Chapter 1384
The Immortal Nirvana Pill is another top-notch elixir, and it is a elixir that only Shen Yu can take to help break through the Dao Realm.

Because the potency of this elixir is too powerful, even the perfect body strength of the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm will never be able to withstand its terrifying potency, so it has the name Undead Nirvana Pill.

If you don't die, you can be nirvana!
Only people like Shen Yu, who have a powerful physical body beyond the Dao Realm, can take this elixir.

Holding the hot immortal Nirvana Pill in his hand, Shen Yu swallowed it in one gulp.

The elixir had just been swallowed into his stomach, and Shen Yu felt as if he had swallowed a burst of fire into his stomach. The extremely powerful medicinal power rushed to his whole body in an instant, and mana power surged from the immortal nirvana elixir non-stop. .

What is contained in this elixir is not aura, but real magic power.

Unfortunately, this is not what I want, what I want is the trace of the Dao.

Only then did Shen Yu think so, and suddenly there were marks all over his body, which had never been so clear before.

The wind blows gently along the traces of the sky and the earth.

The cloud is drifting gently, and the traces of the cloud are driving it.

Shen Yu looked at the top of his head, there were mysterious and unpredictable traces one after another in the sky above his head, very mysterious, it seemed that everything between the heaven and the earth was gathered together and appeared in it.

So many laws of heaven and earth are all seen by myself.

The sky is no longer the sky, the earth is no longer the earth, the stone is no longer a stone, and the mountain is no longer a mountain.

Shen Yu went to grab it empty-handed. At the beginning, those traces seemed to shatter like the moon in the water, and they couldn't be touched at all. Shen Yu was not discouraged, and continued to take it. It can already be taken by oneself.

At this time, Shen Yu suddenly heard a huge thunder in his ears.

This is... Heavenly Tribulation.

Shen Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This avenue is really deliberate!In order to prevent the birth of the Great Dao Realm between heaven and earth, not only countless means were used, but so much energy was spent to set up a catastrophe for breaking through the Great Dao Realm from the Heavenly Dao Saint King Realm.

This is also the last means of the avenue to prevent monks outside the endless starry sky from breaking through to the avenue.

Since this catastrophe is aimed at the consummation of the Heavenly Dao Saint-King Realm, it is naturally extremely powerful. Once you can't overcome it, you will only die or lose your power. The law has been comprehended.

But the person who crossed the catastrophe was Shen Yu. In his first life, even Daozu Wanyuan, the founder of Daoist Dao, was not afraid, let alone the catastrophe established by Daozu created by Daozu Wanyuan. His physical body is also enough to prevent Heavenly Tribulation from hurting him at all.

Boom boom boom!

Tian Jie was roaring, but Shen Yu didn't care too much.

At this time, countless huge wood qi combined to form giant trees, like individual ancient sacred trees, broke through the sky, and slammed towards Shen Yu who was sitting on the cliff with the force of thunder.

"The Great Dao Shenmu Tribulation!"

Shen Yu squinted his eyes. How could he not recognize these giant trees? These giant trees are condensed from the innate wood energy from outside the sky. They are as heavy as a mountain, and their strength is no less than a hundred million catties. Everyone is different in the sky. The Dao Tianjie is the Dao Shenmu Jie.

Not only breaking through the Great Dao Realm, as long as monks above the Saint Realm, they will encounter a catastrophe when they break through the Great Realm. There are five types, Shenmu Jie is one of them.

Generally speaking, the deeper the background, the more powerful the catastrophe it triggers, and the Great Dao Shenmu Tribulation has the word Dao added to the ordinary Shenmu Tribulation, because it will only be faced when it breaks through the Dao realm. The right test, the power is even more terrifying.

No, no, not just the Dao Shenmu Jie.

At this moment, Shen Yu suddenly discovered that there were huge golden knives, golden guns, and golden swords that were [-] meters high in the middle of the giant tree... This is the great way of golden soldiers, which can trigger countless weapons Attack the victim.

These weapons are all condensed from the innate golden energy in the endless starry sky, thick and unbreakable, sharp and unstoppable.

And this catastrophe is not just that, those knives, spears, swords, sticks... are all formed by the condensation of innate golden energy, a single power is extremely terrifying, and they can also be formed into some ancient formations.

For example, at this time, these swords, guns, swords and sticks formed large formations one by one in the void. Some of those large formations looked like ancient divine swords, and some were like great wild formations. These formations were all extraordinary.

In the sky, there are countless fire snakes, fire crows, and fire tigers dancing... These huge flame behemoths, and even majestic generals appeared in the flames, brandishing flame weapons, rushing towards Shen Yu .

This is Dao Vulcan Tribulation!
Also, what is that?
Above the cliff, the ground around Shen Yu also suddenly began to change. Countless earth snakes emerged from the ground. These earth snakes rolled and turned continuously, and the earth snakes rolled billions of earth snakes.

This is Da Daoze Earth Calamity, which is slightly weaker than the previous three Calamities.

But what is that?
At this time, Shen Yu once again saw that there was a huge water god and water general above the sky, and even a huge palace appeared in the void. In this huge palace, there was an extremely noble emperor.

The emperor's demeanor is extraordinary, it seems that the power of the world is in his hands.

That is the shadow of the Water Emperor, the Water Emperor Heavenly Palace.

Between heaven and earth, there is the Great Emperor, who has the power of the Heavenly Palace.

This is the Dao Water Emperor Tribulation!
For tens of billions of years in the Shiyuan Realm, it is not that no one has tried to break through the catastrophe of the Great Dao, but those monks who hit the Dao Realm, the most catastrophe they caused was the Divine Wood Tribulation of the Great Way, which triggered the ultimate emperor-level catastrophe among the five major catastrophes. Never had.

And even if it is the Great Dao Shenmu Tribulation, no one has ever broken through.

How can anyone pass the last hurdle set by the avenue?

Shen Yu also never imagined that when he broke through the Great Dao Realm, there would be such an emperor-level catastrophe as the Great Dao Water Emperor Tribulation. This kind of calamity is the early stage of the Great Dao Realm, no, even the middle stage of the Great Dao Realm may not be able to withstand it.

Royal catastrophe!This is simply impossible to appear normally, and it is unexpected that it will appear now.

The Dao Shenmu Tribulation, the Dao Jinbing Tribulation, the Dao Vulcan Tribulation, the Dao Zetu Tribulation, and the last Dao Water Emperor Tribulation.

The legendary five calamities all appeared together.

The first four are already extremely terrifying catastrophes, and the last one is even higher than the first four.

This is an emperor-level catastrophe that has never occurred in the tens of billions of years of history of the origin world.

(End of this chapter)

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