Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1348 Scaring the Strong Enemy

Chapter 1348 Scaring the Strong Enemy
Just when the masters of the five major families were hesitating whether to send out masters to deal with Shen Yu, the irritable Lang Fei Que jumped out first.

He squinted at Shen Yu, and said in a cold voice: "I want to see whether your strength matches your arrogance. Since no one from the five major families is willing to make a move, then I'll be the first bird."

After finishing speaking, Lang Fei jumped forward without any hesitation, and punched Shen Yu to death.

Lang Fei's strength has reached the ninth rank, and in Wushi City, he can be regarded as a second-line master next to the patriarchs of the five major families. There is no body that is more powerful than him.

So with Lang Fei's attack, he could basically test Shen Yu's strongest strength.

Seeing Lang Fei jumping out, Yun Qi, who didn't know much about Shen Yu's strength, couldn't help worrying: "Lang Fei's strength is quite impressive, Mr. Shen Yu..."

Wen Ren Yuechan Que said indifferently: "Don't worry, with his strength, no one in this world should be able to hurt him at all."

When Yun Qi heard this, a hint of surprise appeared on her face. Is this man really so powerful?

But it was seen that Ren Yuechan was not worried at all, her face was full of confidence, it seemed that Shen Yu was really strong.

At this moment, Lang Fei finally reached in front of Shen Yu, with a punch that was enough to shatter the mountain, he directly blasted Shen Yu's head.

The strong strength in the ninth rank, even if the opponent's cultivation base is comparable to him, it is enough to kill the opponent.

But what happened next shocked everyone.

Just when Lang Fei's fist was about to land on Shen Yu's head, Shen Yu suddenly stretched out his right hand, grasped Lang Fei's fist, and came to Shen Yu with the fist wrapped in a terrifying fist wind, suddenly end.


Lang Fei looked startled, and wanted to pull out his fist, but found that his fist seemed to be tightly bound by an iron fist, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

The people around watching the battle were also stunned. Even the patriarchs of the five major families had to do their best to block the punch that Lang Fei had made with all his strength. Oh, what kind of terrifying power is this?

It wasn't until this moment that everyone realized that this kid named Shen Yu was not as simple as they imagined, maybe he was a top expert.

At this time, Shen Yu slowly raised his head, and under Lang Fei's dull gaze, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Actually, I found that in this world without mana, it is not bad to fight with the body alone." , at least the battle is hearty."

"What's the meaning!"


As soon as Lang Fei's words fell, Shen Yu suddenly exerted force on Lang Fei's right hand, and Lang Fei screamed out.

His entire arm was directly turned into flying ash under Shen Yu's power, completely shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Yu let go of his right hand, and at the same time punched Lang Fei fiercely. Lang Fei's body immediately turned into blood mist, and Shen Yu in the blood mist seemed to be an unrivaled demon king.

Before Wushi Commercial Bank, everyone's eyes were dulled at this moment. No one dared to believe what happened before them. The top master of Wushi City, Lang Fei in the ninth rank, fell before his eyes with just one move. In the hands of an unremarkable teenager.

This is a ninth-rank master, not a cat or a dog. In the entire lawless world, he can be regarded as a great master. In Wushi City, even the patriarchs of the five major families can't kill him in seconds.

Could it be that this young and excessive man is the legendary tenth-rank physical cultivation, or a rare eleventh-rank master who is more powerful than tenth-rank physical cultivation.

No, it is absolutely impossible. In a place like Wushi City, how can there be an eleventh-rank expert. So far, the strongest person in the mainland is only a twelfth-rank. How could this kid be an eleventh-rank?
Yun Qi was also stunned for a long time, then mechanically turned her head and asked: "Miss Wenren, is Mr. Shen Yu the legendary eleventh-rank master?"

Wenren Yuechan didn't look at him, but there was a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was talking to herself: "Trade [-]? If this is the only strongest person in your world, I'm afraid the whole world will die." There is no one who can take a punch from him."

Wen Ren Yuechan's words made Yun Qi's mind go blank, the meaning of this sentence is really too much.

Could it be that Shen Yu's strength is far beyond the eleventh rank.

At this time, Shen Yu also raised his head, his eyes swept over the sluggish masters, and then said disdainfully: "Why, the masters of the five major families in Wushi City, are you afraid to do it? I haven't played it thoroughly yet. Have fun, let me see your strength!"

Clap clap clap!

After Shen Yu finished speaking, four ring-shaped treasures flew out of Shen Yu's arms, and were locked on Shen Yu's limbs.

This is the violent armband that Shen Yu bought at the auction not long ago, it can greatly increase the wearer's strength, speed and flexibility.

Seeing Shen Yu wearing the violent armband, the expressions of hundreds of masters from the five major families who were already very nervous changed drastically, and their bodies began to tremble.

Originally they were already frightened by Shen Yu's fighting strength, but now that Shen Yu's strength has tripled, they might not even be opponents.

At this moment, the masters of the five major families even wanted to run away, but Shen Yu would not let them go. Since he wanted to kill himself, he had to be prepared to be killed. Shen Yu didn't have any of these people. will let go.

His cold gaze swept over everyone one by one again, and then said with murderous intent: "Why, no one took action? Then I will be impolite."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Yu's figure disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

"Not good, everyone be careful!"

Xie Longke's complexion changed, and he hurriedly sounded a reminder.

However, it was already too late. Shen Yu's strength in this world is at the fourteenth rank. No one can challenge him. Now with the violent armband, Shen Yu's combat power is close to the sixteenth rank, the strongest in this world A person who is stronger than others will be many times stronger. With his current speed, no one can catch him.

"Where are you looking, I'm here!"

Shen Yu's voice suddenly came to mind, a master of the Xie family was startled, and found that Shen Yu had appeared in front of him, and then punched him down.

After this punch fell, the master of the Xie family, together with several eighth-rank masters behind him, directly turned into a blood mist, unable to resist.

At the same time, Shen Yu disappeared again at an extraordinary speed, causing everyone to fall into the ice cave.

I am afraid that today they are in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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