Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 136 Daji Gets Angry

Chapter 136 Daji Gets Angry

For Shen Yu, the main purpose of coming to the Holy Spirit Dynasty was to participate in the Hundred Dynasties Martial Arts Competition, especially after the Broom Star and Snow Wolf King were taken away by the World-Honored One, he was in no mood to cause trouble.

But sometimes it's like this, if you don't go to trouble others, others will take the initiative to come to you.

It's not that there are too many brains in this world, but that in the world of cultivating immortals like the Kyushu Continent, there is no kingly law at all. Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say.

Women, power, and money are all possessed by the strong. A powerful dude like Yang Li always grabs whatever he sees.

It's just that he met Shen Yu today, and it was destined that his action of robbing the women would not succeed. Even the woman he wanted to rob was the most annoying Su Daji.

Even putting aside all these, a summoning opportunity with 1000 million faith points is enough for Shen Yu to kill him.

But Yang Li didn't realize it, he was already in a catastrophe, and the guards behind him had the highest strength in the early stage of distraction, and this level of strength was not bad in Holy Spirit City.

Moreover, the vast majority of people in Holy Spirit City knew him, the young master of General Yang Zheng's family. Even if he was a strong man in the distracted stage, he would not dare to provoke him easily, so he seldom cared about the strength of his opponent.

As long as it's not those few royal family members who he can't afford to offend, everyone else is the same to him.

So before he could figure out Shen Yu's strength, he joked and said: "I should thank you, no one has made me feel interesting for a long time, today I can not only get three beauties, but also have a good time, really Wonderful, wonderful!"

Regarding Yang Li, Shen Yu didn't know what to say anymore, in fact, he didn't have anything to say. Didn't see Su Daji at the side, did his face become gloomy?

This is a generation of demon queens. When has someone judged her face to face like this? In Daji's heart, Yang Li has already been sentenced to death.

Even Murong Feixue was gnashing her teeth in hatred at this moment, she just wanted to tear Yang Li apart.

As for Luo Ya, who has always been calm, although her expression is still cold, without any fluctuations in her mood, but seeing the slight surge of breath in her body, it is known that she is also rarely angry.

Shen Yu glanced at the three beauties, and whispered to Daji, "Daji, kill that Yang Li first."

This is the Holy Spirit City, and there are experts from the Holy Spirit Dynasty all over the place. As long as you and Yang Li make a move, there will definitely be experts from the Holy Spirit Dynasty who will come to help.

Zhao Yun was sealed by him because he fought against the World-Honored One. Although it seems that there is no serious problem now, Shen Yu knows that he just took the elixir that Shen Yu exchanged from the system, and he temporarily regained consciousness. Still in a sealed state.

During this month, although he kept hitting the seal, he still only recovered to the early stage of Nascent Soul, and he is useless now.

Coupled with the arrest of the broom star in the distraction stage, the only masters Shen Yu can use now are Luo Ya, who has reached the late stage of the distraction state, and Daji, who is in the middle stage of the tribulation.

There are only two strong men who can be used to great advantage, and it is simply impossible to fight against Yang Zheng, one of the eight generals, in the imperial capital of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

So he wanted to kill Yang Li as soon as possible, lure Yang Zheng to come, and then find a way to kill Yang Zheng instantly, complete the system task, and then go to summon the strong Earth Immortal.

At that time, the two great immortals will come out together, even if the Holy Spirit Dynasty wants to argue with itself, it will have to weigh it.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu said in his heart without hesitation: "System, perform a summoning with 1000 million faith points. Today I will make a fuss in Holy Spirit City."

When Shen Yu called silently in his heart, Su Daji was already ready to attack Yang Li, and Luo Ya also quietly stood beside Shen Yu to prevent others from hurting him.

Cang Qiong sighed helplessly, the matter has developed to this level, he is no longer able to stop it, I hope Shen Yu can live in peace, survive this suffering, and continue the previous miracle!

Su Daji stood in front of Yang Li in the air, and said in a cold voice: "You should be thankful that there is no torture in this world, otherwise you will die a miserable death!"

"Oh, is that right? Beauty, I'm not afraid of death, but this way of death, I usually like to die on a woman's belly, haha..."

Just as Yang Li laughed out loud, Su Daji threw out the fake red hydrangea and threw it at Yang Li.

Now Shen Yu can also see that this fake red hydrangea is a top-notch spiritual weapon, which is even higher in grade than the Dragon Slaying Sword he bought with 30 faith points.

In the hands of Daji, this kind of treasure that is infinitely close to the divine weapon can basically kill any monk below the fairyland, unless the other party can escape the attack of the fake red hydrangea, or has a treasure of the same level.

After the red hydrangea appeared in the sky, it emitted an astonishing red light, like a red cloud. At this time, Yang Li's subordinates really realized that they seemed to have underestimated the strength of the people in front of them.

"No, this is a peerless spiritual weapon!"

When Bai Shou saw this scene, his face showed deep shock. There was a peerless spiritual weapon in the hands of this extremely beautiful woman.

This is a rare treasure at the level of a town in the Holy Spirit Dynasty!

The people under Yang Li finally panicked, they all blocked Yang Li's side, and then said anxiously: "Young master, run away from here!"

As soon as their words fell, before Yang Li had time to react, the red hydrangea floating in the sky became red and smashed towards Yang Li viciously.

"Shanhe Zhenyue!"

Seeing the tyrannical red hydrangea smashed down mercilessly, dozens of guards under Yang Li shot at the same time, stretching their palms towards the sky, and colorful mana poured out from their palms, and then concentrated on the top of their heads. It became a magnificent river like a rainbow, trying to stop Daji's red hydrangea.

This trick of Mountains and Rivers Zhenyue was practiced by Yang Li's dead soldiers together, and was good at defense, in order to protect Yang Li's safety.

But among Yang Li's subordinates, the most powerful ones were not in the early stage of distraction. It was impossible to block Daji's violent smash with the fake red hydrangea.

As soon as this rainbow river took shape, Su Daji's red hydrangea slammed on it fiercely, and the river instantly turned into streams and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, the [-] or [-] dead soldiers under Yang Li turned into blood mist all over the sky at the same time, and their bodies and spirits disappeared, leaving Yang Li with a frightened expression, facing the unstoppable falling red hydrangea.

With life and death at stake, Yang Li, who had always been arrogant and domineering, finally felt the fear.

"A strong man in the Tribulation Period!"

Bai Shou, who saw Daji's cultivation, finally started to panic at this time, he didn't expect Daji to be so strong.

And if Yang Li died here today, he would also be killed by the enraged Yang Zheng, so he hurriedly said, "Hold on!"

Daji ignored his words at all, and the red hydrangea still smashed towards Yang Li without slowing down.

(End of this chapter)

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