Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1395 Entering the Netherworld

Chapter 1395 Entering the Netherworld

"Hmph, just a seventh-level ghost general scares you into such a state, so useless!" Lingxi said disdainfully.

For the current Lingxi, the seventh-level ghost general can kill the opponent with just a few breaths.

The Poison Fire Ghost King shrank his neck and did not continue to speak. No matter whether Lingxi can beat a seventh-level ghost general, he will never be able to beat Lingxi. Now that Lingxi controls his life and death, he must listen to Lingxi Xi's.

"Okay, let's go down! Try not to disturb the masters of the Netherworld, it's best to go in quietly!" Shen Yu said.

Lingxi asked suspiciously: "Father, with our strength, we don't need to be afraid of those so-called masters in the Netherworld, right? Why do we have to sneak in and just go in through the main entrance?"

Shen Yu shook his head and said: "We went in to find the secrets of the ten great races of the sky. The existence of the Nether Realm is of great significance to maintaining the balance of the entire Origin Realm, so we should not cause too many killings in the Nether Realm gone."

If they enter from the front, Shen Yu and Lingxi don't know how many ghosts in the Netherworld they will kill. There are more than billions of ghost soldiers and generals in the Netherland of Nuoda. It is not right to force the ten emperors to show up an easy job.

Lingxi nodded half-understood, and then the four of them slowly fell from the sky and arrived at the head of the bridge of death.

"Stop, the front is my nether world, outsiders are not allowed to trespass!"

As soon as the four of Shen Yu landed at the head of the Xiangsheng Bridge, the four seventh-level ghost generals guarding the Xiangsheng Bridge flew forward and came in front of them.

After all, they are seventh-level ghost generals, and they are also famous and powerful in the Netherworld. Whether it is these four ghost generals or the group of ghost soldiers behind them, they are not comparable to the rabble like the Poison Fire Ghost King.

After this group of ghost soldiers and generals from the Netherworld came before Shen Yu, all of them looked solemn, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

They are very clear that the people who can come here so freely and quietly are by no means ordinary.

Shen Yu smiled lightly and said: "I am the Heavenly Emperor of the Origin Realm, and I want to go to the Nether Realm to find something!"

Hearing Shen Yu's self-report, a seventh-level ghost general in the lead frowned slightly, stepped forward, cupped his hands and said: "My Nether Realm has never received monks from the Origin Realm, Your Excellency, please leave! "

Hearing this, Shen Yu shook his head helplessly. It seemed that it was impossible to enter the Netherworld peacefully.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu's heart moved, and the head of the Xiangsheng Bridge suddenly became ghostly, and the cold breath spread all over the banks of the Huangquan River.

The expressions of the four ghost soldiers and generals who were already extremely vigilant suddenly changed drastically.

This aura reminded them of the horror of the top ten emperors in the Netherworld. Could it be that the emperor has descended!

Hiding behind Shen Yu, afraid of being recognized by the four seventh-level ghost generals, the poisonous fire ghost king was almost scared to pee.

"Everyone, be careful, there are strong...uh..."

The leader of the seventh-level ghost general hadn't finished speaking, as if he had stopped, and stood there with a dull expression, unable to say a word, and the same was true for the other ghost soldiers and ghost generals. It will seem to be completely controlled in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a black and white impermanent figure slowly appeared in midair.

Then the two ghosts floated in front of Shen Yu, bowed and saluted: "Black and white have nothing to see before His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

The ones who made the attack just now were of course black and white impermanence. They were originally creatures from the underworld, and now that their cultivation bases have reached the half-step Dao, it would be effortless to deal with a few seventh-level ghost generals whose cultivation bases are only at the Promise Realm.

Shen Yu nodded, and then asked: "Are these guys okay?"

Bai Wuchang smiled sadly and said: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, it's okay, they are only temporarily controlled by our soul-controlling method that is specially designed to deal with the creatures of the underworld, as long as we let go of the restraint, they will return to normal."

At this time, the Poison Fire Ghost King finally came to his senses, and took a sneak peek at Black and White Impermanence.

It didn't matter what he saw, and he was frightened all of a sudden.

These two black and white impermanence bowed to Shen Yu, and their auras were so terrifying, no worse than the emperor he had once glanced at from afar.

Who is this Shen Yu, and why is there such a powerful underworld master by his side.

"Ghost King Poison Fire, let me ask you, where do you need to go if you want to find the souls of the ancestors of the ten great races in the Origin Realm?"

Just when Poison Fire Ghost King was secretly surprised, Shen Yu's voice rang in his ears again.

The Poison Fire Ghost King came back to his senses, and he didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly replied: "My lord, I don't know what ancestor souls of the ten great heavenly races you are looking for, but if they were masters before they were alive, you should go to Find the unknown judge, he will know."

Shen Yu frowned and said, "Unnamed Judge? Who is that?"

The Poison Fire Ghost King said: "The Nameless Judge is in charge of the personnel transfer of the entire Nether Realm. Almost all the monks whose cultivation level was above the Promise Realm in their lifetime will be resettled by the Nameless Judge after they enter the Nether Realm.

Because of his special status, he stays on the No.18th floor, the deepest layer in the Netherworld. However, the nameless judge is quite outstanding. He should be regarded as a master in the Netherworld after the top ten emperors. Prepare. "

Shen Yu nodded and said: "In that case, then go find this unknown judge! Poison Fire Ghost King, you lead the way!"

The ancestors of the ten great heavenly races were all decent people, and their cultivation had at least reached the realm of the Heavenly Dao Saint King. With their cultivation during their lifetime, they would definitely be entrusted with important tasks in the Netherworld after death, so they asked the unknown judge That's right.

Although the Xiangsheng Bridge stretched for hundreds of miles, Shen Yu and the others passed it quickly.

Black and White Impermanence used the soul-controlling method as usual to control the ghost soldiers and generals guarding the entrance of the Netherworld. Although the ghost soldiers and generals here are stronger than those on the bridge of death, the leader is even an eighth-level ghost general. , but it is still not enough to see in the face of black and white impermanence.

"Is this the entrance to the Netherworld? It really looks dark!" Shen Yu narrowed his eyes.

The entrance to the Netherworld in front of you is a black gate with a height of [-] meters and a width of tens of meters. There are countless hideous ghost faces carved on the gate. There is a lot of yin energy seeping out from behind the gate, which makes people shudder.

After looking at the door for a while, Shen Yu cleared his throat and said, "Let's go! Let's go directly to the eighteenth floor!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission: Find the mystery of the top ten heavenly race seals!"

"Mission rewards: three chances for true awakening, one chance for native bloodline awakening, and 5000 billion faith points!"

Just when Shen Yu was about to step into the gate of the Netherworld, a systematic voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Seeing that the rewards for this mission are quite generous this time, wouldn't the mission go so smoothly?
(End of this chapter)

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