Myth's Strongest Summoning

Chapter 1407 Siege of the Avenue

Chapter 1407 Siege of the Avenue

After arranging the affairs of the Shiyuan Realm, Shen Yu took Qiqi, Heidi, Dongfang Linglong, Shen Wanqing, Pangu, Aoguqi, Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, Yunxiao, Lingxi, and Tongtian Jiaozhu, eleven great masters of the Great Dao Realm, to go. Endless starry sky away.

All 12 people sat on the body of the Ice Crystal Nether Phoenix, and it took only a few hours for them to rush out of the Shiyuan Realm.

This time he went to the endless starry sky, Shen Yu only wanted to defeat Wanyuan Daozu for one thing.

Of course, before that, he must first defeat the Dao of all worlds, and then obtain the inheritance of the Supreme Sanren, and completely break through to the realm of the Creator God, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for him to defeat the Daozu of Wanyuan.

Above the head of the ice crystal You Mingfeng, Shen Yu and Qi Qi stood side by side, in front of them was the boundless dark starry sky.

"Qi Qi, you are the master of the Netherworld, you are invincible in the Netherworld, why do you have to be reincarnated every billion years?" Shen Yu asked.

Qiqi is a half-step creator god. With her cultivation base, even the Grand Dao of the Origin Realm can't do anything to her, and in a gloomy place like the Netherworld, Qiqi occupies the ground, and her combat power is even stronger than that of the outside world. Countless times.

Under the situation of Wanyuan Daozu retreating, who can force her to reincarnate continuously?

Qiqi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly: "Actually, I am also an ancient creature, probably the strongest among the ancient creatures that survived the battle between Taishang Sanren and Wanyuan Daozu back then!

Because of my special attributes, I can completely cover up my aura and hide underground, so I escaped that catastrophe.

After Wanyuan Daozu established the Dao, he retreated to heal his wounds, and I reappeared in this world and founded the Nether World!

The nether world is a part of maintaining the normal operation of the world, and it exists in every world, but compared to other ruled worlds, the origin world is too powerful, so its nether world is bound to be extraordinary.

It was precisely because I saw this that I took the lead in creating the Nether Realm before the Origin Realm Avenue established the Nether Realm. This is a huge merit, and it will be of great help to my future practice.

After I founded the Nether Realm, the Dao of the Origin Realm also let those people under it organize attacks many times in an attempt to destroy the Nether Realm. Unfortunately, I was defeated one by one, and they gave up in desperation.

But I know that one day Wanyuan Daozu will leave the customs, and I will be in great trouble at that time, so I have to prepare early.

Although I am an ancient creature with strong talent, but the upper limit has been fixed, and I have no hope of breaking through to the God of Creation in my life, so I spent billions of years looking for a way to break through the bottleneck. Finally, this method was adopted ten billion years ago. I found it! "

Shen Yu's expression froze, and he asked curiously: "What method?"

This time, Shen Yu was really curious about what method could allow the primordial beings to have the potential to break through to the God of Creation.

You must know that in this ancient era, only Wanyuan Daozu, Taishang Sanren, and Immemorial Shura King were in the God Realm of Creation.

In Shen Yu's perception, the primordial beings are extremely gifted, but their talents have been fixed since they were born.

Qiqi said: "It's a fairy art that was born in the ancient times and was buried in the ruins. Through reincarnation, you can continuously improve your own physique until your own physique reaches the level where you can break through to the God of Creation!"

The Primordial Era was an era of miracles. In that era, not only the primordial beings were born, but also many innate treasures and innate fairy arts. Many innate treasures in the helpless world were brought by the Primordial King Shura.

These treasures born between heaven and earth all have incomparably mysterious and miraculous features, so it's not surprising that Qi Qi can obtain such a skill.

No wonder when Shen Yu checked her body before, he found that this girl's physique was as flawless as white jade, it seemed that it all benefited from that nameless fairy art!

Shen Yu continued to ask: "I saw your physique before, and it has almost reached the point of perfection. Do you already have the capital to attack the God of Creation?"

Qiqi nodded and said: "Yes, this time I went to the endless starry sky, one is to help you, thank you for saving your life, and the other is to try to break through to the God of Creation. Impossible to break through!"

Just like what Situ Canglan said, there seems to be a lack of power in the Shiyuan Realm, and no monk can break through to the Creation God Realm.


While Shen Yu was on his way to the deepest part of the endless starry sky, a world-shattering battle was erupting in front of the black hole where the Dao of the Origin Realm was located.

The two sides of the war, one side is the world avenue of the major rules headed by the Shiyuanjie avenue, and the other side is Situ Canglan and Bailong.

Dozens of avenues in the ruled world have turned into blurred figures at this moment, fighting Situ Canglan and Bailong in human form.

Situ Canglan and Dao Dao of the Shiyuan Realm met palms, and countless stars around them shattered, and the flames shone, and the two retreated hundreds of steps at the same time.

Shiyuanjie Dao stabilized his figure, looked at Situ Canglan, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

A few days ago, the avenues of the Shiyuan Realm finally found the avenues of the major ruled worlds, and came to the endless starry sky above the Shiyuan Realm. Origin world.

But at this moment, they met the white dragon who summoned the starry sky behemoth in the endless starry sky.

The moment they saw Bailong, many avenues recognized her identity.

This is an ancient creature, and it is an ancient creature of the Great Dao Realm.

The Dao of the Heavens and the World, which has never allowed other Dao realms to exist outside of the Dao, immediately launched a siege on Bailong.

One is to eliminate this threat, and the other is that if you can get the bodies of the ancient creatures, it will also be of great benefit to their practice, especially the Dao of the Origin Realm who wants to break through to the God of Creation.

Dozens of avenues with complete rules of the world launched a siege against Bailong for several days. Seeing that Bailong could no longer hold on, at this moment, another Situ Canglan suddenly came out, which surprised all avenues.

Situ Canglan's strength shocked them deeply. Even the Dao of Shiyuan Realm, which is the strongest among all the avenues, can't gain the slightest advantage in her hands, and even has a faint tendency to be suppressed.

A white dragon in the late stage of the Great Dao Realm is already difficult enough, and now there is another Situ Canglan who is in the perfect Dao Realm, which makes Zhutian Dao a headache, and for a while, the two sides fell into a tug of war again.

Situ Canglan did not answer the words of the Dao of the Origin Realm, but glanced at the other party with disdain, and then said: "The Dao of the Origin Realm? That's all, I thought you were so strong, huh!"

Hearing the words, the Dao of Shiyuan Realm immediately burst out with an extremely strong evil spirit.

No one has ever dared to speak to himself like that!
(End of this chapter)

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