Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1358 The Trial of Life and Death

Chapter 1358 The Trial of Life and Death
After entering the Misha Forbidden Area, although the mana seal was loosened due to the aura of the Origin Realm mixed into the forbidden area, before the appearance of the Primordial Shura King, Shen Yu was still the only one with mana power.

The entrance to the Misha Forbidden Land is in the Lawless World!People who enter from that world are all physical practitioners, how can they have mana?

In this case, having mana is almost equivalent to being invulnerable in the Misha forbidden area.

Not to mention, this so-called Primordial Shura King has a cultivation level beyond the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm.

That is to say, the cultivation base of the Primordial King Shura has reached the Dao realm, but the small realm is unknown.

In front of people of this level of cultivation, not to mention lack of magic power, even the top powers of the Shiyuan world are not his opponents!
Therefore, the life and death of all those who enter the Misha Forbidden Land are already in the hands of the ancient King Shura.

Even Shen Yu, after thinking of this, his heart became extremely heavy.

He was never one to leave his fate in the hands of others.

Not only Shen Yu, but all the people who entered Misha's forbidden area at this time, their hearts fell to the bottom of the valley.

Although Long Zheng, Yun Qi and the others had no concept of mana, the aura of the Primordial King Shura still made them feel desperate.

Just when people in every corner of the Misha Forbidden Land were looking at the Primordial King Shura, the Primordial King Shura spoke again.

"I know that you are all very nervous at this moment, but don't be afraid, this king will not attack you. I just showed up to tell you that as long as you pass the life and death test in the Misha Forbidden Land, you can reap the rewards of this king." Inheritance of the king!"

"The trial of life and death? What is this, why have you never heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it, but one thing is certain, this trial of life and death must be very dangerous!"

"Since I entered the Misha Forbidden Land, I never thought that I would not encounter any danger at all, and the worst would be death!"

"Yes, as long as I can get the chance, break free from that ghost world, and achieve eternal life, I'm willing to take any risk!"


As if he heard the discussions in the Misha Forbidden Land, the ancient King Shura, who was lazily sitting on the throne above the head of the starry sky behemoth, had a wicked smile on his lips, and then said: "Very well, I appreciate your attitude. like very much!

As the founder of Misha Forbidden Land, I will tell you the rules of life and death trials now!

In fact, the so-called life and death test, the rules are very simple, that is, if you can survive nine days and nights in the Misha Forbidden Land, during these nine days and nights you will live together with the starry sky behemoths, and after nine days, those who are still alive will pass Trial of life and death.

Those who pass the test of life and death will receive the inheritance of this king. Believe me, that is what you will never end. "

Hearing the words of the Primordial King Shura, the people in the Misha Forbidden Land couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts.

Although they are not the opponents of the starry sky behemoths, if they only survive nine days and nine nights in the forbidden area of ​​Misha, it shouldn't be a big problem. Anyway, these starry sky behemoths only come out at night, at worst they are active during the day, and they can hide at night.

Nine days, no matter how you look at it, is not too long.

But Shen Yu and Wenren Yuechan knew that things would not be so simple.

How could it be so easy to obtain an inheritance from the Dao Realm?

No matter at any time and in any place, the Great Dao Realm is an existence standing at the apex. Although they don't know the true identity of the Primordial King Shura, they also know that this person's inheritance is not so easy to obtain.

Sure enough, the ancient Shura King said again: "Everyone who has entered the forbidden area of ​​Misha, I would like to remind you that the consciousness and power of the starry sky monsters you are facing now are bound, and I will release them later. Release them from bondage.

Once the shackles are released, these starry sky behemoths will turn into killing machines, and the forbidden land of Misha may not be destroyed by them. They will not only chase and kill you, but also kill each other. Don't underestimate these starry sky behemoths, Misha There are no less than a hundred starry sky behemoths in the forbidden area.

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. You are the 120th batch of people who entered the forbidden area of ​​Misha and participated in the life and death test. Among the 120 four groups of people who participated in the life and death test before you, none of them passed. !
Good luck to you! "

When the voice of King Shura fell, the minds of those who entered the Misha Forbidden Area seemed to be frozen in an instant, and they all stood there with dull expressions, and at the same time, deep fear arose in their hearts.

They are already the strongest group of people in the world, but they have never heard of it. Before them, there were 120 four groups of people who entered the forbidden area of ​​Misha. That is to say, those who entered the forbidden area of ​​Misha, Most likely from antiquity.

But none of these legendary powerhouses from ancient times could pass the trial.

Just how difficult is this trial!

hoo hoo hoo!
At this moment, in the night sky of Misha Forbidden Land, there were suddenly chilling roars that made people's hearts chill.

This is the roar of the starry sky behemoth.

Those starry sky behemoths that were dormant in the forbidden area of ​​Misha were finally released from their restraints at this time, and turned into terrifying beasts.

The same is true for the giant starry sky beast in front of Shen Yu.

The moment the figure of the ancient King Shura disappeared, the confusion in the eyes of this giant starry sky disappeared, replaced by a strong killing intent, and the aura on his body was stronger than before, like a mobile volcano about to erupt.

Shen Yu took a deep breath, and said to Wenren Yuechan: "It seems that our life will not be easy in the next nine days, there are as many as a hundred starry sky giant beasts in the Misha Forbidden Land, and judging from the current situation , the minimum cultivation level of these starry sky behemoths should also be the Creator God King Realm, without cultivation base, in front of them, it is like an ant facing a group of elephants, with no chance of survival!"

Wenren Yuechan said bitterly: "Although I don't know the origin of this ancient Asura King, setting the entrance in the lawless world and setting up such a trial is simply not for people to pass."

Without mana, the strongest physical body is only the thirteenth rank, which is equivalent to the infinite Dao realm, but you have to face hundreds of starry sky behemoths with mana above the Creator God King Realm, and even many of them are Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm, There is no chance of survival here.

Shen Yu sneered and said: "You think it's really so easy to obtain the inheritance of the strong in the Great Dao Realm, if it is placed in the Shiyuan Realm, even if it is more dangerous than this, I am afraid there will be people going forward to challenge it!

Okay, stop talking nonsense, get out of here first, find a safe place to think about how to pass this trial, and there will definitely be more starry sky behemoths gathered in a while, if we don’t plan well, maybe the two of us will have to Buried in this Misha forbidden place. "

(End of this chapter)

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