Bound luck: start playing as Yao

Chapter 70 Moral kidnapping?

Chapter 70 Moral kidnapping?

Late at night, with two panda eyes on her face, Bella sat on the bow of the boat.

Scan the underwater environment with a strong flashlight, so as to give an early warning at any time.

She didn't fall into a deep sleep until around six o'clock, when she couldn't bear it any longer.

Chen Mo didn't feel anything. The strengthening of his physique made his spirit several times that of ordinary people. Even if he didn't sleep all night, it was nothing.

The third day of the flood.

At dawn, Chen Mo released the purple electric octopus, and then asked Daisha who woke up to start the teleportation.

His mind focused on opening the panel.

[Oh Maiga, the water level has risen to 60 meters, and it has skyrocketed by 25 meters overnight. If this continues, the water level will be close to 800 meters in a month. 】

[It seems that this is to turn the land of apocalypse into a vast ocean. 】

[Help, help, I managed to find a mountain to avoid the disaster after a night, and it turned out that the mountain was full of zombies, even]

[Major announcement!Big announcement! 】

【hint!Two contestants from Liwan Kingdom encountered a group of D-level zombies. 】

【hint!The contestants from Li Wan Kingdom encountered the leader of the D-level zombie group——A-level genetic zombies. 】

[Major announcement!Two contestants from Liwan Kingdom were besieged by zombies and died! 】

【hint!The player is bound to the country and the country - the life value of all citizens is reduced by two tenths. 】

Chen Mo didn't even finish reading the chat messages, but only heard a few loud broadcasts resounding throughout the Land of Apocalypse.

Hearing this, Chen Mo frowned.

Li Wanguo, a little familiar?

at the same time.

The entire Blue Star was boiling.

"Damn it, another player from Liwan Country was wiped out by the regiment. This has happened twice."

"One-tenth of the life value is cut once, and the two of them are four-tenths twice. If calculated based on a hundred years old, they will be 40 years old. Twice deducted 40 years of life, my God!"

"From the perspective of mathematics, it is not calculated in this way. If a person can live a hundred years and reduce one-tenth of the first time, then he can only live to be 90 years old. Then the second time is based on the age of 90 years. If it is deducted, then he can only live to be 81 years old. The third time is deducted from the 81-year-old basis."

"Uh, don't be so serious, right?"


Countless people poured into the official live broadcast room of Liwan Kingdom.

The two middle-aged commentators in the live broadcast room instantly turned into old people.

The people who poured into the live broadcast room were stunned, and even the two players who had just been revived at the moment had entered the state of old age.

The audience who poured into the live broadcast room hurriedly checked the replay.

In the replay, two contestants from Liwan Kingdom boarded a mountain peak on the raft they made.

As it was dark when they climbed up, they hadn't found anything yet.

So they continued to climb up, and when the morning light shone on the ground, the two contestants suddenly released a zombie in the bushes of the mountain forest.

So one couldn't help but screamed.

It was this scream that made the entire mountain forest boil.

Countless zombies poured out from the woods. At that scene, it was as if there were thousands of troops hidden on this mountain, and they rushed towards the two of them.
This scene made the scalps of countless viewers tingle.

"My mother, this is the base camp of zombies, let alone hundreds of thousands."

"It's like the scene of the zombie siege in a zombie movie."

"I'll go, there are so many zombies, anyone here has to kneel."

"Could it be that after the water flooded, the zombies in the Land of Apocalypse hid in the mountains?"

"Oh, my God, it's so miserable."

The citizens of Liwan Kingdom went crazy.

Their players instantly became the country's sinners.

It has become the target of verbal criticism by the domestic people.

It's okay to stay on the water, isn't it?What are you doing up the mountain?
But they forgot that when their players were still on the water, the barrage in the live broadcast room made them go up to the high ground
But they, who lost their minds, had already forgotten this.

Or, it was deliberately ignored.

They just remember.

With their own efforts, the players let the country they are bound to enter an aging society.

The news of the two team eliminations of the players from Liwan Country also became the number one hot search in the media of various countries.

The homepage sections of major media have been replaced with news about Liwan Kingdom.

Liwan Kingdom became famous all over the world again.

It also let more than 100 billion viewers know such a country.

But as more people knew about it, Yao Mozi also came out.

What human community.

Humanitarian relief.

With great power comes great responsibility or something.

To put it simply, it is to let the players who are able to provide help take care of the players at the bottom who are not able to survive in the Land of Apocalypse.

In these reports, the Yan Kingdom, Great Britain, the United States, the Grizzly Bear Country, and the Island Country were mentioned intentionally or unintentionally.

The first among them is the Yan Kingdom.

Even with the help of some forces, the news of Yan Guo players offering a helping hand became the second most searched in the media of various countries.

Even the United Nations got involved.

As a result, a large number of foreign netizens flooded into Yan Guo and Wu Kelan's live broadcast room.

Why flood into Wu Kelan's live broadcast room?
Who told Wu Kelan to start the teleportation right now.

Barrages of various texts rolled up in the official live broadcast rooms of the two countries.

"Yan Guo has occupied the first place in the standings for three times. With so many resources, it is time to stand up."

"That's right, it's only natural for a big country to help a small country."

"Anyway, Chen Mo and Yunying are so strong, it doesn't matter if they take care of two more people."

"Didn't the Buddhism in your Yan Kingdom say that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and that there is still a universal salvation for all living beings? Now is the time."

"Just now, the teleportation has started, and you can send your players a message to let them help."

"Fuck, refuse moral kidnapping, why don't you go to the United States? You are not a country that claims to be free, don't you usually preach love to help others? Why don't you go now."

"That's right? Great Britain is still second in terms of points, and there are even more mechanical armors to help."

"Fuck, you guys are just jealous, and, who said we won't help?"

"The upstairs is sick???"


Apocalypse Research Bureau.

"Director, it has been found out that it was secretly caused by countries such as the United States and island countries. They even found domestic public figures to lead the rhythm."

The public opinion in Yan Kingdom was suddenly aroused, and the staff began to investigate. The operation of various departments was quickly investigated.

"Director, we have received a meeting notice from the United Nations."

Another staff member said.

"Director, the high-level officials of Liwan Kingdom have requested to talk to us."

"Director, the high-level leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and island countries have all released reports, saying that they are willing to lend a helping hand, but unfortunately the current teleportation has cooled down, and the players in the Land of Apocalypse cannot be contacted.

Intentionally or unintentionally, it was mentioned that Wu Kelan's players were with our players and turned their finger on us. "

Hearing the staff's words, Peng Fei's face changed slightly, he punched the table, and said in a deep voice: "The United States and other countries don't even want to provide a helping hand, they are just fooling people, this generosity of others, it is simply Shameless!"

(End of this chapter)

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