Chapter 82
When the golden light disappeared, he had already arrived at the secret place of the seabed.

【hint!You used Poseidon's crystal ball and received Poseidon's blessing. 】

[Sea God's Blessing: Within 24 hours, gain the ability to survive in the ocean, and gain increased combat power in the ocean. 】

A reminder sounded in his mind, and Chen Mo looked around, only to see that the originally relatively clear sea water had turned light red.

The countless sea creatures around have all disappeared at this moment.

And the original secret place under the sea also disappeared, and the blue beam of light that shot into the ocean also dissipated.

"Hey, the ink god has come out!"

"I don't know what God Mo has obtained in the secret realm, but there is no broadcast."

"Not only is there no broadcast sound, but there is no actual sound. Could it be that Moshen didn't get rewards in the secret realm? I remember that there were broadcasts in the secret realms on land before after receiving rewards."

"Did something go wrong?"

"I think the golden light that came out of the secret realm before should be a reward. So many marine creatures died all at once, and all of them were counted on Mo Shen."

"I agree with upstairs."



Chen Mo whispered to himself.

Is this the collapse of the secret place under the sea?

Or after the exploration, the secret place under the sea disappeared by itself.

But the things obtained in the secret realm are really good.

Just when Chen Mo was thinking about something.

There was a sudden tremor in the waters.

The injured blue sea beast jumped out of nowhere and swept towards Chen Mo.

Those animal pupils staring at Chen Mo were even redder.

"I'm going, you haven't left yet?"

Chen Mo was taken aback. He thought that with the disappearance of the secret seabed, the blue sea beasts would also disappear.

But this is not the case.

The moment the secret place under the sea disappeared, the blue sea beast was completely angry.

It feels like it's not fulfilling its mission.

In order to make atonement to the Sea God, it must kill the human who has obtained the Sea God's treasure.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you now."

Chen Mo held the dark golden long sword tightly in his right hand, looking at the swiftly approaching blue sea beast, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

With the blessing of the Sea God, he feels that the resistance of the sea water to him has disappeared at this moment.

Let Chen Mo act as if he was acting on land.

"God Mo is still fighting to the death with the blue sea beast?"

"This is an S-level creature, or a guardian. After being enlightened by the Sea God, can it win?"

"God Mo, why don't we run away? Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

Pop-up window explanation, Xiao Sa and others also analyzed this.

Instructor Li said: "This Guardian Beast was hit by Chen Mo's Wanlian laser before, and then it was hit by the golden light. Now it looks like it should be seriously injured. Chen Mo may not lose, at least he can fight with it."

"I agree with Instructor Li. If Chen Mo uses the previous trick again, I think he can kill this Guardian Beast." Xiao Sa nodded and said.

"Well, the reward you got just now has a lot of physical and strength points. Now Chen Mo has become stronger. He was able to repel the blue sea beast before, and he should be able to do so now."

Dean Liu kept evaluating Chen Mo's combat power in his mind.

Previously, he could repel the guardian beast and injure the guardian beast by using the Wanlian.

Now that the strength has increased, if you use that move again, not to mention killing, there should be no problem with serious injuries.

Many foreign netizens and media in Yanguo's live broadcast room thought that Chen Mo would win after hearing the pop-up commentary.

"Fight, they fight!"

"My God, flying with a sword in the water, isn't it fake?"

"This is outrageous!"

"I'm going, what a joke, he has no resistance in the water, it's unscientific."

"Flying in the water is off the charts."


In the waters of the Land of Apocalypse, Chen Mo stepped on the dark golden long sword, rubbed the purple lightning ball with his hands, and continuously discharged towards the blue sea beast.

The pressure in deep water and the resistance of water are like air to him.

All of a sudden, more than 100 billion viewers all stood up.

This battle is truly an "outrageous" battle.

Some countries also took out various high-tech data detectors, all of which were aimed at the live broadcast screen.

I want to use data to measure Chen Mo's combat power.

The reason for using it now.

It was because Chen Mo might not have used his full strength before.

This time Chen Mo was fighting an S-level creature, so it was time for him to use his full strength.

Just came out perfectly measured.

By the way, the approximate strength data of the S-level creatures was also measured.

When the cooling time of the transmission is up, you can send these data to the players in your own country.

Not only the people of Blue Star felt that it was off the mark, even the blue sea beasts felt that it was off the mark.

The most important thing is that I am still in the ocean, and my speed can't even catch up with this hateful human being.

It is also necessary to constantly avoid the lightning balls it inspires.

It made him feel extremely humiliated.


Roaring purple lightning lingered around Chen Mo's body, like a celestial being densely thundering, and as the thunder shattered, Chen Mo's body was covered in purple battle armor.

The next moment, he rushed away directly.

The hand has condensed into palm thunder.

Seeing that the human dared to approach, the blue sea beast immediately patted it with its paw.


The crisp sound of gold and iron was heard.

Sparks fly.

The violent shock wave spread out in ripples.

The waters trembled slightly.

Chen Mo's strength was still a little insufficient, and the blue sea beast was shocked back for a while.

The lightning in the palm of his hand struck it without causing too much damage.

It seems that the current lightning power alone can't hurt it.

Seeing that it just pushed Chen Mo back and did not cause too much damage, the Bihai Sea Beast was quite annoyed. It immediately raised its head to the sky and roared, then sprayed Chen Mo, and a jet of water like a laser shot towards Chen Mo.

"A lotus withered."

Chen Mo made seals with his hands, and the dark golden long sword under his feet suddenly flew and floated in front of him, and sword energy splashed out in all directions, condensing into a huge blue lotus flower.

The water column collided with the lotus, and the huge force caused the lotus to retreat half a meter, and then the water column reflected and attacked the blue sea beast.


Seeing the rebound, the blue sea beast remembered the scene of the previous battle, and immediately roared, as if annoyed and forgot just now, it immediately raised its claws angrily, destroying the rebounded water column.

Shaking his head, his figure swam, and his giant tail slammed at Chen Mo.

"One lotus blooms, ten thousand lotuses bloom."

Chen Mo poured the remaining Yuanli in his body into the long sword.

The reason why it is not used just now.

It's because this trick consumes too much energy.

And what is left in his body is only enough to cast it once.

Once cast, it is a desperate existence.

If this move didn't kill the blue sea beast.

Then he who has lost his vitality is undoubtedly a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The time for the decisive battle has come.

(End of this chapter)

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