Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1362 Profound Heart Palace Copy

Chapter 1362 Profound Heart Palace Copy

"The twelve puppets of the Creator God King Realm are really generous, and now some of them are playing!"

Looking at the twelve puppets that suddenly appeared in front of him, Shen Yu showed a trace of solemnity on his face.

Originally, he thought that only Dao Dao could create a top puppet in the Creator God King Realm, but he didn't expect that there would be such a powerful puppet in the Xuanxin Palace of the Misha Forbidden Land.

Sure enough, the Primordial King Shura is not weaker than the existence of Dao.

If the twelve top puppets of the Creator God King Realm were placed before them, Shen Yu would not be afraid, and could even be wiped out with a wave of his hand, but now it is different. Although he has the physical body of the Creator God King Realm, only those who have completed the Desolate Holy Realm Mana, it is not easy to defeat these puppets.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Just as Shen Yu was concentrating on preparing to deal with these silver-armored soldiers, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

Shen Yu suddenly became tense.

Because the owner of this voice is the ancient King Shura.

In fact, this life-and-death trial was really difficult, even Shen Yu was not fully sure that he could pass it, but if he hadn't brought Wenren Yuechan and the others by his side, he wouldn't be particularly worried.

Within the Misha Forbidden Land, the one who really worried Shen Yu was the Primordial Shura King.

This existence who is not inferior to Dao is likely to be another character who destroys Daojun, and he is even more mysterious. Shen Yu must be more careful, otherwise he will easily fall into the hands of this mysterious person.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Yu raised his head and said, "My name is Shen Yu, who are you!"

The Primordial King Shura did not show up, but his voice echoed in the air: "This seat is the Primordial King Shura. I have no name and surname. Maybe even I have forgotten my real name. You can also call me Shura or King Shura directly." !"

"King Shura?"

Shen Yu murmured, then raised his head and asked again in a deep voice: "I don't know why His Excellency King Shura showed up this time? I think you are not idle and bored, come to play pranks in front of me, and tease me! "

"Hahaha, boy Shen Yu, you are indeed an interesting person, it is worthwhile for me to come here in person!"

The Primordial Shura King laughed out loud, and then suddenly looked straight and said: "Little devil, you are very different from other people who entered the Misha Forbidden Area, you actually have mana fluctuations on your body, it is precisely because of this that I came to see you of.

This Misha Forbidden Land has existed for nearly 200 billion years, in order to find a successor of this seat. Unfortunately, 200 billion years have passed, and there is still no one who is qualified, but your arrival has given me hope! "

"Oh? What hope?" Shen Yu said.

King Shura said: "You are different from the people who entered this place before. You have a strange aura about you. Even I can't see through it. People who can make this seat see through. For 200 billion years, you Being the first one, there are naturally some advantages.

But I know that you have mana, which is considered a violation of the rules of the Misha Forbidden Land. If you are only allowed to pass the ordinary life and death test, the moisture in it will be a bit too much, and it will not be fair to others .

So this seat specially added a little other assessment for you, which is the copy of Xuanxin Palace in front of you! "

copy?Boss, do you think this is playing a game?Return the copy?

For the title of King Shura of Immemorial, Shen Yu almost lost his eyeballs in shock. This old monster who has lived for hundreds of millions of years is really able to keep up with the trend!Even things like copies are here!

Resisting not to laugh, Shen Yu raised his head and asked: "That is to say, as long as I pass this so-called Xuanxin Palace dungeon, I will be regarded as having passed the test of life and death, and I can get your inheritance?"

The inheritance of a strong man in the Dao realm, and it may be the inheritance of a strong man in the Dao realm 200 billion years ago, even if Shen Yu's previous life was a Dao Destroyer whose cultivation was not inferior to that of the Dao, it is absolutely impossible to not care about it at all.

You know, calculated by time, the lifespan of the Immemorial Shura King has surpassed that of the Daoist Ruiner.

This is a true, powerful man of the same era as the creator of the Dao, and even Daoist Ruin has never heard of his name.

Perhaps when Shen Yu recovered the memory of the first life, he would know who the Dao Shura King was.

Moreover, Shen Yu had a premonition that he would benefit a lot from the inheritance of the Primordial King Shura.

So no matter what, he has to get this inheritance.

Hearing this, the Primordial King Shura smiled lightly and said, "If you understand it this way, it can't be considered a mistake, but I want to advise you that the copy of Xuanxin Palace is temporarily added for you, and the difficulty is by no means as simple as you imagined. !
Well, that's all for now, I'm going first, good luck. "

After finishing speaking, the voice of the ancient Shura King never sounded again, but the twelve silver-armored warriors slowly moved.

Shen Yu took a deep breath, and four violent armbands flew out from behind, covering his arms and legs respectively.

At the same time, a heavy Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand.

Coupled with the Liangyi Tiandi armor he was wearing, Shen Yu was confident that these twelve silver armored warriors would not be able to hurt him at all, and even when fighting these silver armored warriors, they would not have the slightest advantage.

It's just that if you want to defeat them with your current strength, you still need to spend some effort.

"Hehe, it seems that I haven't experienced the purest battle for a long time, now is a good opportunity, let me experience the hearty battle! I hope this copy of Xuanxin Palace will not let me down!"

After Shen Yu finished speaking, a dazzling golden light erupted from the Haotian Hammer in his hand.

At the same time, under the blessing of the four violent armbands, the strength of Shen Yu's body also tripled in an instant.

Not only that, because Shen Yu had recovered to the perfect mana in the Desolate Sacred Realm, the blessing of the violent armband also benefited the mana in his body, and the amount of mana he could use also tripled.

The violent armband of innate treasure level is really not as simple as it seems on the surface, and it can even be called abnormal.

The mana in his body is now suppressed by the rules of the lawless world, and he has recovered a little because he entered the Misha Forbidden Land, but the violent armband can ignore the rules and force himself to improve his cultivation.

Shen Yu, who has increased his mana by three times, now has a mana cultivation level that is almost equivalent to the early stage of the Hunyuan Supreme Realm.

With the mana cultivation base at the initial stage of the Hunyuan Supreme Realm, and after being tripled, it is close to the physical strength of the early stage of the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm, and at the same time has the invincible defense provided by the Liangyi Tiandijia. Now Shen Yu is convinced that he can destroy these ten people. Two silver armored warriors.

He raised his head, with a strong sneer on his face and said: "Now, let's have a big fight! I don't know how many times you twelve puppets can resist my blows!"

(End of this chapter)

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