Chapter 1369

A series of shrill screams resounded in Xuanxin Palace, making the corners of Shen Yu and Ao Guqi's eyes twitch.

With their two cultivation bases, they couldn't see Bailong's dazzling movements at all at this time, but saw two shadows flickering above the main hall, one black and one white, the white shadow was the white dragon, and the black shadow was the black shadow. emperor.

The miserable Heidi was beaten and screamed completely unilaterally.

"How much resentment this white dragon has accumulated! If this trick hits me, I think it will be wiped out in ashes," Shen Yu said with his tongue.

Not to mention being beaten like this, even if it was just one blow, I'm afraid he would be doomed, but luckily it wasn't him who was beaten.

Hey, black dog!This should be regarded as having suffered for the master. When I get the inheritance of the first life, I will try my best to make up for you.

Shen Yu mourned for Hei Di in his heart.

Ao Guqi on the side couldn't help but also said: "Hei Di and Bai Di should both be powerful in the Great Dao Realm, otherwise Bai Di would not be able to launch such a continuous and powerful attack, and Hei Di would definitely not be able to withstand such a long time!"

"Oh? Oguqi, from your point of view, the cultivation of these two people has reached the Great Realm?" Shen Yu asked curiously.

Oguqi nodded and said: "I have followed the Primordial King Shura for a long time, so I know his aura better. If it is just to compare the aura, Baidi is not much worse than him. I know the specific cultivation of the Primordial King Shura, but I don't Will be weaker than the Great Realm.

As for the Black Emperor, it is slightly weaker, I guess it is at least two small realms lower than the White Emperor! "

"Two small realms? Both of them are at the Great Dao Realm. If Baidi is two small realms higher than Heidi, even if Heidi's cultivation is at the lowest stage of the Great Dao Realm, then Baidi's cultivation is at least as high as that of the Great Dao Realm. It must be at the late stage of the Great Dao Realm!" Shen Yu said in surprise.

In the late stage of the Great Dao Realm, even if this cultivation base is facing the Great Dao of the Origin Realm, it will not fall behind at all.

More importantly, Baidi has already reached the late stage of the Great Dao Realm, so what about the Primordial Shura King who is stronger than her?

Is the Great Realm Consummated?Or has it surpassed the Great Realm?Shen Yu didn't dare to imagine.

Before, he had always thought that the Immemorial Shura King would be an ordinary Daoist if he died, but now it seems that he underestimated him.

At this moment, Hei Di's dark body slammed down from a high altitude, creating a deep hole in the ground.

This blow was really too heavy. After bearing this blow, Hei Di was already dying and could not get up again.

"Bai... Baidi, please spare me! If you continue to fight like this, my old life will be gone!"

Lying weakly in the deep pit, the black dog begged for mercy.

It knew that it would inevitably get a beating today, but it didn't expect that it would be so hard.

200 billion years have passed, Baidi's violent temper has not changed at all, so he doesn't look like a woman at all?

Of course, it would never dare to say such a thing in front of Bai Di.

Baidi also knew that if the beating continued like this, Heidi might burp, so he didn't continue to hit hard.

She turned her icy gaze to Shen Yu, seeing that Shen Yu was startled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The atrocities committed by the White Emperor just now brought a great psychological shock to Shen Yu. Even though he has now recovered the memory of killing and decisively destroying the Taoist Lord, he still has lingering fears. Sometimes a woman getting angry is much more terrifying than a bloody storm.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Shen Yu smiled coyly: "Bai Di, if you have anything to say, please say it well!"

His intuition told him that Baidi would not attack him, but he couldn't guarantee it either.

Baidi snorted softly, then his body flashed, and he came in front of Shen Yu in the next second. Before Shen Yu and Oguqi could react, Baidi waved his sleeves, and the figures of her and Shen Yu, At the same time, it disappeared in Xuanxin Palace.

Ao Guqi's heart shook, but the dying Hei Di said: "Don't worry, don't look at Bai Di's aggressiveness, but when it comes to loyalty to the master, she is no worse than me, but there are some things that he needs to solve by himself. "

Hearing this, Oguqi breathed a sigh of relief.


"where is this place!"

Shen Yu opened his eyes, looked around, and said to himself with some doubts.

The world he is in now is like a paradise, with gurgling water, flowers everywhere, and white dandelions floating in the air, and the aura is also unusually strong, and Shen Yu is sitting cross-legged under an ancient tree right now. .

As soon as Shen Yu finished speaking, a tall figure landed beside him, then bent his knees and sat side by side with him.

A faint fragrance immediately flooded into Shen Yu's nose.

"This is my small world. Without my permission, outsiders cannot enter or spy on it," Bai Long said lightly.

He glanced sideways, and found that the coldness on Bailong's face had subsided at this moment, replaced by incomparable calm.

Seeing Bailong with such an expression, the anxiety in Shen Yu's heart suddenly disappeared.

He said softly: "I haven't recovered the memory of my first life yet, so I don't know many things, you... can you tell me first, what is the meaning of what Heidi said before, and why are you so mean to me?" resentment."

Bai Long turned her head, staring at Shen Yu with clear eyes, she didn't turn her gaze until she saw Shen Yu until she felt hairy in her heart, and said: "The wound on my body was caused by you. Rested in the forbidden land of Misha for tens of billions of years!"

Bai Long's words made Shen Yu startled and said: "I was injured? Why is that, aren't you my subordinate?"

For this matter, Bailong doesn't seem to have such a deep obsession.

She still said calmly: "When you fought against Wanyuan Daozu, in order not to implicate me and Hei Di, you let us hide temporarily. left.

But I don't trust you, I want to stay with you to deal with Wanyuan Daozu. In desperation, you smashed my body first, then sealed my body and primordial spirit with great supernatural powers, and sent them to the corner of the endless starry sky inside.

Later, the seal was lifted, and you have been lost for 20 billion years. In desperation, I entered this forbidden land of Misha established by the ancient King Shura, and it took tens of billions of years to heal my injuries! "

After listening to Bai Long's words, Shen Yu finally knew why she had such a big resentment towards herself.

Anyone who has been sealed in the endless starry sky for 20 billion years will not have peace of mind!

But Shen Yu also knew that what Bai Long was really angry about was that Shen Yu didn't let her face the powerful enemy with him.

Bailong is not afraid of death, she just wants to be with Shen Yu.

Shen Yu sighed and said: "Although I haven't recovered the memory of my previous life, I still have to make an excuse. The reason why you were injured and sealed back then should be for your own good. Daozu Wanyuan is really too strong! "

Wanyuan Taoist Ancestor is the creator of the Dao!
(End of this chapter)

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