Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 14 The Girl Han Yue

Chapter 14 The Girl Han Yue
The most depressing one is Shen Yu, he used the most body quenching liquid, Zhang Sanfeng also opened a small stove for him alone, explaining the "Taixuan Jing" and "Yi Jin Jing", but he has only managed to achieve it until now. Practicing one level of qi made him extremely depressed.

Could it be that his talent is really so bad that he is not even as good as a bandit?
At this time, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly sent a voice transmission to Shen Yu: "Master, several people came up from Yuxu Peak, all of them are immortal cultivators!"

Shen Yu froze for a moment, then got up and said to the disciples in the hall: "You guys practice first, and Elder Sanfeng and I will go out for a while.

"Haha, you two little guys from Cangnan College, keep running! Why don't you run away?"

Less than 50 meters away from the top of Yuxu Peak, Shen Qianjun jokingly looked at Han Yue and Xu Jun who were lying on the ground.

Han Yue and Xu Jun were already seriously injured. Shen Qianjun slapped each of their left shoulders, leaving a deep palm print. Even though he was overwhelmed, Shen Qianjun still caught up with him.

Looking at Shen Qianjun who was slowly approaching, Han Yue said angrily: "Shen Qianjun, you bastard, the General's Mansion and Cangnan College will not spare you."

Shen Qianjun folded his arms in front of his chest, and said with an evil smile indifferently: "It is said that Han Yue, the little princess of the General's Mansion, is extremely beautiful, lively and lovely, and is one of the three beauties of my Great Xia Kingdom. It’s a well-deserved reputation! It seems that I have a lot of good luck, I can have a good time today, hahaha..."

Seeing Shen Qianjun's complacent look, Han Yue's heart was full of deep sorrow. Could it be that she was really going to be ruined by this beast?
Shen Qianjun has an extraordinary talent for cultivating immortals. He has reached the seventh level of Qi training before he was 25 years old. He is also among the top disciples of Wuliangzong's inner disciples, but this person's character and appearance are not flattering. Not to mention, many of the female disciples of Wuliangzong's outer sects and women from good families within Wuliangzong's sphere of influence were ruined by him.

His appearance is even more ugly, and none of his facial features are normal. It is said that during cultivation, he became obsessed and became such a ghost. If he was ruined by such a person, Han Yue felt that he would die early Well, she has decided that, as a last resort, she will kill herself.

"Haha, little beauty, just follow me!"

Shen Qianjun gave an evil laugh, and was about to pounce on Han Yue, who showed a hint of despair on Han Yue's face.

Because of the serious injuries on his body, Xu Jun was lying on the ground unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as his junior sister who was close at hand was insulted by Shen Qianjun.

But at this moment, Shen Qianjun's back suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and his heart suddenly became alert.

This was the instinctive vigilance against danger that he had developed after many battles over the years.

He didn't know why he felt this way at this moment, but there was no doubt that there were things around him that could threaten his safety.

Shen Qianjun took out the black long knife on his back, and his body surged with qi, like a wolf, looking around vigilantly with his sinister eyes.

After a while, his expression froze slightly, and he asked in a cold voice: "Who are you?"

About 20 meters in front of Shen Qianjun, on a huge rock, Shen Yu was sitting there with great interest, watching what happened in front of him, standing behind him was Zhang Sanfeng with a whisk in his hand and a kind face.

Hearing Shen Qianjun's words, Shen Yu chuckled lightly and said, "Go ahead, don't worry about me, I'm here to watch a show! I've never seen a live action blockbuster before!"

Of course, Shen Qianjun understood Shen Yu's words, and he said with a gloomy expression: "Boy, you are quite courageous, you dare to provoke me, do you know who I am? I am in a good mood today, if I don't kill you, hurry up Get out, or I'll crush you to death."

Shen Qianjun, who has cultivated as high as the seventh level of Qi training, can naturally tell that Shen Yu is only at the first level of Qi training, and he is not his opponent at all. He is still a little strange now. Where did the sense of crisis come from just now? here.

Could it be the old man behind the real boy?

But this old man didn't have any fluctuations of true energy, he was just an ordinary person through and through, how could he make himself feel a sense of crisis?

At this time, Han Yue, who was lying on the ground, holding the hilt tightly in her hand, was about to commit suicide, when she heard a strange voice, she opened her eyes.

It's just that when he saw Shen Yu, he felt a little disappointed. This young man was quite handsome, but his cultivation was only at the level of Qi training, and he was not as good as himself. How could he save himself? She also directly ignored Zhang Sanfeng.

Xu Jun's face was full of despair. He thought that he might be saved, but he didn't expect to see two trashes, one old and one young, in front of him.

Shen Qianjun's words made Shen Yu a little dissatisfied, he curled his lips and said: "This is my territory, you do some shameful things here, I didn't interfere with you, you don't know how to be grateful, and dare to scold me, are you Aren't you tired of living?"

Shen Yu had already heard from Zhang Sanfeng that the ugly man in front of him was only at the seventh level of Qi training, and he was not Zhang Sanfeng's opponent at all, so he was afraid of it.

There was a hint of surprise on Shen Qianjun's face, and he couldn't help laughing and said: "Boy, are you okay! You said this is your territory, and you said I was tired of working? It seems that you really don't know, Who are you facing now?"

Han Yue, who was temporarily freed from Shen Qianjun's entanglement, couldn't help persuading: "Young master, this person is Shen Qianjun, an inner disciple of Wuliangzong, and he is very powerful. You should leave quickly, and don't give up your life in vain. .”

Shen Yu glanced at Han Yue who was not far away in surprise, this girl was kind-hearted, she had fallen into such a dangerous situation, yet she knew how to think of others.

However, Xu Jun was complaining to Han Yue in his heart at this time. At this time, she still wanted to think about others and let the old and young in front of her temporarily stop Shen Qianjun. Don't they still have a chance to escape?

When Shen Qianjun heard Han Yue's words, he immediately looked at her with a ferocious expression, and said viciously: "At this time, if you still care about others, you should worry about yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to Shen Yu, and said murderously: "Boy, I don't care who you are, but I have already given you a chance to live, since you don't cherish it, then I will finish you! In the next life, remember not to meddle in other people's business, and die!"

After the words fell, the long knife in Shen Qianjun's hand was filled with black true energy, his figure was like a ghost, and he slashed towards Shen Yu.

Shen Yu sighed in a low voice: "Hey, people in this world! Why don't you know how to cherish your own life?"

(End of this chapter)

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