Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 114 The catastrophe comes

Chapter 114 The catastrophe comes
The Nuwa family is worthy of being the descendants of Nuwa, the mother of the earth. The secret techniques handed down are not only mysterious, but also powerful. Take the Spirit Blood Curse as an example, although it can only be used to cure the mortal Kuva in the world of fairy swords. , corpse poison, etc., but if the cultivation base is very high, even the poison kung fu performed by a powerful and powerful person can be removed.

To put it simply, the secret arts of the Nuwa clan have no grades, it all depends on the practitioner's cultivation.

Shen Yu stayed in the Nanzhao Kingdom's palace for about a month. During this month, Shen Yu basically learned all the secret arts of the Nuwa clan, and during this time, he would play with Zhao Linger every day, and Taught her to learn Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, so the relationship between him and Zhao Ling'er is also very good.

Anyway, apart from Shen Yu, other outsiders can't enter this world, and people in this world can't get out, so he doesn't mind teaching Zhao Linger.

"Brother Shen Yu, this Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique is so powerful, I don't know if I can learn it!" Zhao Linger said softly to Shen Yu in the back garden of the palace.

Zhao Ling'er, who inherited Lin Qing'er's spiritual power, already has the cultivation base of the bigu period. Although she still can't use the magic sword to control thunder, she has practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao well. In just one month, she has already The first three levels of Taiji Xuanqing Dao can be run smoothly.

Shen Yu touched Zhao Ling'er's head, smiled and said: "Hehe, Ling'er is the smartest, you can definitely practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, the Excalibur Yu Lei Zhen Jue is one of the four forms in Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, It is also the most powerful one, and it is indeed difficult to use it, but as long as you practice hard, you can always learn it."

Zhao Ling'er enjoyed Shen Yu's pampering very much, and after a while, she suddenly frowned, and said, "Brother Shen Yu, I heard from my mother that you are about to leave the Imperial Capital of Nanzhao Kingdom soon, will Ling'er I won't be able to see you anymore, Ling'er can't bear you."

Zhao Ling'er had no playmates since she was a child, only Anu. Due to her status, Anu couldn't often enter the palace, so she has always been very lonely.

And Shen Yu is a master of Jindan, even if the Witch King sees him, he will be very polite. In addition, Lin Qinger said that Shen Yu is a master of Bai Miao, and she specially invited him into the palace to teach Zhao Linger swordsmanship. Approved, let Shen Yu serve as the court teacher to teach Zhao Linger.

Therefore, Shen Yu can be said to be Zhao Linger's first real playmate in so many years, and Zhao Linger treats him like an older brother.

Shen Yu smiled and said: "Ling'er, I have some things to deal with, so I have to leave the palace for a while, and I will definitely come back within two years. You should practice hard. When we meet next time, I hope you can practice The true art of becoming a god sword and controlling thunder."

Although Zhao Ling'er was very reluctant to part with Shen Yu, she also knew that Shen Yu was not an ordinary person and had many important things to deal with, so she didn't mess around, but said reluctantly: "Brother Shen Yu, then you can't lie to me, we Come pull the hook!"

The pull hook Zhao Linger mentioned is a thread that is widely spread in the world of fairy swords. As long as a red thread is tied between two people's fingers, they can sense each other within a certain distance, and there will be a bond between Zhao Linger and Anu. Lead by a thread.

Shen Yu did not refuse, after he left here, Zhao Ling'er would not be able to sense him no matter what, even if there was a thread, it would not affect her.


After Shen Yu left the Nanzhao Kingdom's palace, he came to the Baimiao tribe. Before Li Sansi and his wife arrived, he took the lead in stealing the water spirit orb, but he couldn't bring this thing out of the virtual world. After being accidentally stolen by Li Sansi, Lin Qing'er will have no one to rely on when she encounters a catastrophe in the future.

On a big mountain behind the Baimiao tribe, Shen Yu looked at the Baimiao tribe below, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "The water spirit bead has fallen into my hands now, and Li Sansi and his wife can no longer steal it. Do you know if the Queen of Witches can defeat the Water Demonic Beast!"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes again and began to practice. He has already done what he can do. Whether he can escape the catastrophe now depends on Lin Qinger's good luck. Anyway, he also promised Lin Qinger, when the time comes If she has no accidents, take Zhao Linger away.


Thousands of miles away from the Nanzhao Emperor's capital, beside a deep pool, the Lord of the Moon Worship stared at the deep pool, and said: "Water monster, for so many years, I sacrifice you with the blood of living people every year, and now you should wake up. "

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and the deep pool that was originally extremely calm suddenly became louder, and low-pitched roars of beasts came from the deep pool.

The water monster, the ancient monster sealed by Nuwa awakened by the Moon Worshiper with its own magic power, is an eight-headed snake with a huge body, and it lives in water. It is difficult to destroy it in the water anyway, and this beast has Wherever it is, there will be floods.

In the original book, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon used the water monster to cause a great flood in Miaojiang, triggering a war between black and white Miao, and blamed it on Queen Wu.

Later, the water monster was sealed by the witch queen. Since then, the moon worship leader has been using living people to sacrifice the wreckage of the water monster, hoping to revive the water monster, in an attempt to use the power of the water monster to dominate the world.

Now he has finally made a move, and this is also the beginning of Lin Qinger's catastrophe.

At this moment, the calm water surface of the deep pool suddenly exploded, and a huge water monster jumped out of the water.

After the water monster leaped out of the water, its roar spread across thousands of miles. People in the entire Nanzhao Kingdom could almost hear its roar. Knowing how much has accumulated, now is the time to vent.

"What is this sound? It's terrifying. What kind of monster is it?"

"I... why do I feel that this voice is very similar to a water monster!"

"Water monster? How is this possible? Wasn't he sealed by Empress Nuwa? How could he show up!"

"That's right, the water monster has been sealed for how many years, how could you have seen it!"


At this time, the people of Nanzhao Kingdom's imperial capital were all standing on the street, discussing in fear.

But at this moment, the wind and cloud in the sky suddenly changed, and the monstrous flood rolled up huge waves hundreds of feet high, rushing towards the imperial capital of Nanzhao Kingdom.

"Ah... what's going on here, where did the flood come from, run away!"

"No, run for your life! We will definitely die in such a flood."

"The water monster has really woken up, it must have been done by the demon queen, let's run for our lives!"

"I knew that I shouldn't trust Bai Miao's group of people, they have always had ulterior motives!"


The people on the street ran away, crying and cursing Lin Qing'er. At this moment, Lin Qing'er had been put into prison by the Witch King.

Standing on the city wall of the imperial capital, Shen Yu sighed as he looked at the flood-ravaged imperial capital.

The catastrophe has finally come.

(End of this chapter)

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