Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 107 Bloodline Activation

Chapter 107 Bloodline Activation

Most of Shen Yu's newly added 90 faith points came from the area of ​​Wanfo Temple and the imperial capital. The original believers of Wanfo Temple are turning to the Lingxiao faction at a speed like wind. Before long, they should be I can fully believe in the Lingxiao Sect.

As for the people in the imperial capital, it is because it has been thoroughly confirmed that the Lingxiao faction has exercises that can be practiced by ordinary people. The ordinary people in the imperial capital flocked to the Lingxiao faction, and half of them sincerely believed in Lingxiao. Pai, even primordial stones are exempted.

"Ding, congratulations to the accumulated faith value of the host reaching 100 million, a new function has been opened: designated summoning function!"

"Function introduction: The host can designate to summon a fairy god. In addition to the system task rewards, the faith value spent for each designated summoning fairy god is five times the faith value spent for summoning a fairy god of the same level."

Shen Yu, who was cultivating in the room, heard the system's voice, first he felt happy, but also a little helpless.

This function is very good, but if additional conditions are added, there will be some pitfalls.

According to the rules of the system, if he wanted to summon a God of Tribulation Transcendence like Daji, he would have to spend 500 million Faith Points. Since the difference in cultivation is not that big, why would he spend five times the Faith Points to summon him? ?Anyway, the possibility of summoning a fairy god with a higher or lower cultivation level with 100 million faith points is not very likely.

No matter how you look at this function, it can only summon the fairy god you like. In terms of strength, it doesn't have much gain.

However, if it is a designated summoning opportunity obtained by doing a task, the gain is still not small.

In any case, the designated summoning opportunity can at least summon the most powerful existence in the same realm. If the cultivation base reaches a high realm, even if it is a small realm, the difference in strength is huge.

At this moment, on Tingyu Peak, which was quite far away from Wangxue Peak, a powerful aura suddenly erupted, making Shen Yu withdraw his thoughts.

With a flash of his figure, he came to the highest cliff of Wangxue Peak and looked at Tingyu Peak.

"Master Shen, you have a good vision. In Cangnan College, only Murong Feixue is considered talented and intelligent. Dean Cang Qiong is willing to hand her over to you."

Shen Yu looked back, and Luo Ya, who was barefoot, slowly came to Shen Yu's side.

Seeing Luo Ya, a trace of amazement flashed in Shen Yu's eyes, he found that Luo Ya in front of him was more spiritual than before.

In the past, she was also cold and elegant, but perhaps because of hidden wounds in her body, her spirit has not been in the best state. Although Shen Yu still can't see what she looks like under the veil, it's just the pair of exposed eyes. It makes people feel so clean and clear, less indifferent.

After a while, Shen Yu smiled and said: "It seems that Senior Luo Ya is in a very good mood, and they all came out to see my disciples from the Lingxiao Sect break through."

Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, and said: "I have been trapped in Daxia for a hundred years, and I have never been able to find a way to heal my injury, and I can't go any further. Now I can leave here soon. How can there be no mood swings, I am also a person after all."

Shen Yu nodded, no matter how cold Luo Ya's personality is, she is not a saint without any desires, she is still a flesh and blood person.

Shen Yu turned his gaze to Ting Yu Peak again, and asked: "Senior Luo Ya, do you know how talented Murong Feixue is?"

Luo Ya stepped forward, stood side by side with Shen Yu, and said softly: "Murong Feixue has hidden blood, I know this, but judging from the current situation, I have never seen this kind of blood, but I I can be sure that her talent must be stronger than mine!"

In fact, Shen Yu didn't know that even if it was Ren Pingsheng back then, Luo Ya just had a good relationship with him and never talked much, she was originally a cold person.

But after those drastic changes, Luo Ya's personality also changed a lot. Now she is willing to communicate with others, but of course it is only with Shen Yu.

On Feiyun Peak, the eyes of countless outer sect disciples also focused on Tingyu Peak, discussing a lot.

"Did you feel it? Such a powerful aura erupted from Tingyu Peak!"

"It's so tyrannical. There seems to be a trace of wildness in this breath, which makes people feel a little frightened!"

"What the hell is going on? Could it be that some inner disciple is breaking through?"

"Impossible, there are only four inner disciples, and their talents don't seem to be stronger than ours. Could it be that what we usually see are illusions?"


On Tingyu Peak, in Murong Feixue's room, Murong Feixue sat cross-legged on the bed with her eyes closed.

Her long black hair had turned fiery red at this time, and there was a faint flame mark between her brows. Hot air was emitting from her body, and waves of scorching air continuously gushed out from her body.

In the past, Murong Feixue was as gentle as water, but now she has washed away all her charms. Not only is she more beautiful and charming than before, but she also has a trace of charm that she didn't have before.

A moment later, Murong Feixue suddenly opened his eyes, and a peacock flew past each of them, and then, a loud shout resounded through the entire Lingxiao Sect, and everyone who heard it trembled slightly.

What kind of monster's cry is this?

"That's... a peacock? And it emits two colors of light!"

Luo Ya, who was standing beside Shen Yu, had a flash of surprise in her beautiful eyes, and as the peacock shouted, the sky above Murong Feixue's room was also enveloped by a peacock.

This huge phantom of the peacock looks extremely mighty on the outside, especially the golden and red rays of light emanating from its body, making it look extremely sacred. Shen Yu looked at this peacock, and his heart trembled slowly.

Is this the body of the Kong Xuan clan?Looking at the current situation, although Murong Feixue did not fully inherit Kong Xuan's bloodline, she also possessed two kinds of divine light.

Kong Xuan's five-color divine light corresponds to the five elements, and it is said that there is nothing without brushing, while the peacock phantom above Murong Feixue's room has two kinds of divine light, gold and red.

That is to say, even though Murong Feixue can't brush everything, she can still brush away things with two attributes. Murong Feixue is so good, how can Kong Xuan's body be so powerful?

While Shen Yu was meditating, the phantom of the peacock above Murong Feixue's room suddenly dissipated, and immediately after, a crazy aura fluttered on Tingyu Peak.

At this moment, Murong Feixue not only successfully activated the hidden blood, but also broke through to the bigu stage, and it was still in the middle of the bigu stage.

As expected of the eye-popping red-crowned peacock, after stimulating the blood, even the breakthrough is jumping.

Xiao Chenchen, who had just walked out of the space-time room on Qianli Peak, was secretly delighted that he had finally broken through to the successful foundation establishment, and couldn't help frowning.

This Murong Feixue broke through the bigu period before her, it is really speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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