Chapter 1367

Hearing Shen Yu's words, the debt collector sighed, then straightened up and said: "Actually, I really want you to get the inheritance of the ancient King Shura, so that I can also leave the forbidden land of Misha. Enough is enough."

Shen Yu glanced at him and asked, "How many years have you stayed in the Misha Forbidden Land?"

The debt collector rubbed his chin, and then replied: "It must have been more than a billion years! Since more than a billion years ago, after the ancient Asura King had no debtors, I came to the Misha Forbidden Land to meditate. "

"You have stayed in the Misha Forbidden Land for more than a billion years?" Shen Yu's face was full of surprise.

The debt collector shrugged helplessly, and said: "So you know how much I want to leave here! But that guy, King Shura, is too strong, and I can't beat him. I can only hope that someone can get him." inheritance.

It's a pity that no one has obtained his inheritance all this time, this time I finally see hope from you! "

"Have you ever fought against the Primordial King Shura?"

The debt collector nodded and said: "Of course, I am also a top powerhouse in the half-step Dao realm, but unfortunately I have never been able to find an opportunity to break through the Dao realm, so I went to that guy to discuss it a few times, but every time Come back in defeat."

Shen Yu was suddenly surprised and said: "Oh shit, I didn't expect you to be a half-step avenue. I thought you were in the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm!"

"Cut, who do you look down on? I have also cultivated since ancient times. How could it be that I am only in the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm?"

Looking at the proud debt collector, Shen Yu asked curiously: "From your tone, you seem to be a creature of chaos, and you have been practicing since ancient times, so what is your true self?"

"This question, I really have to think about it, for a long time I even forgot myself!"

The debt collector pondered for a long time, and then replied: "Oh, I remembered, my deity is a tree, called the tree of life!"

"No wonder you are proficient in the law of life. It turns out that this deity is the tree of life! It's just a chaotic creature who is proficient in the ten laws. Shouldn't it be easy to reach the Great Dao Realm? Why have you cultivated for 200 billion years..."

Having said that, Shen Yu didn't continue talking.

The debt collector said with some annoyance: "I'm unlucky. Chaos first opened. When this chaotic world was first established, I was struck by a chaotic god's lightning and almost died. If it weren't for my strong vitality, I wouldn't be able to survive now." !"

Shen Yu suddenly realized: "No wonder you are proficient in the law of thunder and lightning, so you were struck by the Chaos God's lightning!"

Chaos God Thunder is the beginning of chaos, when the rules have not been established, the powerful divine thunder that falls continuously from the sky and the earth, if it is struck by the Chaos God Thunder, even if the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm is perfect, it may fall directly on the spot.

Although the Tree of Life is one of the powerful beings born in the chaos, when the chaos first opened, its cultivation was only in the Infinity Dao Realm, or even empty, and it couldn't transform itself, so it naturally endured it. Can not be bombarded by Chaos God Thunder.

At that time, the tree of life had only one breath left, lingering on its last breath, and was rescued by the Primordial King Shura when he met it. Afterwards, he practiced and took shape, and followed the Primordial King Shura all the time, becoming his debt collector .

The debt collector said: "Although I was struck by the Chaos God's lightning and almost lost my life, I also got a lot of benefits. I learned the law of thunder and lightning, and it is the most powerful Chaos God's Thunder, which made up for my attack as the tree of life." Insufficient strength."

While speaking, the debt collector stepped forward and instilled some mana into Shen Yu's body. The wound on Shen Yu's chest that was pierced by the short spear healed quickly. This is the power of the law of life, which can quickly help monks repair the injury.

"Thank you!"

Shen Yu thanked him, then got up and said: "I don't have time to waste here, and there are friends waiting for me to go back, I want to go on and meet that mysterious third gatekeeper!"

The debt collector touched the mask on one side of his head, spread his hands, and said with a smile, "I'll go and have a look with you too!"

"You? You want to go with me too? I heard that right!" Shen Yu was suddenly surprised.

The debt collector said: "Anyway, I have nothing to do. If you can defeat the gatekeeper of the third level, you can get the inheritance of the ancient King Shura, and I can leave here. I will leave with you when the time comes." , is also a good choice.”

Debt collectors have been in the Misha Forbidden Land for more than a billion years, and they don't know much about the outside world. Once they leave the Misha Forbidden Land, they may fall into a short period of confusion, so it is not a good idea to leave with Shen Yu. choose.

And he knew that once Shen Yu got the inheritance of the Primordial King Shura, he would be his new master.

He also vaguely guessed the purpose of King Shura in keeping him until now.

For Shen Yu, he would naturally not refuse to have a chaotic creature who was at the half-step Dao Realm follow him.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go and have a look together!"

After speaking, the two walked forward slowly.


Next, Shen Yu faced a group of opponents who were not very strong. It seemed that these people were arranged by King Shura of the ancient times to warm him up with practice, in order to prepare him for the next master.

After walking around the Xuanxin Palace for a stick of incense, after defeating more than a dozen groups of puppets and low-level starry sky behemoths, Shen Yu finally came to a magnificent hall, which seemed to be like an ice palace, shining brightly .

Shen Yu always thought that the reason why this Xuanxin Palace was so cold was because of the ice crystal Nether Phoenix, but now it seems that it is not.

The source of the coldness is within this hall.

"This should be where the third gatekeeper is!" Shen Yu said.

The debt collector nodded and said: "This is the core area of ​​Xuanxin Palace, the third gatekeeper should be here, as long as you defeat the third gatekeeper, you can get the inheritance of the ancient King Shura, or you can Get everything in Xuanxin Palace.

This is not just as simple as a palace, the palace hides the life savings of the ancient King Shura! "

Shen Yu squinted his eyes, and asked: "But the third gatekeeper is..."

Before Shen Yu finished speaking, a gust of cold wind suddenly rushed towards his face, making Shen Yu unable to open his eyes.

The debt collector also squinted his eyes, and the aura coming from ahead made him, a half-step Daoist, feel extremely afraid.

"Welcome to the third level of the Xuanxin Palace dungeon. I am the gatekeeper of the third level, Bailong!"

A cold voice fell, and then a silver white dragon descended from the sky, turning into a peerless and cold woman.

Both Shen Yu and the debt collector were taken aback. The gatekeeper of the third gate turned out to be a woman!
(End of this chapter)

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