Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1373 Shocking Layout

Chapter 1373 Shocking Layout
"Tai Shang San Ren? Is this the name of my first life?" Shen Yu murmured.

The Primordial King Shura nodded and said: "That's right, speaking of it, I had a pretty good relationship with you back then, otherwise you wouldn't have warned me to leave before the battle with Wanyuan Daozu. Speaking of which, I still owe you one." Favors!

It's just that when you first entered the Misha Forbidden Land, I didn't see that you were the reincarnation of the Supreme Sanren. I guess you were not a reincarnation!I waited until you met Bailong, and I didn't know that it was an old friend who came!
That is to say, after I knew your identity, I realized why the Taishang Sanren let me leave. "

Having said this, the Immemorial King Shura's tone suddenly became resentful.

"This old guy can even count things that happened 200 billion years later in such a fine manner. He is indeed proficient in all mysterious arts and is known as the ancestor of thaumaturgy. Even I have become a pawn in his plan. snort!"

It can be seen that he has a grudge about this matter.But it doesn't seem very resentful.

Shen Yu asked a little puzzled, "What do you mean by that?"

Taikoo Road Builder King said: "Didn't you just ask me why I built the Misha Forbidden Land in the endless starry sky, and why the lawless world exists? I can tell you the truth now, in fact, all these are Taishang Sanren idea."

"It was his idea? Why did he do that?" Shen Yu asked in surprise.

The Primordial King Shura narrowed his eyes and said: "His excuse back then was that the ancestor of Wanyuan Dao had ambitions in the ten thousand realms, and he would never allow a person who could threaten him to exist. I am one such person, and the Taishang Sanren is another one.

After Taishang Sanren died, it was naturally my turn.

At that time, the two of us teamed up, and we might not be the opponent of Wanyuan Daozu. After the death of Taishang Sanren, with my own strength, even if Wanyuan Daozu has been severely injured by Taishang Sanren, I am not his opponent, so I must first hide.

Although the endless starry sky is vast, but with the cultivation of Wanyuan Daozu, if he hides in the endless starry sky, he still cannot escape his pursuit. The only safe place is in the cracks in the void.

There are no traces of the cracks in the void, and they change all the time, and the breath is even more strange. No matter how strong the Wanyuan Taoist ancestor is, it is extremely difficult to find me in the densely packed void cracks.

It is precisely because of this that there is a place called Misha Forbidden Land.

As for the meaning of the existence of the Lawless World, it is actually to maintain the stability of the Misha Forbidden Land.

The void crack is extremely unstable. If it is just a forbidden Misha, even if I control it, it may be accidentally crushed by the void. There must be a world connected to it. The two worlds are the fulcrums of each other. exist in eternity.

And because I am worried that after the monks in the impossible world get the mana, they will be proficient in the laws of space. The world has set rules, people who can't live in the world can only do physical training and cannot practice spells.

Of course, there is another reason. Once people in the lawless world can cast spells, the mana fluctuations are likely to leak out from the cracks in the void, attracting the ancestors of Wanyuan. This is also an important reason why I forbid spells in the lawless world.

I have planned and established the Lawless World and the Misha Forbidden Land to escape Wanyuan Daozu, but until today when you appeared, I realized that everything was in the plan of the Taishang Sanren. The existence of the Misha Forbidden Land and the Lawless World are all waiting for you arrival! "

"What? Wait for me to come?" Shen Yu's heart was shocked.

The Primordial King Shura nodded and said: "That's right, just waiting for your arrival, the Supreme Sanren wants you to accept my inheritance!"

Shen Yu's expression froze, and he said, "Is your physical training inherited?"

The three masters of the ancient times are proficient in three directions respectively, and the Taoist ancestor Wanyuan is proficient in laws, so he can be called the ancestor of laws.

Taishang Sanren is proficient in all kinds of mystic arts, and can be called the ancestor of mystical arts.

And the Primordial King Shura is proficient in physical skills, he can be called the ancestor of physical training.

When the three fought for hegemony back then, Daozu Wanyuan, who was proficient in laws, had the upper hand and won the final victory. So if Taishang Sanren makes a comeback, how can he defeat Daozu Wanyuan?

Going to refine the law is nothing more than standing on the same starting line as Wanyuan Daozu, and 200 billion years have passed, Wanyuan Daozu will not just heal his injuries, he will definitely become stronger, and want to use the law to defeat him, almost impossible.

Therefore, the Taishang Sanren chose another path. Through the time of the tenth life, Shen Yu of the tenth life was proficient in various laws, and then accepted the inheritance of King Shura, proficient in physical skills, and finally inherited the first life, proficient in mysterious techniques .

Combining all the advantages of the three ancient masters into one body, and getting rid of the disadvantages of the Taishang Sanren in the past, only in this way can we win against Wanyuan Daozu.

In other words, Taishang Sanren was suspected of fooling the ancient Shura King to a certain extent. He let the ancient Shura King stay in this forbidden Misha for 200 billion years in order to preserve this inheritance of physical cultivation. Today Pass it on to Shen Yu.

A layout, 200 billion years, the Taishang Sanren even counted the time exactly right, it is really terrifying.

At this moment, Shen Yu finally understood why Daozu Wanyuan was seriously injured and wanted to kill Taishang Sanren.

Although the orthodox dispute between the two is the main cause, the threat posed to him by the Taishang Sanren cannot be ignored.

Although the Taishang Sanren back then was not the opponent of Wanyuan Daozu, but if Taishang Sanren continued to develop, he would not be able to set up a shocking situation and forcibly pull Wanyuan Daozu into his fate to control the fate of Wanyuan Daozu.

It was precisely after realizing this that Daozu Wanyuan launched the great battle impatiently.

It's just that he didn't expect that Taishang Sanren even counted his troubles against him and his own failure.

Although he died, he still set up a shocking situation that spanned 200 billion years.

After 200 billion years, the Taishang Sanren who made a comeback will launch another challenge to Wanyuan Daozu, and this time the challenge is stronger.

However, Shen Yu felt a chill in his heart when he thought that the 200 billion years of concealment of the Primordial Shura King was actually plotted by the Taishang Sanren.

The Taishang Sanren should also be counted!Even if the Primordial King Shura realized that he had been deceived by the Supreme Sanren, he would not kill himself, otherwise all the schemes of the Supreme Sanren would be in vain.

I didn't die in the hands of Wanyuan Dao Patriarch, but died in the hands of King Shura.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu raised his head, secretly glanced at the Primordial King Shura, and found that the other party was looking at him jokingly.

Shen Yu suddenly smiled and said: "That Shura King! All of this has nothing to do with me, it's all the scheme of that fellow Taishang Sanren. You are such a big man, you shouldn't take your anger on me because of this!"

(End of this chapter)

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