Chapter 103

In the northern part of Great Xia Kingdom, above the Excalibur Gate.

Daji looked down at the Divine Sword Gate below, and shouted coquettishly: "Everyone from the Divine Sword Gate, come out, Ling Xiao sent Su Daji to order you to surrender!"

"Ling... Ling Xiao's people are here, they are not here to destroy us!"

"I don't know, I heard that the Ling Xiao faction is very domineering, and they suppressed Wuliangzong a while ago, and Wuliangzong is stronger than us!"

"More than that, I heard that not long ago, someone saw someone from the Lingxiao Sect go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple!"

"This... this Lingxiao faction will not really want to unify all the sects of the Great Xia Kingdom!"

"However, this woman is so beautiful! She is really as beautiful as a fairy, if only..."

"Shh, you're dying. Didn't you see that the other party can ride the clouds and ride the fog? She is likely to be the legendary Golden Core powerhouse. If you offend the other party..."


The arrival of Daji made the people of Shenjianmen focus on her. On the one hand, these disciples of Shenjianmen were fascinated by Daji's prosperous appearance, and on the other hand, they were extremely shocked. It can be said that the entire Great Xia has been shocked.

At this time, a cold and stern voice came from the Divine Sword Sect: "Huh, the Divine Sword Sect and the Lingxiao faction have always been well watered, and the girl is blatantly threatening our Divine Sword Sect, do you think our Divine Sword Sect can be bullied?" ?”

The people of Divine Sword Sect are all sword cultivators. They are sharp-edged on weekdays and will not easily give in to the threats of others, even in the face of a strong man like Daji.

A cold smile appeared on Daji's pretty face. She just lost her life today, and she was in a terrible mood, so she had no time to argue with these people.

She didn't continue to talk nonsense, and slapped down on the Divine Sword Gate below, and a palm that was tens of meters long fell straight down.

At the same time, five old men in gray robes suddenly flew out of the backyard of the Excalibur Gate. The moment these five old men appeared, they all pulled out the long swords carried on their backs, and threw the long swords at the same time. sword.

call out!
These five silver long swords were connected in a line, with a sword light that seemed to be able to pierce the sky, and stabbed towards the center of Daji's huge palm.


However, as soon as the five sharp long swords touched the palms of their hands, they immediately turned into flying ash, completely powerless to resist.

While the five long swords were smashed into pieces, the huge palm still fell straight down. The five old men with swords on their backs immediately vomited blood, and then their aura instantly weakened, and their bodies fell down uncontrollably the ground fell.

The majestic five masters of the Divine Sword Sect all died under Daji's palm, without the slightest ability to fight back, and these five were all strong in the Bigu period. , but can kill the strong in the later stage of bigu.

It's a pity that the five elders of the Excalibur, who are famous in Daxia, met Su Daji, who was far superior to them in the tribulation stage, and who was furious.

In the past, Daji would not have killed the other party so easily, but Daji who lost her life just now, whoever provokes her at this time will be unlucky.

The body of the five elders of Shenjian smashed hard on the ground, and the entire Shenjian sect sank by more than ten centimeters. The disciples in the sect were shocked physically and mentally. People's legs were trembling, and some people fell to their knees directly on the ground.

Daji looked coldly at the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect below, and said coquettishly: "Disciples of the Divine Sword Sect, listen up, the five elders of your Divine Sword Sect are dead, and only those disciples of the Divine Sword Sect who submit to my Lingxiao sect can Save your life, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

The Five Elders of Shenjian are the five people with the highest power and status in Shenjian Sect. Once they die, Shenjian Sect will completely lose its backbone. The five old Daji contended.

The cultivation base has reached the point of being absolutely crushed, that is, one Gaia and one sect can be achieved.

The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect looked at each other, then they all knelt on the ground together and shouted: "I am willing to submit to the Lingxiao Sect!"

Daji nodded, then stretched out her jade hand, waved lightly, and wisps of fragrance flew into the noses of the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect, causing the expressions of these disciples to change again.

At this time, Daji continued: "I just planted a mark on you. Before the people from my Lingxiao faction come to receive your Divine Sword Sect, if anyone dares to have a different heart, or leave without authorization, trying to escape the control of the Lingxiao faction , you should suffer from burning hearts!"

After speaking, Daji's figure disappeared into the sky, leaving the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect looking at each other.


Shen Yu hasn't left the Lingxiao faction these days, but in his mind, the sound of the increase in faith value has been constantly ringing.

Ye Chaotian now enshrines Shen Yu like a god, especially when he heard that there is another mysterious strongman under Shen Yu, who is even stronger than Zhao Yun. The jealousy and respect of him have penetrated deep into his bones.

After receiving Shen Yu's order, Ye Chaotian dispatched 30 troops without hesitation, stationed in the area under the jurisdiction of Wanfo Temple, and then widely distributed pills in the name of Lingxiao Sect. Although it didn't help those people regain their vitality, at least it didn't make them continue to age.

Moreover, Xu Fu has also made great progress, and successfully developed a first-grade elixir, Huisheng Pill, which can help people who have lost their vitality to recover slowly.

Of course, due to the limitation of grades, this kind of elixir can only help people recover step by step, the speed is extremely slow, and it can only be used to restore those who have lost their vitality due to external forces, and it is even difficult to help the other party completely restore their vitality. The only benefit It is easy to refine.

It's just that there are tens of millions of people who have been harmed this time. If they were to refine elixirs of the second rank or higher, all the alchemists of the second rank in the Great Xia Kingdom would be exhausted, so they could only use this stupid method to make them All first-rank pharmacists refine first-rank elixir together.

But even so, it was enough for ordinary people to be grateful to Shen Yu and Ling Xiao faction.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple was completely wiped out from Daxia. Of course, those people ruled by him would gradually come under the jurisdiction of the Lingxiao Sect, while the Excalibur Sect was led by Shang Zhang, with Ye Chaotian's assistance. Now, the people in the territory of Shenjianmen will also slowly come under the jurisdiction of the Lingxiao faction and begin to accept the great changes.

And just like the Wuliangzong, Shen Yu also selected talented disciples from the Divine Sword Sect, entered the Lingxiao Sect, and became an outer disciple.

In the original Lingxiao Sect, there were only forty outer disciples, but now there are nearly a hundred outer disciples, and they are all outstanding talents.

As for the inner disciples, there are still only three apprentices of Murong Feixue and Shen Yu, these four people.

Of course, what made Shen Yu most gratified was the growth of his faith value.

(End of this chapter)

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