Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1390 Strange 77

Chapter 1390 Strange Qiqi
With deep doubts, Shen Yu flew in front of the little girl's terrified eyes in an instant.

Shen Yu looked down at the little girl curled up next to the boulder, and asked indifferently: "Who are you?"

It's not that Shen Yu is bullying the little girl. Although this little girl looks pitiful, she also has a good cultivation. Her realm has reached the ninth level of the real fairyland, and she is only one step away from the golden fairyland.

It is definitely not easy for Jiuzhong, the real fairyland, to appear in front of the Buried Soul Canyon alone at such an age.

Hearing Shen Yu's question, the little girl exclaimed: "My lord, please, don't kill me, please!"

Shen Yu frowned and said, "I didn't intend to kill you, I just wanted to ask you, who are you and why are you here!"

Hearing this, the little girl's fear subsided a little, then she still looked at Shen Yu curiously with a little fear in her eyes, and asked, " really won't kill me?"

In the past, if the other party was so verbose, even a little girl, Shen Yu would already be impatient, but now Shen Yu is already at the Great Realm, her temper is far from what it used to be, at least she is much more patient.

He smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry! I have no grievances with you, how could I kill you?"

The little girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a waxy voice, " name is Qiqi, and I have been living in the Burial Soul Canyon. I am really hungry today, so I want to go to the Burial Soul Canyon to find something to eat. , I really didn't mean to watch you kill those four ghosts!"

After hearing what the little girl named Qi Qi said, Shen Yu frowned slightly.

Looking for food in Burying Soul Canyon?It's full of little ghosts wandering around the edge of the netherworld, what food can there be?
Besides, for such a young girl, whose cultivation base has not yet reached the Golden Fairyland, isn't it courting death to enter the Buried Soul Canyon?
Thinking of this, Shen Yu asked suspiciously: "Qiqi is right! Why did you go to the Buried Soul Valley to find food? Although your cultivation is not very strong, you left here and went to the area where people in the world live to find food. It shouldn't be a big problem to eat!"

Qiqi's expression darkened slightly, and she said, "Qiqi is not used to eating those things in Yangjian. Even if she eats them, it's useless. She's still very hungry. Only the ice crystal ore in Burying Soul Canyon and Nether Valley can satisfy her hunger."

"You need to eat ice crystal ore to satisfy your hunger?"

Now Shen Yu was really shocked, there are still people in this world who need to eat cryolite to satisfy their hunger, this is too unbelievable.

Cryolite is extremely rare, and it is a precious ore that can only be bred in the Netherworld and those close to the Netherworld. This kind of ore needs to absorb extremely rich Yin Qi to form, so it is also called ghost stone.

Cryolite is an excellent material for refining some magical weapons with cold attributes, and it is also an excellent auxiliary product for the cultivation of Nether creatures. It is similar to the crystal stone, the common currency of the Origin Realm, and is extremely precious in the Nether Realm.

Qiqi nodded, and then said aggrievedly: "Actually, I don't know why, obviously I am different from those guys in the Netherworld, but I eat normal food but it is useless, I can only eat cryolite.

However, cryolite is an extremely precious thing in the Netherworld. Qiqi's cultivation base is limited, and he is not a creature of the Netherworld, so it is difficult to enter the Netherworld to find ice crystals to eat, so he can only sneak into the Burial Soul Canyon from time to time to find some of different quality. Tall cryolite to eat! "

Shen Yu pondered for a moment, and then asked again: "Although your cultivation base is not high, but you have reached the ninth floor of the True Wonderland, even if you don't eat for thousands of years, you won't feel hungry! Why do you always feel hungry? ?”

Qi Qi shook her head, and said: "I don't know, anyway, as long as I don't eat cryolite for more than a month, I will feel weak all over. It has been 20 days since the last time I ate cryolite, so I... "

It seemed that he was hungry again, and there was nothing he could do about it, so he wanted to enter Burying Soul Canyon to find something to eat, and that's when he met himself.

Shen Yu is very interested in this little girl named Qi Qi, she also needs to eat in the real fairyland, and also needs to eat cryolite, and most importantly, he didn't even perceive her existence just now, all this proves that, This Qi Qi is not simple.

Shen Yu slowly came to Qiqi, and said softly: "Can I visit your physique?"

Qi Qi froze for a moment, then nodded in a daze.

Although she was young, since Shen Yu just let out a soft snort and killed four little ghosts from the Immortal Realm, she knew that the young man in front of her was very strong, at least not something she could beat.

Although she has the cultivation base of the ninth floor of the real fairyland, she is not good at fighting, and she can't even beat the ninth floor of the heavenly fairyland.

Shen Yu didn't care about the thoughts in Qiqi's mind, he stepped forward, put his hand on Qiqi's forehead, and then a trickle of magic power poured into Qiqi's body, instantly flowing all over Qiqi's body. All the meridians in her body.

"What a pure body, there is no trace of filth in the body, no wonder you want to eat cryolite!" Shen Yu thought to himself.

After the magic power circulated in Qiqi's body, Shen Yu realized that this little girl's body was so pure, as if it was the water of innate nature, not even a little dirt from the world.

What kind of physique is this?
Shen Yu pondered for a long time, but still didn't understand that even among the hundred kinds of physiques on the physique list, none of them matched this kind of physique.

"System, what kind of physique is this?" Shen Yu secretly asked the system.

Rarely, the system was also difficult to reach, after hesitating for a long time, the system said: "Actually... I don't really know, but the host can keep her by his side, and after recovering the memory of the first life, maybe he will know!
And I have an inexplicable feeling that this little girl might be very important to you in the future! "

"My lord, can... is it okay?"

At this time, Qi Qi looked at Shen Yu with some fear and said.

Shen Yu came back to his senses, and smiled slightly: "Well, Qi Qi! Aren't you hungry? How about following me from now on? Follow me, and I can give you inexplicable cryolite!"

After listening to Shen Yu's words, Xiao Qiqi almost drooled.

She looked at Shen Yu anxiously and said: "My lord, is what you said true? With you by my side, I won't have to go hungry?"

Shen Yu nodded, and said: "Of course it's true, don't you believe in my strength? I'm going to Burial Soul Canyon just now, so you can go in with me! I'll let you eat as much as you want, how about it, have the guts ?"

Qiqi hurriedly nodded and said: "Qiqi's intuition tells Qiqi that the lord is a trustworthy person, so Qiqi will go with the lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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