon fruit
Although Daisha and Bella have already made friends with Chen Mo and the others, they are still not familiar with each other.

And at night, it's not good for them to approach Yunying in front of Yunying to get closer to the "relationship", so they simply whispered to Bella while the blocking time was not over.

And Yunying was wearing a white slim gown with bare feet, wiped her wet hair with a towel and sat down beside Chen Mo, saying, "What are you thinking?"

Seeing that it was Yun Ying, Chen Mo lay down on the kayak directly. It was not as cold and hard as a wooden boat, but it was flexible and suitable for sleeping. He said, "I was thinking, if I have a chance, I would like to compete with you."

Perhaps because of the courage gained from his improved strength, Chen Mo actually offered to compete with Yunying.

"Okay." Yunying's eyes lit up. She is considered a little "martial idiot". She is more interested in fighting, dancing with spears, and so on. Naturally, she would not refuse Chen Mo's proposal, and she immediately said: "But wait until the flood is over. Now it's wobbly, making me dizzy."

"Okay." Chen Mo nodded.

Yunying is a chatterbox, if she opens her mouth, she can't finish talking.

And Chen Mo is playing Yao, and he is also a chatterbox, but talking about it now will not increase the acting speed, so Chen Mo talks less during this period.

But now, once the conversation is open, the attribute of chatterbox is also turned on.

"Before Lao Di sent me here, I heard a gossip that it was arranged by His Majesty. His Majesty asked people from the Taishi Bureau to observe the sky."

Yunying already knew that his original world, Chen Mo's world, and this world were all different, which made Yunying a little confused.

"Observing the sky? Ming Shiyin?" Chen Mo said in astonishment.

"You still know him?" Yunying was a little surprised.

"Uh, I've heard that, you continue to talk." Chen Mo touched.

"His city is very deep, and even Lao Di is no match for him." Yunying sighed, and then said: "I only know that the celestial phenomenon observed by the Taishi Bureau, I don't know who it is. And this It’s gossip, I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

"Oh." Chen Mo nodded, immediately remembered something, became interested, and asked Yunying about Li Bai and the Great Wall Guards.

"Master Li Bai is a great writer and knight in Chang'an City, but he is an idol that everyone worships." Yunying also had stars in her eyes, and said, "As for the Great Wall Guards, I am not very familiar with them, but they are A hero of the Tang Dynasty."

Chen Mo immediately asked if the gossip in the king's short story was true.

"You know that too?" Yunying's eyes widened, and she said immediately, "Have you ever been to Chang'an City?"

"Eh, no, I heard, I heard."

"is it?"

Yunying looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

"Hmm." Chen Mo didn't dare to ask any more.

Instead, they talked about something else.

The two already had a certain affection for each other, and now they talked for a while, feeling that the distance between them was being eliminated little by little.

Yunying didn't have any precautions against Chen Mo, just like Chen Mo, she also lay down.

There is not much space in the kayak, and if the two of them don't want to fall into the water, they can only stay next to each other.

"By the way, I have something for you." Chen Mo wanted to give Yunying the rest of the "snake fruit".

But at this moment, Chen Mo suddenly found that his body became hot, and this anger had a tendency to gradually spread.

There was an evil fire in the lower abdomen.

This made Chen Mo hug Yunying uncontrollably.

Being hugged suddenly, Yunying's body suddenly stiffened, her face was flushed red, and she said in embarrassment, "You you."

However, before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked by Chen Mo.


Yunying was stunned, her eyes widened.

But in my heart, I don't hate it, but I look forward to it.

But it turned out that Yunying was struggling to push Chen Mo.

But he was hugged tightly by Chen Mo.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Mo's kiss seemed to have some magical power, Yun Ying instantly felt powerless.

Let Chen Mo bully him.

Until Chen Mo's palm climbed up Yunying's slender waist, swam slightly, then passed through the white robe, and touched the smooth and delicate skin like warm jade.

Yunying woke up instantly, and bit Chen Mo's lips hard.

Under the pain, Chen Mo also recovered a bit of clarity.

Quickly let go of Yunying, cursing the demon fruit of the locust tree demon in his heart, in order to dispel the restlessness in his heart, Chen Mo plunged into the water.

And at this moment, the blocking time has come.

The moment Chen Mo plunged into the water.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

"What's going on? Why did God Mo go into the water?"

"Is there a biological attack? Didn't you hear the prompt?"

"Why is Goddess Yunying's face so red?"

"What happened during this time? Curious about jpg."

"Curiosity +1."

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned, but Dessa and Bella were also a little puzzled. They were talking about it just now, and they suddenly heard the sound of falling into the water.

"Yunying, what happened?" Daisha asked.

"Are you okay? He was sleeping... he couldn't sleep, so he went into the water to take a shower and have fun." Yunying said.

Dessa: "..."

Can't sleep, take a shower and play?
Dessa didn't understand.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't understand either.

In the water.

Chen Mo's consciousness regained clarity.

He never expected that the side effect of the locust tree demon fruit turned out to be this.

Fortunately, Yunying didn't give the Yaoguo to eat.

Otherwise, something big will happen.

Chen Mo calmed down in the water for about [-] minutes, and when he felt that his body was no longer hot, he came to the surface of the water.

He originally apologized to Yunying immediately.

Who knew that Yunying had fallen asleep.

Of course Chen Mo knew that Yunying hadn't really fallen asleep.

It seems that he is angry with himself.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo planned to apologize tomorrow.

This night, it was Chen Mo and Bella's turn to watch the night.

After eating the meat of the locust tree demon and taking some medicines, Bella's injury has improved, but it will take a certain amount of time to recover.

After all, she is just an ordinary person, so the recovery effect must be ordinary.

"Go to sleep, I'll just keep watch alone."

Thinking of taking care of Bella's injury, Chen Mo let her sleep.

Anyway, if there was a sudden attack at night, she would not be able to help.

"I'm fine, it's fine."

Bella knew that Chen Mo was out of sympathy, but she didn't want this kind of sympathy. What's more, she wanted to express to Chen Mo that she would not be your burden.

"That's fine. If you can't hold on, then you can go to sleep. I won't blame you."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

Then he concentrated his mind and opened the chat panel, intending to pass the time by chatting all night.

(End of this chapter)

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